Are deadlifts a meme? Asking for a friend.
Are deadlifts a meme? Asking for a friend
no just dont fuck yourself up
Yes, that's why they're recommended by everyone from strength coaches to bodybuilders to world class strongmen and powerlifters.
Deadlifts is the fastest way to snap city.
Nice dubs.
The most important thing with the dlift is everything starts and stops at the same time. Shoulders, knees, hips all stop at the same time, otherwise you end up using too much back, or pulling the bar more than pushing down the floor.
Fucking how can anyone injure himself on deadlift
Your back is just as important as your core, just make just you learn proper form first
nobody gives a shit about your 3 plate DL, try lifting some real DLs and then you'll know why
People thinking they're stronger than they are/not taking it seriously
Well most gym bros are completely autistic and overload their deadlift with more weight that they can handle, and push themselves through it to set a PR noone gives a shit about
ego lifts
Most ppl on Jow Forums are like that. They will have terrible over lifts but claim a 4 plate dl
how can you even do 3 plate without the bar leaning to one side
If you're not deadlifting then you have to do 3 different exercises to achieve the same thing
by using a wide over under over grip with a friend :)
>gives you wide hips
nothing personel kid
why does this thread appear here every day? why dont newbies want to dl?
>3 different exercises
explain yourself
Serious question to diddy fanatics: Why not just suggest the Jefferson lift to beginners? It's practically impossible to screw up
a glute ham exercise, an upper back exercise, and a grip exercise
a pull up can kinda give you the last 2 but you can never reach the same weights on a pull up
im scared of snaptown
Go light then and don't go to failure
Because why wouldn't beginners learn a proper deadlift? You retarded prick.
No, they're not a meme. It's one of the best functional exercises.
Retard. Spinal erectors and lower back are some of the most important muscles that you can't get doing almost anything else.
nice fearmongering
post body
Yeah my bad, I kinda included lower back with glute ham in my mind just because I always train them together
not the correct situation for the usage of "post body"
>retarded prick
Calm down roidrage.
>Because why wouldn't beginners learn a proper deadlift?
Because you can make the same gains with safer alternatives (yes, spinal erectors and lower back too). Personally I enjoy hitting diddy PRs enough to keep doing them, but if you aren't a powerlifter and you prefer other lifts, there's absolutely no reason to do them.
Heavy lifts boost your testosterone. There's not a single exercise in which you can lift as much weight as the deadlift
Why should I care?
It should be mandatory for anyone making any claim related to lifting or diet to post body anyway.
>x gives you wide hips
Fucking bone structure&bodyfat % gives you wide hips.
>Yes, that's why they're recommended by everyone from strength coaches to bodybuilders to world class strongmen and powerlifters.
Arnold hates them, called them stupid. You got BTFO.
Deadlifting works out your back obliques. Having large back obliques gives you wider hips.
>It should be mandatory for anyone making any claim related to lifting or diet to post body anyway.
>any food critic should post their 5 star dish
the only people i have ever seen do or recommend deadlifts are fat or dyel so na
>majority of experts recommend a certain lift
>1 roided up idiot talking out of his ass says it sucks
hmmm who has better judgement
Not him but why is wide hips bad? Most chicks tend to like guys with some ass
I will repeat, having wide hip bones and narrow/average shoulders gives you wide hips
>back obliques
Really nigga?
>any food critic should post their 5 star dish
No but food critics usually are expected to have knowledge on the subject of gourmet cuisine
I can put a piece of salami on mouldy bread, eat it and call it the best dish of all time. That technically makes me a food critic but my opinion would be worthless and objectively wrong.
It's a retarded analogy anyway.
ass =/= hips
post your hips breh
These are wide hips
Narrow hips = juicy ass is the high test male combo
>ask him to post body first
>n-no you..!
wide birthing hips confirmed.
When I first started i gave myself hemorrhoids from deadlifting
at this point you just have to transition
your mom wished she could have hips like me so her child would be born non-retarded
I love deadlifts, they are great for legs, core, back & forearms.
I think that people just often over do it with volume or warm up ineffectively.
5’8” 185 lbs, best deadlift was 495 no belt no straps.
woah dude you better stop doing deadlifts!
look at your wide hips you literally look like a woman!
...exercises that you should already be doing in the first place, whether you deadlift or not.
>twitter filename
I don't get it either. Do people actually lift shit with their back?
