Attached: IMG_2748.jpg (750x994, 724K)
Been lifting for over a year now what does fit think
Robert Hughes
Joshua Murphy
Bretty gud.
Carson Garcia
What does fit think?
Carson Miller
thanks fren
Jonathan Hernandez
Looking good, keep it up!
even though you look like you're too young for all these naked men on this board
Ryder Foster
Post height
Julian Thomas
Great if natty and if you started from skellymode
Owen Watson
Depends on what you started with
Jaxon Davis
please spoon me
Elijah Parker
Henry Bell
Yeah, no excuse to be that skinny then
Daniel Robinson
Stop skipping leg day
Leo Walker
me a year and a half ago
Jaxson Brown
I'm only at 12% bf lmao
Charles Russell
post times
Nathan Williams
4 hours
Brayden Diaz
slow. do you run or was this just on the bucket list?
Levi Powell
Goal body tbqh.
Blake Davis
Kill yourself fucking degenerate faggot
Dominic Reed
Someone hasn't been doing his squats 3-4 times per week
Gavin Martinez
Mason Bell
What kind of shorts are those?
Matthew Brown
hey user nice shorts
what shorts are those?
Michael Gray
I think you've been skipping leg day for over a year, but other than that you're alright
Owen Murphy
What variety of shorts do those happen to be?
Dominic Phillips
i think target, really good bc they have pockets and compresions
Mason Allen
Looks great hun but legs could use some work. Come over and full Nelson me for maximum leg gains
David Butler
Good frame buddeh
Parker Nguyen
Looking joocy. Keep up the good work.
Elijah Powell
What are your lifts now? Lifts you could do for reps.
Julian Ortiz
I mostly do compound lifts, but I also do preacher curls & oblique twists and a lot of ab stuff
Caleb Russell
Yeah but how much weight lad
Dominic Butler
>low angle shot
>lean, but you were lean before you started lifting
>still looking kinda smol for 1 year of lifting
How consistent were you over the past year? Did you lift seriously the whole time? And height? Could be that you are just a lanklet but if you are under 5’10 I think you werent lifting optimally. I don’t agree with others in the thread saying your legs need to be bigger. Seem proportionate to me for now.
Brandon Campbell
Yeah but what are they? How much can you lift for reps, not your 1rms.
Dominic Ramirez
Girls love you I'm sure. Ignore legs. Literally no one cares. I started out doing the fat powerlifter ss way of life and even did a cycle. I got more pussy once I cut down and became a cardio/bikefag. Women care about abs, chest, and arms.
Ethan Powell
You're fucking gorgeous. Mirin and fappin.
Oliver Lewis
you got it great, but please scratch your face out in ms paint instead of putting that faggy emoji on next time
Grayson Jackson
With babby arms like that I mustve imagine you dont even look like you lift if you put on a tshirt
Core looks bretty good though
Joshua Jones
Damn look great m8
Dylan White
deadlift -275x5
Jason Parker
How many times a week are you lifting
Luis Brown
Brandon Jones
You have my current goal body senpai
Brandon Hall
That you have to use angles and lighting to look like you know what a gym is
Oliver Russell
Holy fuck this has to be the most retarded cope on this board. Completely regardless of the angle or lighting some obese faggot will come out whining "b-but it's just the lighting". I've literally seen a guy take two identical pictures in the same shitty bathroom light and some bloatlord faggot comes out "actsshyallly it's just the lighting". No it isn't you stupid fucking piece of shit. That pic has shitty angle and natural lighting. If you don't look like that it isn't because of the lighting or the angles, it's because you look like shit and should actually start working out.