Anyone else smoke weed but don't drink alcohol?

Anyone else smoke weed but don't drink alcohol?

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>not smoking weed AND drinking alcohol

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No. I have no way to get weed because I have no contacts and I live in a non legalized state.

I dont like alcohol because i have a family history of drunken violence desu. Cannabis makes me giggle and masturbate and make nice music. Cannabis is a robot drug

muslims desu

>taking bong hits and drinking wine on a wednesday alone
haha it's ya boi troubled genius here.

I vape weed but I've never drank alcohol in my life

I do the opposite.
Alcohol makes me invulnerable and happy while weed just kills me. I only get sleepy and Incoherent.

Granted you'll argue the opposite, but I just claim alcohol is a true robot drug. It makes robots into pseudo normies under the right dosage.

I feel the same way. Smoking marijuana makes me sad about not having a gf.

I'm the inverse, weed gets me all stressed out no matter what strain or form I smoke.

I can out drink most seasoned drinkers even though I don't drink all that much and I'm pretty light. I think it's the freckles and 3 generations of alcoholic psychos for parents.

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>OMG im so cool for smoking weed, I totally need to tell all of my internet friends that I'm cool now!
>not to brag guys BUUUT i'm even cooler cause I dont drink alcohol! give me some attention!
>dude weed

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I have a problem with weed that I don't with alcohol. I like weed far too much to smoke it because I can't stop. There's no inbetween with me.

this, op is an underage faggot.

Nah, I love alcohol because weed just fucks with my sinuses and makes me even more anxious and paranoid

I miss weed so much, i used to only smoke and rarely drink. But party time is over for me, and since it hasnt been legalized i cant risk it anymore. Makes me really bummed out.

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>I never got invited to smoke

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I have the same problem. I don't know where people find weed dealers if they don't have a friend to hook them up.

>implying he has friends to smoke dude weed with
Underage detected

>It hasn't been legalized
Imagine living in such a shithole country

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I would rather drink than smoke weed since I know I'm always happy when drunk.

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other way around son, im employed and weed is fully legal in my area but I just like drinking more. I've had like 3-4g of various high quality kush and haze in my desk drawer along with my vape and pipe just chilling for two months now. If I had a bottle of the nastiest liquor on my desk there is nothing in the world that could stop me from drinking it

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i smoke so much weed it makes me retarded, and i stopped drinking because i ended up in a holding cell one time so never again

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>repeatedly warned of addiction issues in our family
>most of family are alcoholics, druggies, or obese
>father has liver cirrhosis from alcoholism, also chews tobacco
>mfw still turned out addicted to weed, food, pop, and alcohol

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fucking stu

i hate stu

Anyone else smoke crack but doesn't smoke weed lol

I recently turned 21 and barely drink. I just smoke weed

Smoking weed is for fools.

How fucked is your body?
You must be one rich faggot

I'm the opposite. I only drink , and have never touched weed.

One gives you cancer and headaches, the other gives you brain fog if you over do it but its a nice feeling.

Pick your poison white bitch

>One gives you cancer and headaches

You say that like it's a negative. Besides alcohol is the only friend I have.

I hate weed honestly, alcohol is nice if you know how to not abuse it. It's super easy to get addicted to alcohol, and the way to prevent alcohol addiction is simply to never drink more than once a week.

>One gives you cancer and headaches
Now the only question is which one.

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i only dab

One gives you cancer.
The other literally fucking CURES CANCER.




i rarely drink and smoke weed every day.

i have probably about 4 beers every month, with meals. I don't have anything against alcohol, it just kind of makes me feel like shit after i sober up. i get drunk probably about two or 3 times a year.

i used to drink a lot. there was a period in my life where i took 10+ shots every night. obviously that's not healthy, but i never really considered it to be a problem. i was in college in a party atmosphere all the time. after college i started drinking less and less. drinking is only fun with a girl or with a crowd, which I'm never involved in anymore. weed I can enjoy alone all day. i smoke a couple bowls after work every day, and i enjoy it a lot better.

Yeah, i like not getting hungover and nauseous the next day, feels so much cleaner and better for the soul

Alcohol's just a last resort drug for me when i don't have anything better

Senpai weed cost too much I dont earn enought gbp

I always wanted to grow weed as a hobby since I like gardening, but I don't smoke or ingest weed.

Like I'd give a shit if I got cancer