Everyone once in a while theres a thread about this but this need to be a regular thing like /fat/ and /fph/...

Everyone once in a while theres a thread about this but this need to be a regular thing like /fat/ and /fph/. I don't know how many anons out there know any of the basics of it out there I certainly don't and we need anons who know to help spread the knowledge. Think of it like a subset of /sig/.

For example wtf are these and how do I get rid of them? I've had them for years but never cared cause I just generally didn't care. But I've been on a /sig/ journey and started taking care of myself. They are only on my arms and no where else on my body they dont ever itch or anything they're just there.

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Has them on my upper arm for years. Started using real olive oil soap (Aleppo) which has enough fat to not leave the skin dry and only shower with soap once a week, water only to get rid of sweat and soap on my dick, crack and underarm. Probably just dried out skin.

I'll try it for sure everything I've searched up didn't lead no where. I dont just have it on my upper arms though on my left forearm it's there too. Not on my right though.

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couldnt get a good pic but I have the same condition and as far as I can tell it is called Keratosis Pilaris. Currently I'm just using a gentle soap, turning the temperature of the shower down a little and applying a cream.

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Is it seasonal? Might also be sun allergy. Otherwise maybe food related. Did you try to leave out sugar and other shit one after one to check out any differences? I get pimples when I eat more than 20-30g of sugar within a week. Ready made food also tends to create break outs due to the shitty and cheao additives.

No I've moved states from Texas to Michigan and nothing changed on that way and I see it year round. I'm sure diet would have something to do with it I've gone on 4 month long no sugar drinks and I dont like regular sweets so I take in very little sugar regularly.
If you get any results post them later user

>Keratosis Pilaris
Yeah, that's it.
Cream with Urea are also great, Maybe even add some gelatine (collagen) to your diet (like 3og a day) or try the autoimmune diet which can prevent such inflammations

But it will get away in most cases. The fact that it's mainly a female thing leads me to believe that your hormones might be fucked. Cease using plastics in your kitchen (Teflon, Tupperwear, plastic water bottles, etc) as they release estrogenic shit in your food which has active effects on your endoctrine health.

How old are you? It usually goes away after puberty, so prolly just hormornal.

I'm in my 20s.
Really it's a mostly female thing? That's really interesting. I don't think I have many, if any, stereotypical female traits. It might be somewhat environmental though now that I'm thinking about it. I just went and checked and all my brothers have it too. But none of my sisters do. But like I said I'm surprised I do things like move all these rocks by hand.

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>Skin kare general

Kek just noticed that

As far as I know it's mainly a female thing, but many men get it as well. As it comes with the start of puberty and leaves on it's own within the mid twenties it's most likely just hormonas fucking up. Depending how old your sisters are, maybe they either don't have it yet or simply are better in creaming them away.

You sure it's that though they're not itchy never have been and only on my arms no where else.

Yeah, they are just cosmetic. No itching or anything else. Arms are their main area. Only got it there as well, but some also have them on their calfs. They are know a Reibeisenhaur (grater skin) over here. It got away on it's own somewhere in my mid twenties. 5% urea creams made it much less visible, so maybe something to try out besides the olive oil soap (the real one, not those fake oap bars full of sds).

It's keratosis pilaris, there is no cure, it's not a female thing, 20 % of the population has it. You have to accept it. Many minor things have no cure.

I used to get those too, because I was to lazy to soap up my legs in the shower. Just wash with soap more often and you’re fine

I do I use soap I use a scrub and everything and actually now that I think about it I mostly scrub my arms with that soap and use a shampoo suds for the rest

>there is no cure

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>no cure
I mean theres gotta be something

It goes away with age in most cases, you can read it online and many people reporting it. You will have it prolly till your 20s end. So better learn to deal with it.

I'm 35 and I haven't lost one single spot. Stop giving this guy hope.

I had it as well and most of my freinds, I'm 31 and it's been gones for 5ish years. Most people go back to normal after puberty. I'm sorry you ain't one of those but don't try to make it worse than it is. You can read up on it and you will find that most medicall journals talk about it with the same results.

No there is no cure. Do you even know what google is? Find a cure and you'll be a millionaire. There are so many skin conditions that have no cure. I know it's mind blowing that they can't get rid of little red spots on your arms in 2019 but that's how it is.

>While there's no cure for keratosis pilaris, it’s not uncommon for the condition to eventually go away on its own. "Keratosis pilaris often shows up anytime after the age of 10 and gets worse at puberty," explains Dr. Jaliman. "But a lot of people outgrow it around the age of 30."

I have KP and I asked my dermatologist about it, he said maybe laser could help because it kills your hair follicles but he said it's expensive.

Anyone got experience with birthmark removal? getting it done soon

they're there for life, the only way to get rid of them is by essentially flaying your arms
at least that's what the dermatologist said about mine

I've had this for as long as I can remember, but mine's worse than yours.
the only thing that has started to reduce it is increasing dietary fat intake by a substantial amount.

Black tea with milk works for my face, especially for exfoliating my nose.

this is keratosis pilaris
cured it with palepketo and sun bath
eat your liver raw faggot

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Jesus I'm glad I at least dont have them anywhere else hope they dont spread

I've had these flaky irritated red spots behind my nosetrils forever. Recently stated to use coconutoil on my face and they aren't flaky at all anymore and feel just like normal skin. Coconutoil also almost entirely got rid of dark circles for me, it's amazing.
Just wanted to add for the love of god don't use any funky skincare product if you already have good skin, that's how I messed mine up. Companies profit of your bad skin so they fuck it up on purpose. Best is to use natural stuff.

my word! how posh are you?

How do I remove pimples and boils from my inner legs?

I shower often and I don't sweat excessively. Yet, no matter what I'm always plagued by little red bumps or boils/pimples in my thighs.

I get self conscious about them when I have sex. What's the secret to smooth skin?