Yo what are some pro life arguments and some pro choice arguments. i want to see some i could possibly steal for debate class.
pro choice
>less normies in the world
pro life
On moral grounds, saying it isn't a human being is irrevent semantic tapdancing.
If I dig up a seed and burn it, I havent burnt a tree. But, I have stopped the tree from growing. It is an unavoidable consequence of what I've done.
that's a really good way of putting it.
Abortion lowers crime, according to freakonomics which is a book written by a harvard educated person. In general, by removing unwanted children from the world, theres more children that had a good, happy life, where they wouldn't commit crimes 18-25 years later.
Economically, with less people, abortion may effect the economy with less people to join the workforce.
common debate discussions
>"you shouldn't have sex if you can't handle unexpected pregnancy"
>"if abortions are legal, women will use it as a form of birth control"
>"taxpayers shouldn't pay for women to have abortions"
I personally have opinions on both sides of the debate. I have nothing against having abortions in severe cases such as mothers' health, rape, etc. But also think it's a bit fucked to have taxpayers pay for things that may go against their moral or even religious beliefs.
At least in the USA, there's a bunch of organizations that will completely pay for unwanted pregnancies in the case of financial instability, and give your child to a family unable to conceive (or the gays), so those abortions never really made much sense to me.
I'm in the same place. It sucks to have a moderate opinion on this issue because the Black and white people on both sides won't see any of the good in the other.
Every pro lifer is just a religious zealot bible thumper and every pro choice person is a baby killing commie to them. If you share any moderate opinions people will freak the fuck out.
Any seed you don't plant and nurture will not become a tree as a result of your actions. You have probably murdered thousands of potential trees in your lifetime, you absolute monster.
Alternatively, you could just kill all humans and prevent all crime.
Most people are against very late term abortions based on their own arbitrary definition of when life begins. Since there is no general consensus on what truly is the beginning of life it is most ethical to just not abort at all
Its just one pro to go with the con. I never said i agreed with the morality, but numbers are numbers.
The foster system for the United States is fucked, so even if a baby is given off to adoption, there's no guarantee it'll live a good life
There is never any guarantee of a good life
A seed out of soil will never grow without human intervention.
A planted seed left untouched will grow regardless.
Life begins at 18, where you are legally allowed to be your own person. Before then, abortion should be legal.
take this to pol user
If a girl is raped an abortion won't be as expensive as giving birth to a kid.
You should argue in favor of antinatalism instead.
Abortion is the most evil choice. You have chosen to bring a being into existence, and then painfully murder it in its most helpless state for the sake of your own convenience.
Pro-life is more moral in that you are not directly causing harm, but you are also indirectly causing harm, as that being will inevitably experience the suffering of existence.
Therefore, the most moral choice is not to bring that being into existence in the first place, since it can't suffer that way.
>Pro choice
prevent suffering of both due to being destitute or health, less normalfags
>Pro life
the fetus has a right to life, make roasties more responsible for their choices
I would say that instead of abortion the true question is if you are allowed to choose when you start being a parent. If the answer is yes then both abortion (for the woman) and Parenthood rights and duties refusal (for the man) should be allowed; whether giving a baby in adoption should be allowed the answer would be yes according to the previous principle. In the other hand if your answer is no then you would have to install some state mechanisms to support poor couples or remove a child from an abusive home to be sent to a better place.
Are you also a vegan?
Why do you ask?
Might it be for the purpose of starting a bloated, overdone, and frankly pointless argument that only serves to derail the thread with it's autism? Because if it is, please felate a shotgun.