How is this any different from fat people whining about being fat?
Unless you have some kind of physical deformity or are a 0/10, you are just making excuses for yourself like a fucking crybaby.
Other urls found in this thread:
When you're fat, you eat less calories and exercise regularly. What the fuck do you do when you're depressed and don't find joy in anything and thus can't develop actual hobbies
My post was aimed at incels, not robots.
You're right OP, you're absolutely right.
Mental health problems, personality disorders, autism. It's the exactly the same thing as consuming a poor diet, too many calories and not getting enough exercise causing an excess build up of fat deposits within the body. It's exactly the same in every conceivable way.
Flawless logic and undeniably high IQ.
>Incels have mental health problems
LMAO being awkward and uninteresting isn't a mental illness.
get yourself in therapy, see a psychiatrist, and follow a consistent medication regimen
it's not that complicated
Here's the thing:
I don't know anyone who ever - EVER - consciously thought "I'm gonna make myself more interesting!" and then did it. In fact, everyone I know who makes deliberate efforts to set out to be interesting is universally derided as a sperg.
And everyone I know who is successful with women makes literally no effort whatsoever at being interesting.
So I don't think your argument is valid.
lmao you think Chad just had natural instincts on how to socialize? He made cringe mistakes, got rejected, some of them were probably even bullied or loners as kids. They learned from their mistakes though. Incels keep repeating them.
Chad made cringe mistakes and they were forgiven/ignored because he looks good.
Ugly incels make one mistake and people run away screaming and make an active efforr to ignore them.
It has nothing to do with "learning from your mistakesc" except for the tangential fact that Chad gets a chance to recover and an incel never does.
>Ugly incels make one mistake and people run away screaming and make an active efforr to ignore them.
Incels tell themselves this to justify their hatred. In reality no one cares about you, they care about themselves. Remembering something cringe that you did only stays in their minds for as long as it takes them to laugh. This is especially true if you believe in the "NPC" meme.
Sounds like you got depression, see a therapist and change your perspective on how people think of you.
Chad made cringe mistakes and learned from them. An incel made one mistake, did not learn from it, and shut himself out of society by making excuses as to why it's not his fault. Chad had the courage to face his weaknesses. Incels, meanwhile, are the absolutely most chickenshit scared human beings on the planet. Their fear of taking responsibility for themselves is so great they go to extreme lengths to avoid it.
You can learn from your mistakes but it's not like everyone is a blank sheet that can become whatever they want. People have limits and can only improve so much. There are heights a Chad attains easily robots just can't reach.
>An incel made one mistake, did not learn from it
Pretty hard to learn from a mistake when you immediately get branded as "that weird/creepy guy" for one mistake. Incel doesn't even get a second chance to learn from a mistake.
Meanwhile Chad makes a mistake and he's just "a normal guy lol"
This is scientifically documenter with decades of research into the halo effect: attractive people are more likely to be forgiven for social transgressions. I don't know why you're disputing this.
What you described doesn't happen in real life. You made up an imaginary scenario in your mind and think it applies to real life. It doesn't. You need therapy, it's not healthy to not be able to distinguish your fantasies and reality.
>In fact, attractive defendants were twice as likely to avoid jail as unattractive defendants. In another study--this one on the damages awarded in a staged negligence trial--a defendant who was better looking than his victim was assessed an average amount of $5,623; but when the victim was the more attractive of the two, the average compensation was $10,051. What's more, both male and female jurors exhibited the attractiveness-based favoritism (Kulka & Kessler, 1978).
>Other experiments have demonstrated that attractive people are more likely to obtain help when in need (Benson, Karabenic, & Lerner, 1976) and are more persuasive in changing the opinions of an audience (Chaiken, 1979)...
I'm not even an incel so don't talk down to me you stupid condescending fuck. I'm just not an idiot who denies what's obvious and I'm aware of my own biases, unlike you who sticks his head in the sand and pretends they don't exist.
Having that kind of confidence is easy when you're good looking, man. Good looking people just don't ever admit to themselves exactly that because it would take away from them just being smooth operators, or good for other real reasons.
