My oneitis and I were tripping off Quaaludes a few nights ago and in her stupor, she confided in me that my height is a turnoff that she "managed to overcome". I'm 5'6 and admittedly witty, as I long ago adopted a sharp tongue (it does not hurt during cunnilingus) to avoid bullying. Because I've been this class clown/mascot type of guy for so long, I worry about not appearing masculine in her eyes. I was herniated, so I enrolled in low impact Tae-Bo while increasing my macros to gain weight while I heal up and slowly prepare to lift real weights and fight. Seems like my efforts were all for nothing if I'm going to be viewed as a manlet by women no matter what I do. Should I not get involved with her? Once the sedation wore off, she seemed just as attracted to me as I suspected she always was, but it stings. What do?
My oneitis and I were tripping off Quaaludes a few nights ago and in her stupor...
Where did you find the time machine? Welcome to the year 2019, refugee from the 1970's. I hope you are adjusting well.
What the fuck are you thinking do Quaaludes on some real shit bro. Never do that again. What the fuck.
those weren't quaaludes pal. if they were neither of you would remember anything. especially with your tiny little midget body absorbing everything in milliseconds
It was probably some designer drug. Like imagine in a decade they stop making MDMA, but people talk about doing ecstasy because people still put meth into capsules and call it molly.
Good hypothesis, especially if by in a decade you mean "for the past decade."
1 of two things might be happening.
Best case scensrio. She genuinly likes you for your personality, congrats. Sometimes you don't fit every criteria but you still have your charm. Maybe she just thought it was a good idea to be honest with you.
>Once the sedation wore off, she seemed just as attracted to me as I suspected she always was
This leads me to believe she finds your height really unattractive. She might be putting on somewhat of a confused attraction to you whilst deciding how she's going to get you out of her life or just stay friends. So look out for signs when you're hanging out.
>What should you do?
Ghost her for a day or two, maybe extend a little longer. See if she looks for you and tries to talk. If yes = she's likes you/ if no = she's relieved you're gone
Maybe they had been going through the medicine cabinet of a grandparent, and found an old bottle in the back?
We talk pretty frequently, she doesn't seem very avoidant of me. I thought we saw eye to eye on a lot of issues, but being near her height could fuck it all up. Her ex was 6 feet tall, which might not even be a problem if she still wants to go after me, but I worry of being a beta rebound or emotional tampon. My personality may be entertaining, though it leads to acting like kind of a flamboyant clown than a serious partner, if that makes sense.
I was sick of doing lines, so I got back in Q (a joke I had to make), but I prefer downers so I can space out and detox from being so spastic. Not going to do it again as I had little control over myself apart from feeling my self esteem tear in two when my height was questioned. Funny how some people claim that drugs cause ego death.
>My oneitis
Okay bye faggot.
>okay bye
is that from Mean Girls or some shit?
Dude don't do the onetitis thing. Ya know pussy on the pedestal anyway. And my other piece of advice would be don't get too jacked if you are a manlet. Looks like you are trying to hard. By all means exercise for the endorphins. Also don't freak out about the height thing. Yeah it sucks but it's not a death sentence. My old college roommate was your height but he got a lot of pussy because of his confidence.
>doing drugs
>talking to a girl
How attractive was he facially?
Average face.
I hate the meme that quaaludes are some mythical fucking chemical, now unknown to the modern man. Synthetics are fucking easy, nigs. t. O chemist
Bro she's pretty much saying that you're alpha enough for her to not care that you're 5'6.
It's a shit test, she normally goes for 6'+ guys and has the same level of attraction for you as she does them.
Weak bait. OP is a 6'3" virgin.
it would be expired. This man is lying. You can make quaaludes if you're a fucking scientist and want to follow the super sketchy online recipe.
nigga if you don't live in south africa those were not quaaludes
you think this dumbass could make them or knows someone who does
this isn't an excuse to be insecure. but it's a learning experience that hopefully cures you of your oneitis. Lets be real buddy, im sure she isn't your dreamgirl in every aspect. but you wouldnt tell her that because as a man you have a soul lol.
1. never bring it up (shows insecurity/weakness)
2. never stop pursuing other girls
3. dont be afraid to bring her self esteem down to where it meets yours lol. (But never ever come off as doing it reactively or because you're hurt)