How do you guys make ginger shots?

How do you guys make ginger shots?

Had an old Nepalesi guy tell me to go 2:1 ginger/lemon and throw in some honey. Curious how it'll turn out.

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I used to make a basic ginger tea and squeeze a half of lemon on top and mix. Your stuff seems hella concentraded, how do you do it? Do you weight the lemon and the ginger?

Nah, just bought a big pack of ginger root and shredded it, then cut up two organic lemons and separated the meat from the peel. Of course also removed the seeds.

Gonna let it simmer on low for a while with a lid on, then reduce it. When the old guy let me taste what he made, it had me flying for hours. Strong, strong stuff.

Also gonna pick out the peels.

Thanks mate i'm gonna try that. When you say flying for hours you mean energy wise? Cause the ginger tea that i do doesn't do shit, it was more of a health thing. But if this old guy recipe spikes energy then i'm definitely gonna try it

They're called Nepali. Not Nepalesi

Gotcha. Thanks for the correction.

Yeah man, when you get the pulp as well it's like an slow-release energy bomb. It also increases your testosterone with like 20% if you take it daily.

I make this all the time, you're putting way too much ginger/lemon in, you need about 1/4th of that. Also peel the lemons it will taste better.

Gingerpill me on ginger shots

Well, it is a shot, so it's gotta be concentrated.