Hunter eyes

hunter eyes

Attached: hunter eyes.jpg (2319x2319, 388K)


Can we ban r9k lookism fags from fit?

>hunter eyes

eurotrash slav eyes.

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chinaman eyes

No brow bone = look asian / finnish
You cant have hunter eyes without prominent glabella

r8 mine

these folds over his eyes are from years of being a social outcast

I'm retarded

Attached: hoonter oys.jpg (526x171, 20K)

just looks like you squint

pretty averafe for a white boy, youre too pale to pull off blue eyes


this beard is top tier

cope harder niggerr

Attached: ahem.png (1000x1000, 216K)

thats not a slav, thats a russian mongoloid
russians arent slavs despite what they claim

You just jelly Tyron.

hey fit do i have hunter eyes, excuse my shitty face my brother died recently

Attached: 7688767.jpg (299x168, 7K)

yo we have the same eyes, are u Caucasian by any chance bro?

Attached: 7009614-madara-uchiha-sharingan.jpg (1920x1080, 147K)

why do you look finnish and inbred at the same time

lamo at that pussyniggers

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awww youre that mad that you have to samepost three times? im not male or black, you just look like your DNA is 90% mayo

thank u next

Mirin eye color

t. mutt
Fuck off back to Jow Forums you sad cunt.

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post body and face

>too pale to pull off blue eyes
>blue eyes are a WHITE people trait

Yeah, I'm sure your black ass would look much better with blue eyes right? Lol

Hunter eyes

Attached: download (2).jpg (225x225, 8K)