where do you respawn once you die?
Where do you respawn once you die?
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In a post-scarcity socialist utopia full of immortal transhumanists.
Our organic intelligence is being farmed to populate new colonies and expand the society. Colony life is pretty good though, they have stuff like universal healthcare, education and basic income not to mention true VR and other fun toys like that. All you have to do is play by the rules, otherwise you'll get sent to the equivalent of space-australia where it's boiling hot anarchy, the atmosphere is toxic and acid rains from the sky.
>collapse at wagie Station 6853
>immediately die of a heart attack before I hit the grown
>wake up
>Gutpa Pajeer my son!!!
>Look up at my Indian father
>learn that I have to plow the land
>shit in the local river, become deaf to the smell coming out of it
>eventually dad becomes a big time manager for a local call center
>move into an apartment with carpets
>dad buys the family our first computer
>find out about a website knwon as Jow Forums due to a green frog
>tell everyone that India will be a super power by 2020 since this is what my dad tells me at dinner when the news is on
it all sounds so tiring, so I still have to be a wage slave basically
My nut butter, sorry little man.
the celestial observatory
I made that up but it would be nice yeah?
You don't have to be a wage slave if you don't want to. Especially when you're new. Everyone gets their free basic income, but actual paid positions are actually kind of competitive. It makes '2 years experience for entry level' look like a joke.
You just can't break the rules. At all. Not even a little bit like you can right now. They'll know and you WILL get caught. No more internet piracy or 5mph over the speed limit. Other than that (and the fact that you can't ever die even if you want to) it's great.
sounds pretty crazy
Yeah dude, when you finally realize that god is the government and technology is basically omnipotent it all starts to come together.
Your stats are reset to lvl 1 and you start your life over in the simulatiomn, same parents, same time, same everything, the ride never ends and you are nothing but code in a computer game
Ok but what is the age of consent though?
Considering that everyone is immortal I would guess that there isn't one. But I'm a different user.
I just love the sound of that!
what intrigued you specifically?
Depends on your stats when you died.
You've been preparing for OP's question for some time.
Being a string of information somewhere in accordance to an intricate design over and over again!
IoI you're funny
What if i told you scientology is half right
Probably wherever you wholeheartedly think you will.
That's determined on the local level, depending on factors like the length of the year and average cumulative age of the population.
if that's the case then why just just kill god and end the simulation lol
Your soul returns to the cosmic soup to reflect on the lessons it has learned, and if you decide that there is more to learn in order to untangle your soul with the beastial nature of man, you will return for another go around.
If reincarnation is on a linear time scale, you might get stuck into a timeline like where you soul is trapped in an immortal half-man, half-machine fallen state and tormented for all of material human history until you some of savior comes to the planet to clean house.
Did you forget that life is the shittiest game? There's no respawn. Not only are you forced to play it, you're also forced to cling on it because it'll be the only thing you'll ever have if you want to keep your consciousness and your identity.
It's like Doom. You respawn on a moonbase that is also in Hell and you have to fight your way back to Earth by killing every demon in your path.
First part is true. The second one is a phantasy.
Second part is speculation. Just one of many possibilities.
You respawn in hell and get bummed for all eternity
Wherever it is, it's better than here.