Sings outloud during your sets

>sings outloud during your sets

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be quiet nigger before i call the cops

why they do this?
even the ones that aren't in shape still do this shit

Slave hymns it's their blood, at least they're working personally if they sing well I actually like it

what do you mean
nogs are singing out loud along to repulsive rap?
thankfully there arent nigs in my gym

whities are so bold and edgy online but afraid of us in real life. you wouldn't do shit but be annoyed your pussy ass

Kek this there is a reason all the incel betas are wite

afraid not, but alert
you are unpredictable
one moment you are dealing drugs the other kicking someone's skull in the ground for no reason

That looks like a respectable nigga, I don’t think he’d do such a thing


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There's a pajeet fatfuck that keeps doing this
I respect people who go to the gym to make a difference, but FUCKING STOP

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You're a funny tubby aren't ya

Pussy excuses, predictable as fuck. Stfu and sit down, you need anonymity to be a badass



You blacks have never won a war against a non-black army. Why do you talk so much when you are so weak?

I'd sing with him
I'm having a nice day and singing with a gymbro would be fun


You are white and fat, kill yourself

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...American Civil War?


*tink tink*

now that we got this over, back to your lifting program gentlemen

Slav here

I lived in London for 3 years.

Blacks are the absolute biggest whimps, pussies and cowards I have ever seen in my entire life, even bigger ones than fucking anglos

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>You will never break out into a musical in the middle of the gym with your bros

I'm a newbie and I did this accidentally while doing curls.

God I love Jow Forums

Kek a slav talking about being cowards youre probaby secretly a kebab

>the gym mongol starts singing "i'll make a man out of you"

>Living in London
I doubt you've met any Anglos desu

how do i unlock this mode

>tfw I'm blk
>tfw I jive n lip sync while jogging and boxing and jumping rope
>tfw it gases me up and helps me push myself to the limit
Y'all never gonna make it unless you do whatever it takes to push out that last mile/rep

be a manlet with good genetics and use roids.

I bet if one of them asked one of these white bois if they enjoyed teh song and wanted to hear more, they would say yes. Theyd be too afraid of angering the superior race.

kek, slavs are basically just light skinned nogs. Get out of my country already you subhuman scum

>Claims natty during your set

Slav with black gf here, I will beat your ass mother fucker how about that

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Why would he sing during MY sets?
Sorry sir just asking please don't hurt me

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