For some reason my mind keeps telling me the right has more confidence than the left

How could this be? Both men have the same neutral expression, and confidence is a behavioral trait, so why can’t I shake the feeling the right is more confident than the left?

Attached: DB8D4395-B912-4F31-8033-6A65B355CBA7.png (1431x1245, 2.57M)

>not taking the easter island pill

how do i look like the guy on the right




but i have that jawline almost exactly

What are you talking about the guy on the right is slightly smiling. Also the other guys head is shaped like a lightbulb.

Left's eyes are neutral/blank. Right's eyes are slightly narrowed. Left looks like his head is slightly forward - Right's is up and back. Left is directly facing the viewer, looks like he's paying attention. Right is facing to the side, as though he was occupied with something else and just happened to notice that you were watching.

You almost certainly don’t, if you did I’d love to see a picture

Attached: 7C520BDD-8043-4C36-BCB3-62295FB6B7CE.jpg (750x646, 189K)


Attached: 20190420_230203.jpg (998x1920, 688K)

That’s really cool and convenient that every single thing you listed just so happens to be something people can change.

t. Brienne of Tarth

t. uggu btfo incel

you are white as shit, and your hair is pretty fucked
cant tell how muscular you are, but assuming your around the same level, fix those and your acne and you should look pretty similar

Heinously bad coloring

Right is squinting, slightly smiling, swallowing at the time of the photo, and at a flattering angle with good lighting.
[spoiler]I'm not saying that he's unattractive[/spoiler]
Left is dead on, almost frowning, at a pretty bad angle especially because of the asymmetry of his face, and his eyes are neutral as fuck

You're pretty much the living version of a plain white dick. Samey and unappealing to look at

ive already buzzed and ya thats bed head for you. but tan wont come easy ive been eating a bunch of carrots tho :^)

t. Muhammad

I geuss????? what

The OP asked why he was reading confidence into the guy on the right, when he couldn't put his finger on any difference in expression. I pointed out the several queues that communicate confidence on the right that the left is lacking.

Yes, you can change your bearing to change what you communicate non-verbally. This is distinct from how good you look doing it. Brad Pitt can look nervous and sad for a scene, and you can find a fuckugly corrections officer on duty who still screams "large and in charge" with his bearing because he's ready to crack an inmate upside the head if provoked.

Hmmm? I wonder what it could be? Something seems a little... off.

Attached: LiftingCantFixYourFaceBro1.jpg (1596x5664, 1.63M)

thank god im not a snow nigger

I mean you're not wrong, you do have a pretty similar jawline to the guy on the right. the problem is everything else with your face.

what do i do now

not him but you're deluding yourself into thinking your nigger/brown haired/asian or whatever the fuck you are is better than a blonde haired white man

he looks good stfu you coping incel

nosejob, hair implants, consider dying your eyebrows slightly (very slightly) darker to bring out more definition in your face, also get a slight tan

Obviously the guy on the right has had an easy life. Validation from a young age. Gets away with more. People are nicer to him. Gets girls whenever he wants. Develops a personality where he's genuinely nice. Bc he gets women so easily he focuses his energy towards more productive endeavors like gym and making money. Even more confidence as result of gains and $.

Like the guy on the left can't even conceptualise how much better the guy in the rights life is

Implying I'm not also white, nigger


Get ur haircut shorter or longer.. what ever makes it look different. Assuming you're tall also u re doing better than 90% here already. Fact that no one gave u even a semi positive reply means they are jelly shitskins pretty much.

The author looks beta as fuck

Attached: Disgust.jpg (564x400, 47K)

your shitposting is bad

Not the first cuck around here.


>guy on the left looks like he hasn't slept in a fortnight, guy on the right looks well rested

Shouldn't you be hunting Robert Langdon?

Stop eating diary and shop showering and bathing. Not shitting you. I have a fair skin tone like you and chlorine in the water kills off the bacterial layer of your skin. I stopped showering and bathing altogether, only washing myself with a bit of water and a cleansing bar 5,5pH - no soap, no beauty products. Also cutting milk entirely out of my diet helped immensely as well. Try growing out your hair a bit, if it looks goofy cut it off again. good luck finbro

>shop showering and bathing
meanwhile in a different thread
>waaaaah why can't I get a gf

Wow look at all the jealous manlet jawlet shitskins in the replies lmaooo

Vitamin K2

your value as a human being doesn't depend on what you can get from other people based on your looks, it depends on your ability to master skills that others find valuable

>user realizes you can't autistically examine each characteristic in vacuum and that a good looking face isn't the sum of aesthetic characteristics

is that shopped? be honest, no one should look like that on the left.
>conform to beauty standards the world over
>have high confidence
>look like an alien, probably made fun of for your entire childhood

a lot of perceived facial structure comes from the way your hair is.
tan a bit, eat cleaner, especially better fats. Start a skincare regimen so you get nice even skin tone.
yours is higher than that literal model. Shocking I know. you're not fat, but the face at lower bf % can change even on single percentage points. Don't eat or drink for 2 days and you'll see what happens to your face. Also you'll feel sick and want to lie down, but that's the model life.

