Been working out trying to get in shape for summer. Im not sure if this is a beach ready body.
Do i look pretty fit?
how tall?
If you are at least like 5"10, i would say keep doing what you are doing, stop trying to lose weight and eat to build more muscle.
Rock the "bear" look until you get retarded big in a few years
Cut you faggot
you look repulsive, put a shirt on and lay off the tucker for a while, bloke.
I'm 5ft 9inches and im 210lbs. When i started working out i was 230lbs.
Ive been trying to lose weight without losing strength.
What is tucker?
You like strong. So yes.
You lift, thats obvious.
Cut down to 185
I'm in a similar boat to you - yeah sure it's nice when people say we look huge and all but we both look like shit without a shirt. Lose weight before your tits get bigger
I dont think i can stay very strong at that weight. Whenever i drop below 200lbs my lifts take a nose dive
It’s clear you’ve spent plenty of time lifting, but definitely time to cut. You’ll be glad you did
Mirin those chromosome gains
I think im gonna try to lose 15 more pounds. Anything below 195 and im gonna be struggling to bench over 250lbs
I have a learning deficit but im not full autism
If you keep your shirt on, you probably will look pretty strong... but yeah, it's time to cut my dude
I want to suck those moobs.
Well, nobody cares about the numbers of your lifts (except for autistic posters you will never meet in person). So why not cut and enjoy looking good during summer for once?
Well i like being strong. I dont really know how to fight so i like being strong enough to just man handle someone if i need to.
Milky mommy! Baby want milky! Milky milky warm and silky!
You wish fag
That's pretty autistic m8
Yes, I do.
This is the best advice in this thread
You want to cut before bulking, just get the body fat off before getting stronger
It works. Most people cant really fight so the stronger person usually just wins by default.
I cant stop eating. I have to do 100 burpees a day just to keep from turning into a whale
Nice man boobs. The shorts are hiked up high enough to hide your gut too. Nice...
Where do you live that you constantly need to worry about getting into fights?
Also, if you are so concerned about fights, why don't you just learn how to box? Might also help you shed these pounds a little easier.
>warm and silky!
fucking got me
borderline bearmode, what you at, 28% bf? Looking stronk
I live in the rust belt its nothing but rednecks and thugs. All the boxing gyms in this area are in the worst part of town. Ive been to one and the whole time i was there i was thinking someone was gonna break into my car while im in here. They are also expensive and time consuming which on top of lifting weights i just dont have time for.
>Jow Forums
I dont wanna shoot or stab anyone. One good smack in the face or just gorilla slaming someone to the ground is enough
anser the fooken question dick
That reminds me of the Dark Souls crow nests, for whatever reason.
you... you... give me mommy... give me milky!
The worst part is it only makes sense if you've played DS1 and 2. The first one has it as "soft & warm", whereas the second has it as "silky & smooth", in hindsight.
>What is tucker?
Cobber, after coppin one squiz of ya, i reckon you know all about what tucker is, bloke.
Not trying to be a dick, it's just ya rather large and it's not a good look bloke. Do something about it ay?
who cares if you look like shit
you're 5'9" you wont be man handling anyone retard
Way too fat.
>beach ready body
>lose weight without losing strength
>>lose weight
Pick one
You're misusing bloke, user. Mate would be more appropriate in that context.
Bloke is used third person - "That bloke is fat"
Fast until you drop 40-50 pounds. Being strong doesn't mean shit if you're a fatass.
You are getting there, bro
I'll man handle your mama
Thats ridiculously unhealthy
Dude, you're fat, borderline obese
How so? Google the Snake Diet