Post your goals, get advice
I'm 6'5 200lbs ~13% bf, will strength training get me to close to pic related if I run a small cycle of test?
Post your goals, get advice
I'm 6'5 200lbs ~13% bf, will strength training get me to close to pic related if I run a small cycle of test?
I'm currently a 6'2", 165lb lanklet who has been going on to the gym for about a month now regularly doing 5x5 stuff.
I'm so tired of being the skinny guy. I just want to get huge at any cost.
Anyone else not have a goal body, just wanna be fuarkin yuge?
yep. im strongly considering blasting and cruising just for cosplay purposes
I love his scenes
I know the pain, don't give up. Batch cooking and high calorie shakes helped me. Went from 140lbs to 170lbs 6ft. A lean 170lbs no gut or anything. Goal is 210lbs
I'm not gay but that's the guy who gets fucked by gigantic black cocks right?
Has he done any scenes with whites?
Kill yourselves.
>at any cost
take steroids then
I've thought about it.
Don't know how or where to get them
Come here and do it yourself big man
Can you still progress on big lifts with high volume workouts?
Tim Tales isn't about race, they have all kinds of parings.
>I'm not gay but that's the guy who gets fucked by gigantic black cocks right?
nah, that's your dad LMAO
When are you gonna start roiding?
>at any cost
>not the cost of working out and eating for more than a month tho LOL
Just lift and eat you twink shit
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