Because they don't actually have the same expression

This pic has been used so many times on Jow Forums

no it hasnt

You look really good, those other copefag anons must be la creature de los americanas or just shitskins.

Stfu faggot, the same pic was used on a thread for slanted eyes and many times on jaw threads.

inb4 he's the actual model and is posting this to make fun of anons talking down on him

Personality = looks

Attached: 8whakk3224601.png (432x330, 9K)

Based and black pilled.

Don't forget 80 percent of men are rated as unattractive too.

yeah because you guys are fucking dorks and need to get over your selves

Tilda, is that you?

You again ? Just draw your eyebrows darker, you cancerous looking alien

Just get a new haircut. Don't let the basement dwellers of fit get you depressed, they only say nice things about model tier people. It's a knee jerk reaction for most people here to put others down


Better than carrots. Thank me later.

ignore the coping shitskins, you look good

Attached: 1543487845240.jpg (1227x1539, 202K)

You look like a dying breed

>they have the same neutral expression
no they fucking dont lmao. not even close kid. dude on the right looks like a smug fuck that thinks he's the shit, while the guy on the left looks tired and a little sad if the guy on the left had the same little arrogant expression he would look just as confident and it wouldnt even matter if his face is the shape of a fucking tiki statue

That's because while the guy on the left is objectively not as attractive, it's an unfair comparison of confidence because the facial expression and camera angle is different

It's mostly the eyes. Plus with that uggo face on the right it's very difficult to feel confident, so even if you fake it people might not believe you.

>Both men have the same neutral expression
The guy on the right is smirking you faceblind autist. That said, it's not completely unreasonable to assume (subconsciously or otherwise) that an attractive person would be more confident than an unattractive one.


>same neutral expression
Do you have trouble reading expressions? Are you autistic? Different angle, posture, eyes, brow, slight smile on the guy on the right.

Coping shitskins.

Aren't you the argentinian RoM Mod? Dye your eyeready.

Left looks like he just woke up with a hangover, right is smirking. Get diagnosed.

You look like you were made in a labroratory by Nazis to secure the existence of the white race.

That's a good thing btw.

not fitness related, back to r3ddit


Attached: bild-121552_v-variantBig16x9_wm-true_zc-ecbbafc6.jpg (960x540, 207K)

>not fitness related
Yes, it is

>G*rmanic pig nose sides

The H A L O E F F E C T

Lol the amount of ugly incels coping is through the roof. You look great dude, I see you posting in /fa/ from time to time, you're cool.

Just narrow your eyes and tilt your head back and don't look at people directly, bro.

And try to be taller and increase your facial bone mass and regrow your hair and become a hedge fund manager instead of an Indian janitor, my dude.

keep coping lol

Eat more carrots skinlet
Get a tan
Maybe then...

to be fair that's on an online dating site, where all you have to go on is what you can see from across a set-up profile. So of course it's going to correlate strongly when all you have to go off is what they look like. Sure, halo effect is real and better looks = better perceived personality, but if this were something where people were meeting a bunch of other people IRL and then told to rate their personality and looks separately, I don't think it'd be as closely correlated. Still correlated, but not as tightly, but is real life interaction you can actually get a better assessment of how someone is beyond just what they look like.


how can you judge someones personality from a online profile?

based and aryan pilled

That photo has to be shopped, nobody is that ugly lmao


You saying you can't tell the difference between those expressions makes me worry about the rest of humanity, I always assumed everyone could see the difference.

The chad is slightly smiling (upturned corners) and looking coyly at the camera. The left has a terribly close FOV so it make's his head look like the lephant man's, but he's also got a blank, soulless stare, completely neutral eyebrows and mouth.

Did you evolve in a subterannean environment?

For some reason my mind keeps telling me that I look like the guy on the right, while in reality I look like the guy on the left.

I'm like the guy on the left with a bigger jaw and a huge cranium

>thread is still up

You look good, dude. Maybe work on getting a tan and growing your out a little bit more. It's at an awkward length as it is now. If you can grow a beard and your goal is to look more like OP's pic, keep it at stubble length or maybe a bit longer considering how light your hair is.

Lookin good. Only problem is the hair, but it's not half as bad as some say

>distance to cam/lens
>type of cam/lens
>good/bad angle
>fucking sun light master race vs shitty indoor hall lights

git gud pleb

It's not about those éléments you fucktard. The head on the face is long and disproportionate. But the one on the right is symmetrical and that's what human race finds attractive.

not remotely the same expression. the lesson is to take your pictures from further away and in strong lighting.

Attached: 1547665217850.jpg (1139x1600, 419K)

I am confident that the face on the left could snap in half because of the weird ratio.

fit on the left
never been on pc for more than 10 min on the right

imagine if this was made for woman by a woman

Hard to believe that they're the same species.