Im thinking about going vegan
How can i avoid losing my teeth in the longrun?
Im thinking about going vegan
How can i avoid losing my teeth in the longrun?
hit your teeth with a hammer until they are all broken and then get crowns, now you won't have to worry about decaying teeth. problem solved.
horrible response
*hides your post*
The same things all successful vegans do: eat meat and lie about it. Strict vegans always start dying within 5 years.
don't become a raw foodist or a fruitarian and you should be ok.
eats free range eggs and tilapia.
Don't ever (you) me again, you faggot
Read about nutrition before you do
just be gay user it's Ok it's 2019
I sometimes wonder wether these are just shitposts or some people actually believe these outlandish statements they pull out of their asses.
>tattoo on underboob of black
>tattoo on orange's cunt of all things
they look like they fuck black guys
>Deciding to go vegan
>Healthy teeth in the long term
Select one of the above OP.
If you go vegan, go all the way you pussy, do not eat meat to restore your health and continue promoting this shitty diet
Popular YouTube vegan influencer Rawvana was literally caught on film eating fish while pretending to be a vegan and actively promoting Veganism.
Jon Penus is widely considered to be eating meat while posing as a vegan. So nothing was shocking about anons post ,........ Cuck.
This is just like roiding. Totally easier to pretend you're one way and do the other, then attract a big following.
>Don't be vegan
>Lift mediocre
>Claim to be a natty vegan
>Tons of fame, sponsorships
Or you could be an honest roider- not very impressive
not every vegan is doing it for a monetized yt channel.
they exist in the real world, and function just as normal as anybody else.
"They" or "we" comrade?
Dont do it! If you dont coat your teeth with pig meat and yogurt daily you could lose them! Do NOT go vegan or your teeth may fall out. The proteins in meat act as a protectant of your teeth and contain MANY compounds not found elsewhere in the food world.
I seriously wonder what goes on in the empty minds of vegans .... When after all their careful "healthy" eating .... And they look in the mirror and their teeth fell out lol.
What kind of denial goes on in these minds lol???
God, fucking die as quickly as possible
oof yike
yep hiding these too
light cola
You can't. If you're dead set on it then your best option to keep your teeth health while being as vegan as possible while supplementing with cod liver oil and k2. Avoid all vegetable oils and don't eat any nuts/grains/legumes that haven't at least been sprouted and have preferably been fermented as well.
I really fucked this sentence up
>your best option to keep your teeth healthy while being as vegan as possible is supplementing with cod liver oil and k2.
leatn about the diet from lilykoihawaii on youtube. Shes the most educated vegan out there probably. Also Hench Herbivore on youtube too. I take vitamin D + omega 3's and B12 as supplements nothing else. Drink fortified milks and eat a lot of almonds for the extra calcium although you should get enough from leafy greens and tofu. Besides that fucking floss and get an electric or sonic toothbrush but that goes for everyone. Vegans with shit teeth are the ones without a routine and orthorexic eating raw foods only. Christine Selus also has a video on teethcare while vegan (in short its floss, brush and avoid sticky foods like dates)
>Restore health
Roll your lips over them when you’re sucking dick
>Whitoid aged like cheese
>Latina is a milf
Imagine my shock
How is the daughter of Nigel Wilson, former Chancellor of the Exchequer and Vanessa Salmon, whose family owned J. Lyons and Co. is a latina?
She's british as fuck and propably has documented british ancestry back to king Arthur or some shit.
I think you mean British Jew you uneducated Amerilard
Which part of her is Jewish? The Baron Lawson of Blaby linage part or Sir Samuel Isidore Salmon, CBE linage part?
>British jew
Bit redundant, don't you think?
jews are mediterranean people
Yes! Go vegan and save the planet!
Consider not destroying your body? There are more productive fads out there homie.