Long Distance Realationship

Long Distance Realationship

Me and my GF are together for over 2 years now and everything is going great, i will meet her for the first time face to face in 90 days and stay at her House for a whole month. She knows how i look under my clothes and says she likes it but iam still kinda "insecure" That i might not look the way she would want me to look like irl, any tips on what to focus on for the next 90 days? Planing to cut down 1-2 % body fat, any other suggestions?

(Pic related is me)

Attached: Snapchat-1191136092.jpg (720x1280, 196K)

It's not gonna work out

Lol you wasting two years on some picture on the internet when you got the body to score prime pussy irl. Good luck getting a last minute flake from her days before she's gonna "visit you" or whatever you got told.

Assuming this is legit you, i wouldn't be concerned about your looks as much as your relationship. Living together is not the same as long distance and skyping 4 hours every night, everyone has flaws and they will show up quickly for both of you.

Imagine "dating" someone for over two whole years without even meeting them once. Probably met her on a vidya game too. That's not a relationship that's fantasy.

You're pathetic op and I hope you realize this.

I can assure you this is 100% legit, iam a german male (18) and she is a US American female (18), and we both are very aware about each others and our own flaws.
We went throught quite some stuff and iam not concerned about our realationship at all. But thanks for the replie

Have you video called with this girl?

Imagine thinking love can only work throught physical contact and not realisin that this exact bitterness and wrong attitude to life makes you the incel you are.

You most certainly not aware of each others flaws. You may have an idea about any mental illnesses you both have but you don't have a clue what it's like to live with somebody. The tiny things that irritate you become big things and grate on you more and more each time. This doesn't always happen but it's a tale as old as time.

However. For one month you will be in the honeymoon period so you probably won't see any of this. This is more like a holiday for you both and a novelty so you won't experience any of the negativity hopefully. Enjoy yourself and i hope you are not being duped by a black man

Yes, Probably everyday over the last one and a half years, why?

Imagine thinking you know that much at fuckin 18

Iam on my way to her, so nothing like that is going to happen, iam going to take the whole "prime pussy" Thing as a compliment tho

The Fuck you want me to do? Tell myself i dont know shit and live some sad ass isolating life like 50% of the people on here?
I asked for /fit advice, not any of this "iMagIne mimimimimi"

>literally hasn't met "girlfriend" of 2 years once
>unironically calls others incels
Kek I hit the nail on the head. No doubt you are an actual incel otherwise you wouldn't be resorting to e-girls by now.

Anyone who says otherwise is delusional. Please do yourself a favor and get off your computer and go outside. There are plenty of real girls out there that are far more attractive than your LDR slob.

You probably wont because brain chemicals but when she finds a real guy in her area she will ditch you in a heartbeat. Once that happens all I ask is to think back to the wisdom of this post and learn from your mistakes and not fall for the e-girl meme again you desperate, pathetic loser.

Thanks for being honest and the concern about my anal safety in regards of black males, iam confidemt tho that iam doingthe right thing

Is long distance likely not a great idea? Yes. Is it better than 85% of Jow Forums'S situation? Definitely. Go ahead OP worst case scenario you wind up equal with most of this board exept not looking like shit.

Make sure to post his name after you show up and get sexually assaulted or something.

>Two years on a fuckin photo

Is this the ultimate cope, yeah yeah I'm a Nigerian prince also


>Me and my GF are together for over 2 years now
>i will meet her for the first time face to face in 90 days
What The Fuck Is Wrong With You

Dude, she must have a 10/10 body, otherwise I don't understand you.

You're an idiot. Long distance relationships don't work and there's a reason for that.

You look good enough to get a real gf that is not long distance, you are wasting your time right now.

Attached: why.png (900x555, 1.29M)

Imo she is a 10/10 but that is really not the reason why iam in this realationship, i love her and she loves me. And i know that a lot of the people on this board lost all hope in Love and affection or just simply dont understand what i've got here.
But i love her and she makes me happy :)

bruh do what ur gonna do. you don't know as much as you think you know, but the only way for you to learn is to experience it. that being said, I wish the best of luck to you

This is bait. And if not, you cut your bodyfat another 2% your libido/boners may take a hit. Very common for guys with low bf. You want to spend that time getting it on dude.

Good job buddy I married my ldgf


Its not bait, i would love to prove it but iam afraid i do not want to give any "prove of my existence" Or private data on Jow Forums.

More important tho, you say my libido could take a hit from another 2%bf cut?
I know where your coming from, but if i had to estimate for myself, id say iam at like 12-13% bf rn (?). You think i should just "try" And see how i feel?

Also the smell/vibe eye contact etc. Like y'all could very well be incompatible genetically (can still fuck and everything but the "click" won't be there) and you have no fucking clue. Two years later. Yikes.

(I hope this aint no bait)

Iam happy to hear something like this, how long were you guys already in a realationship before "meeting up" For a longer time ?
Actually intressted to hear your story

Dude don't cut you are dyel in clothes. Since you're about to meet her can't really bulk either, just maintain and keep lifting.

>Also the smell/vibe eye contact etc. Like y'all could very well be incompatible genetically (can still fuck and everything but the "click" won't be there) and you have no fucking clue. Two years later. Yikes.

I was on a lean bulk for about a year now and gained about 13 kg (started on 53kg after being hospitalized due to a cronical illness and weight now 66kg)
Should i just keep going with that after i come back from the trip?

Ay thanks dude, ill try my best to not end up like some of the guys here.

Yeah, you look great m8.

Hey thanks buddy :)

Oh no no no no no hahahaha