Favorite cheat candy

Favorite cheat candy.

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>candy is for children/betas

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I was truck driver. I needed focus.

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c'mon bruh I'm on nofap

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reminder bros

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Jellybeans or gtfo

peach rings

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Buttered popcorn Jelly Belly or gtfo

Got stuck with a case of these
once.OS&D Overage, shortage
and damage. You always have
to stop and do somethimg.

Kit kats my nigger or almond joys(milk chocolate)

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Tried to melt one in my coffee one
morning. It didnt do it like I thought
it would. Flyimg J. Best coffee and
pizza. Laredo! Shout out!

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Those panda black licorice.

They're the ultimate gains goblins though packed full of sugar and licorice is estrogenic as fuck.

Those are good.

Did I read that?
I think I did.

Ran on these alot.

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Not everybody had the banana creme.
Theres alot of healthy choices out there.

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Im going to try one.
that sounds good.

These are extremely fucking good.

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Fast for at least a month prior

A set of these. I love these.
Running shoes, bands.
people set their benches
up right outside their truck.
I did my weight training in
the sleeper berth.

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hehe all anus is edible heheh if you know what i mean heheh

That is tempting.

Yes I do.

what animal is this?

No I don't.

These are some bars nigga

that's an anteater. Majestic creatures.

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Never tried these. The blueberry muffin regular Quest bars are my favorite. The peanut-butter chocolate Clif Builder bars are also tasty af.

this specific flavor, tastes like reece cups and is 5$ for 4 bars.

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I like their casien protien.
I think I had trouble sleeping
after awhile, but I was never

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I loved those has yout.
The right amount of

Absolutely not Jow Forums

Had high hopes for these when I tried em but the texture wasn't my cup of team. OG haribo gummy bears are the go to for me.


I miss him, bros


Do i?

I have no gf. Checkmate normies

I've never met ANYONE who eats those shits.

Stand aside.

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Hebrew anteater.

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fucking forgot about these
D (extremely)

Godly taste.

Literally had one o these today

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Jelly Belly jellybeans & jelly rings

I like jelly

>blueberry muffin regular Quest bars

Oh fuck those are sooo good too. I could put down so many if I don't stop myself. Lately I've been freezing my quest bars so I slow myself down.

He's a Cookie Monster.

By far the best. So buttery, and satisfies my cravings for sugar for a long time. Plus minimally processed.
I do enjoy fit crunch bars too, though. Any protein bar, really. However, my one biggest indulgence in life is domori chuao 70%, that shit is too expensive but I can't get enough of it. Feels poor, man.

Ah, I forgot the image.

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They're "supplements"
It's. a protein, you digest
it, your more or less anabolic
for around 3 hours and you
save money.

Grape flavored big league chew

>cheat candy
not going to make it

if you get these made by any company fancier than haribo they're god tier

they're still pretty great from haribo

i don't 'cheat' with candy i try to eat a bit of everything every day so i dont end up needing a cheat day

50 calories of candy after a meal goes a long way to not need a 500 calorie cheat day plus its just a nicer way to live, still seeing big cuts during this

All that sugar spikes your insulin.
some strongmen eat a lot of candy
bars. Pudonowski eats 4.
3 musketeers before he trains.
Don't try this at home. It's just
part of my strength trainning

Ok so if you want to spike your insulin why not just buy insulin?
Or drink diet energy drinks, all the sweeteners will spike your insulin more than enough without all the sugar

this shit is literally crack
ive never eaten a candy where i can’t put it down before this shit

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also these

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not other user but pudz prolly has enough injection points, no reason to start injecting more shit you can just eat. makes it doubly true if you enjoy eating it. If you want the cheapest way to spike your insulin while not injecting you should just chug sugar water.
>sweeteners will spike your insulin more than enough without all the sugar
people take a combination of simple and complex carbs before training to load up on glycogen and glucose. not sure how much you know about the whole ATP conversion process, but your body fucking loves that shit. it is well established that pretty much all athletes, especially strength athletes, benefit from being carb saturated before training and competing. there are reasons why gatorade has sugar in it, for example.

I'm sure they thought of everything.
I just experimented with it.

Im just saying diet soda has the same glycemic response as full sugar soda without the added 300 calories

yeah, I get that user. I'm just saying that lots of people want the 300 calories, especially in that form.

It's World Strong Man.

Snicker and all candy bars are
just chocolate flavored sugar.
More sugar than. chocolate.


pls no... I have the biggest sweet tooth out of my whole family. I nearly ate a pound bag of sour patch kids in one sitting

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>diet soda has the same glycemic response
No source confirming this except with specific sugar alcohols. Maltitol, Xylitol, and Sorbitol seem to illicit an insulin response but most diet sodas are Aspartame and Ace-K, which have a 0 glycemic index.

Ive been going ham on these whenever i can the last few months, damn good.

I also have a weakness for trail mix strangely enough. Went through a pound and a half bag in like 3 hours a few weeks ago.

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Yeah, I'm saying people take it for the sugar. That's the entire point.

Haribo is the fucking best.

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Aspartame has been proven multiple times to cause glycemic response and fat storage
Acesulfame K is good though

could you power a car with this?

I will fuck up a 2 pound bag of these when I'm down in the dumps emotionally.
>has to be peppermint I will drive 20 minutes to another store if they only have wintergreen bullshit

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honey roasted salted peanuts
way too easy to just eat a fist-full of those suckers.




I don't eat sweets any more but back when I did these were my favorite.

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