>tfw intense desire to become 300+ lbs
>tfw 210 lb 6'5"

How do I become obese? How did yall become obese?

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Fuck off fatties. Fat people are not people.

he doesnt seem big enough to already have that disgusting sack at the bottom of his fat

>eat fast food daily
>drink alcohol frequently
>don't exercise at all

OP, you can use the same TDEE calculators used for weight loss to gain weight at a reasonable pace. Google it or check Jow Forums

A lot of guys gain gut fat quicker than anything else. It's also the worst kind of fat to have, health wise

As a fatfuck it is not worth it, its probably one of the worst things you can do for your body.

This OP. Don't get fat. It's horrible

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I thought hard drugs was the worse thing

if fat people can have this, do we anorexics get our own thread too?

that's why i said one of the worst. Obviously injecting smack up your cock is worse but that doesn't make the pain and humiliation of being a fatfuck any better