Why are niggers so damn gay?
Why are niggers so damn gay?
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>Why are niggers so damn gay?
That's pretty funny consider niggers are super into being macho and not gay. There was this 50 or 60 year old gay guy I used to work with and he said back in the 80s niggers would beat him up for being gay. He also said he no longer goes to pride because it's been ruined by mainstream shitters and shook his head when talking about non bionary people. It's pretty funny watching someone who had to fight for their rights think shit has gone too far now. He was pretty based desu.
>Most likely done in a gay district
>From the Daily Mail of all places
This board is fucking dumb
>White people release an article detailing a "poll" ran by whites that supports a claim that black people are the gayest in America
>Literally all the faggs and trannies are white
Its probably pretty accurate though. Black people take the cake when it comes to being degenerates, whether its violence, or sex.
probably because they have no strong male role models
>On a board full of degenerates
>Which is inhabitants range from virgins, genuine cuckolds and race bait posters
>And now God damn incels
>But my post is true since it confirms my original hypothesis :^)
Go take a bath with your toaster. Race bait posters have nothing in their life worth living
Spot the white suburban liberal that has never lived in a "diverse" community. So Jow Forums the socially inept people that know nothing about the world and don't go outside, suddenly know how it works irl? *wheeze*
>be crack baby
>raised by jewish TV and movies
>get molested by every random dude from the block who dropped by to holla at your hood rat mum
>grow up to be antisocial deviant
>end up in prison full of faggot rapists and bitch boys who give up they ass for honey buns and ramen
>leave prison as an elite sodomite with superaids and no future
So basically the same way anyone becomes a faggot, weak or absent father figures + child abuse
I'm not even being biased. I'm black myself. Raised by a single mom, and now I fap to cocks every night.
>That's pretty funny consider niggers are super into being macho and not gay
Not surprising desu, it's all about brothas keepin it on the down low
>be in business class
>out of nowhere
>teacher starts talking about suicide
>you know who suffers the most?
>gay black men
>recall the word "niggerfaggot"
>burst out laughing
>get suspended
excuse me sweety...
um.... no
Based logic-based poster.
thats what you get for watching trash like idubbbz
I always thought there was a suspicious amount of gay niggers for being such a minority
I've lived in NYC, DC and Atlanta. Percentage wise, I notice far more gays in white areas than in black areas.
90% of the queer/lgbt people I see are some sort of minority
>triggered blaccbois itt
kek. i thought this was a known fact
They are too dumb to realize why homosexuality is a bad thing.
in those places the gays all live in one single area you lying shithead lol
Wait is that bull shit poll off that site I forget what it's called, this stastic has been called bull shit plenty of times and the difference between white and black people isn't really that different in the poll anyway
That site they got the poll off of is kind of known for just posting bull shit all the time
>Day 0 without racebait on areninekay
*Blacks are more likely to have broken families.
*Kids in broken families are more likely to get molested.
*Most gays and lesbians seem to have been molested as children and/or had a sexually traumatic experience at some point in their lives.
it makes sense desu, blacks are like a model for degenerated society which has gays
>blacks and Hispanics commonly use faggot as an insult
>they're the gayest races
So, all of that was projection...
Don't worry; they plan to get our rookie numbers up. Stuff like those tranny kids wouldn't be tolerated in black society even today.
>Why are niggers so damn gay?
I mean...there's a movie called Gay Niggers From Outer Space for a reason
>posting bull shit all the time
face it monkeys, you have low iq AND you're gay!
they also are the incel haters and the incels at the same time
that's pretty well known, blacks have a higher ratio of gays and trannies, whites have the lowest together with asians, contrary to what Jow Forums believes
I don't know about gays but I have several black furfag friends