3 per side
pretty sure that's a FTM tranny
no guy can be this unlucky
>d-doesn't count!
are you that much in denial?
>almost shoulder height with the door knob
sure buddy
>post hips
>posts some other guy
I wish I had a body like him desu. Though I am about his height
Kill yourself
>I wish I didn't have wide feminine hips unlike this guy I posted
Imagine lifting recreationally and causing significant damage to your body. Fuck lifting heavy.
Arnold is a democrat. I wouldn't listen to much of what he says.
Damn user, my masculinity is shattered! How will I ever recover?
My original point was that if you have wide hip bones you'll have wide hips no matter the exercises you do.
Now you're not even presenting any points/arguments and only trying to insult me.
I guess I'd rather have wide hips than double digit IQ to be honest. Sorry about that buddy
>My original point was that if you have wide hip bones you'll have wide hips no matter the exercises you do.
Sure but is irrelevant to the original point If you don't have wide hip bones then by working your exterior obliques and glutes it gives you wider hips.
You will have wider hips if you deadlift than if you did not deadlift.
Can you deduce whether or not this guy does deadlifts?
Are bigger obliques and glutes really that much of a problem when you don't have narrow shoulders? Since when are big muscles considered feminine?
Even if you do have narrow shoulders, doesn't training legs and core cause the illusion of having powerful lower body and instead making people focus on muscle instead of bone structure?
I can't believe I'm talking about incel shit like this, Jesus fucking save me
He doesn't because you're trying to make some kind of point.
Well you should know that he isn't natural.
Using the same detective skills to deduce the juice?
want to detect my juice from my balls?
The Deadlift™ is just a compound exercise that saves you time at the gym and teaches you how to lift heavy things off the ground. It doesn't mean you can't achieve the same hypertrophy using other exercises.
Hey there's no need for such bad language.
>Female jackets in the back
>Female body
No issue. But spinal erectors and lower back are not to be forgotten. Very important.
Shut up faggot. Deadlifts are very safe, especially if you're using bitch weight, which you probably are. There's no reason to do them if you're lifting for looks alone but if you're interested in strength (not necessarily powerlifting) then they're a must.
Shut your faggot mouth.
that's a tranny, right?
One bar in the middle
Have 2 bars on the right side because that's your dominant hand.
He’s also OLD.
> can't hook grip without slipping
> don't want to tear a bicep with mixed grip
> don't want to cheat with straps
> overhand grip is 50% of my mixed grip 1rm
Why does life contain so much suffering?
Straps are not cheating if you're not competing
Do you want to train your grip? Do as much weight as you can strapless. Do you want to train everything else? Use straps. You can do all the warmups strapless and straps for working sets. Shit man, figure it out. You don't go to the gym to compete, you go to get stronger
I refuse to use straps, but not because I'm elitist. I value grip strength. Just think, what do you hope to achieve by training?
His biceps are still attached so I'd say no.
Does deadlifts hurt biceps? Never heard this.
is it possible to deadlift with dumbells? my gym lacks a long bar
Have some good obliques
switch gyms srsly
>my gym lacks a long bar
are you sure it's a gym and not your bedroom? but yes you could, just place them at your sides and pick them up that way
It's a gym, sadly. A small one attached to my building but still a gym technically. Im looking at a few gyms around me to switch to. Maybe ill just be a retard and go to a Crunch or Planet fitness or some shit
Holy shit this is real?
Why are you so weak and gay and afraid for? Literally just use a trap bar to practice
Yes but youre not supposed to
Youre retarded if you manage to tear a bicep
Be sure to keep your back neutral
>overhand grip is 50% of my mixed grip 1rm
how? I injured my left hand so my double overhand is down a fair bit now but when I could pull 250kg I could double overhand 220
If you try to curl it.
Why would you do that?
Wrong cues? Same reason why you'd project your shoulders benching or doing any exercise wrong.
if you have tight biceps and sort of 'bounce' the bar as you lock out it can tear the muscle or pop a bicep tendon
it's rare but it does happen, often in strongman competitions when you've done a carrying event or stones beforehand (they're very taxing on your biceps)
>Spinal erectors and lower back are some of the most important muscles that you can't get doing almost anything else.
Squats. Front and back.
Does using chalk when deadlifting hinder grip gainz in any way? I have what I would consider a weak grip, and I have a lot of issues dropping 3 plates with even mixed group. but when I use chalk I have no problems with grip strength whatsoever and can generally pull over 4 fairly easily than if I went without.