How can i avoid getting this physique?

How can i avoid getting this physique?

Attached: 6BB0021F-682F-400F-814B-41151CE53599.png (843x948, 746K)

its easy user, just move the vertex of the polygonal model.. extend it a little bit

work out

>switch is onions
>when sony has it in it‘s name, when sony panders to lbgtq and sjws
Don‘t get it.


The nintendo onions meme exists because sony kids are always assblasted they get no games and are jealous of the nintendo IPs

>posts soiboi
>how do I avoid this?
don’t eat soi


bent over rows


What the fuck
If you type out "onions"

Lift regularly. Don't eat processed foods such as microwave dinners, deli meats, seasoned meat, canned foods, anything with added sugars. Sleep 8 hours. GO OUTSIDE AND GET SOME SUN I CAN'T STRESS THIS ENOUGH. GET SOME SUNLIGHT ON YOUR SKIN. Sunlight maintains and increases your tests, just don't stay out too long. Talk to attractive woman. Don't be sedentary. If you can't grow a full beard, shave it. Don't be walking around with a sad pathetic excuse of a beard that's patchy and disgusting. Delete your social media accounts, don't follow any news networks anymore. Get a hobby. Do nofap. Get into some street fights with Tyrone or some other idiot to increase your test.

Attached: 1555790511177.jpg (255x262, 22K)

Jow Forums has a filter on the word s()I and it gets switched with onions or based


it has absolutely nothing to do with the common occurrence where 'men' look incredibly effeminate and post pictures of themselves with an overexpression of happiness that they got a literal child's toy that refuses to cater to adults whatsoever
also I wanted to fit the cardboard meme in here somewhere but it feels sloppy already so I'll just mention it and that should be enough.

ignoring all the other silly stuff in this post, I can't grow a full beard and it looks kinda nasty but if i shave my face breaks out so i think it's worth it

But why

Eat animals
Don't eat smoothies and onions
Avoid reddit
Avoid modern hollywood/gaming cultures
Watch Clint Eastwood movies cardboard meme

Attached: FvtjQPn_d.jpg (640x523, 41K)

Enjoy your 100$ cardboards

Attached: 1553502817898.gif (960x616, 382K)

not worth the wait 0/10

Avoid console gaming.

This except everything after work out is bullshit

but muh ps4

The switch is actually a pretty good console
Been playing bayonetta 2 on it and Mario kart & 12switch is good for parties

because mods are jews


>it has absolutely nothing to do with the common occurrence where 'men' look incredibly effeminate and post pictures of themselves with an overexpression of happiness that they got a literal child's toy that refuses to cater to adults whatsoever
Yeah, that's all video games

There's lots of thing you dont get user, like pussy and respect

I look like this without the facial hair. I should kill myself.

Because of all the autistic neckbeard Nintendo warriors. What are most collectors even collecting anyways? NES and SNES games as well.

Where did that "to be honest" filter come from, desu? I still don't get it, is it some kinda anime shit?

it happened when hiroshim00t took over but you're probably too new to remember



Attached: say_desu.png (320x244, 139K)

that has to be a dudes head shopped on a woman, because that body hngggg ee eeeee ooo

Based desu senpai


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