This is bullshit to sell cosmetics. Attractive people have more trouble cause of jealousy.
And that has nothing to do with "hurr incels don't get chances". For someone who claims to not be an incel, you sure are acting like one.
It definitely happens. Are you serious? Another Disney kid thinking the world has nothing to do with looks.
well i'm bipolar and i have depression so it's hard for me to do anything especially improve myself
My fucking god there's so much fucking nonsense in this thread. None of you faggots posting this pop psychology self-improvement bluepill shit have ever experienced legitimate psychological problems or crippling developmental hardships. There's no fucking way you have, otherwise you wouldn't think like this and you wouldn't be posting such utter nonsense. Either that or you're fucking low IQ as fuck. Nothing else. Yeah I'm fucking pissed off. This is insultingly stupid fucking garbage.
>just get medications and therapy bro
Reality is most mental health problems, personality disorders, autism spectrum disorders...etc are life long afflictions that will never truly be resolved. Yes medication and therapy can help, but not always. And it will rarely if ever produce a complete cure. Most of the time you can only make it easier to bear and learn coping mechanisms to deal with it.
Believe me I have been through years and years of treatment and a shit ton of medication. I'm still not a remotely normal person and I never will be.
>learn from your mistakes, self-improvement bro
Do you not fucking understand it is not this simple. Theres so much complexity going on which determines how a person is and how their personality and subsequent behaviors develop and arise. Some people are just genetically pre-disposed to psychological problems. Some people for whatever reason whether it because they're physically unattractive, socially anxious, autistic..etc will have trouble fitting in and developing normally when it comes to socialization and such. People that are socially isolated or bullied or traumatized as children develop differently and are at a major disadvantage compared to others. This kind of childhood trauma LITERALLY CAUSES PERMANENT PHYSICAL CHANGES TO THE BRAIN AND CAN ALTER THE WAY YOUR GENES ARE EXPRESSED. This is not something you just 'learn from'. Just 'get over', just 'improve' yourself. You fucking retards.
>With the idea in mind that people who
are attractive are generally looked at in a more positive light, it would make sense that this stereotype could apply to actions and behaviors. Dion (1972) demonstrated this effect with children; transgressions supposedly committed by an attractive child were judged less negatively than if the transgressions were committed by an unattractive child. A similar experiment had comparable results with the addition that participants assigned less punishment for transgressions to the attractive child than to the unattractive child (Sharma, 1987).
Physical Attractivness and Perceptions of Crime Severity, Dahl-Monroe, 2017
There is a lot more evidence for my position than there is for yours. Physical appearance matters when it comes to how much leeway others give us for transgressions in social interaction. Chad is much more likely to be forgiven for making a mistake than you are. This is just fact.
>For someone who claims to not be an incel, you sure are acting like one.
Apparently acknowledging the measurable and documented fact that attractive people are more likely to be forgiven for transgressions is "acting like an incel"
Sorry m8 but reality doesn't change just because it makes you upset. Facts are facts.
If you aren't legit ugly (like people cringe at you when they first see you ugly) or mentally ill then you have no excuse. You're just shy and suck at socializing.
You literally sound like a fat person "I CAN'T EAT LESS FOOD THAT'S WHY I'M FAT".
No one said Chad doesn't have it easy, but him having it easy doesn't make it IMPOSSIBLE for you to get a gf.
Getting a gf isn't worth the cost/benefit for average incel m8 if it's even possible.
Chad has it easy and the sexual revolution means that winner takes all, at least when women are young and fertile
Because losing weight is simple
>calories in < calories out
That's literally fucking it
Unironically you can't improve your personality that much, you can fake it, but won't really work for long term relationships. If you are sperg, your only(?) options are mature(40+) women or ethnic minortities that come from conservative families, I tried the former, I'm aiming for latter now.
user help me i'm gonna cry
I'm bipolar too and was diagones with severe depression as a teen, so my depressive episodes are quite severe.
I've actually managed to lose virginity to an older coworker woman and then got a younger gf, she was trashy so it only lasted few days, but I'm really on my way to making it and meanwhile I'll have buddy sex with that coworker. BTW I'm ugly and have min wage job and intoverted.