What keeps you going, Jow Forums? Who, or what, do you turn to when you need motivation?
Jow Forums motivations
for him...
cringe animu shit
8:30 in particular
>needing motivation
That's who I do it for too. He's the one who got me into this, so he's the one who's gonna get me through it.
Tonight I was in the gym doing RDL's. I worked up to a 675x4 RDL because I decided to do RDL's and whatever sue me bitch.
I look across the gym at two people. One is a 25 year old fuck boy who has been coming to the gym for 4 years. He looks lile he has never lifted a god damned day in his life, and he is doing fucking quarter-rep chin-up, maybe his chin is moving 3-4 inches where is arm-forearm is about 90° and strongest.
I dont want to be that god damned douchebag. Fuck wasting my time.
Then the other guy. I fucking hate this guy. When I was younger, he was stronger than me by a lot and he still has a god damned entitled attitude. But it's been 8 years and he still has a piss-weak 275x5 bench press. He used to try to bully me and every day I thank him because without his foul fucking shit I may have stopped at a 315 squat instead of 675. Because of him and his 455 sumo pulls, I may not be able to pull 745 today. Because of his fucking shit, I may not have my 500lb bench, my 405 row, or my fucking 335 OHP.
Fuck you, Hunter. You piss weak bitch.
Do you know what happens if Hunter is using my bench and I was going to bench press? I pick his fucking barbell up, clean it, and heave it across the gym and tell him he is done. And he doesn't say a god damned word. Why? Because he set the precedent that He Who Is Strongest Makes the God Damned Rules. Fuck you, Hunter.
I like lifting but on the bad days I use dragon ball related videos.
Ever since girls have been giving me compliments I've been losing motivation... I lost a lot of strength bc I almost died in the hospital and now the gym is just a chore, it used to be fun but now it's lost its charm. I wanna go back to being dyel and ignored it was motivating
Fucking based and extremely redpilled
Pasta potential if not already
Godspeed user
That one day I might build the discipline and build the strength to be the man my nation needs me to be
why aren't more anons trying to get into positions of power and into politics?
Fucking Brad.
Brad cock blocked me on a surefire threesome on December 3rd, 2008. The girls were ready to go and then he fucking sent the one home cause she was 'too drunk' even though she insisted she was fine.
As long as I live I exist to get fit and have a threesome, thus nullifying Brad's evils. I shall never rest until that mission is complete. Mind you, I became a professional and got married, but that still hasn't taken my eyes off the prize.
Fuck. You. Brad.
>I became a professional and got married
I want to live to see me date and marry the girl im in to. She's decently self conscious so I fantasize about her introducing me to some of her stacy friends, and this smug grin of pride spreading across her face as she introduces me, giggling at the jealousy on all of their faces. I want to make her feel like the luckiest girl on this earth, I know she's humble enough to not let it get to her head, which is why I like her.
I work out so I can eat more food. When the sad times come I am motivated by
>fried catfish with a squirt of lemon
>hush puppies
>fried okra
>peach cobbler
>sweet tea
>Who, or what, do you turn to when you need motivation?
The fact that I don't have anything else going on gets me through an extra set or two.
Hello there fellow dixiefag, that's some fine cuisine there i must say
fuck hunter hes a little faggot bitch
Fuck him. Literally fuck him. Hold him down in the shower and rape him , and as you cum in his ass hit him in the mouth until he says thank you for the free protein and test boost. He won't call the cops, they never do .
I wanna be like my Animus but irl :)
I do it for myself. Every time I'm going to the gym I hype myself up. This is MY time. This is for MYSELF and MY body. I'm in it to challenge myself and see each time how much I can do and how much further I can push myself.
The gains aren't even the icing on the cake, they're lose little crunchy sugar letters.
Brad could have saved you from a false rape accusation. You need to grow up.
The fact that im not feeling like a piece of shit the entire day fuels me each fucking second, it is as if I was fucking underwater before. I'm so fucking close to restoring my humanity
Bro those didn't exist in 2008. I had verbal consent already from the second girl. We were just waiting to get dropped off.
The fat piece of shit staring back at me in the mirror motivates me
>opened 4 hours ago
>Fuck him. Literally fuck him. Hold him down in the shower and rape him , and as you cum in his ass hit him in the mouth until he says thank you for the free protein and test boost. He won't call the cops, they never do .
Oh shit that reminds me of when he called me a faggot and I literally got in his face and said,
>That's right you homophobic loser. Fuck me in my ass if you're that much of a man. Fuck me and fill me with your seed, Hunter. Give me prostate orgasms, Hunter. I fucking dare you, you fucking homophobe. Share my AIDS you closet-queer-lover! Put your dick where you put your words, and fuck me, hard, Hunter. Make me fucking regret wanting your oh-so-manly man-cock, you man-ass lover.
He recoiled and disappeared for three months trying to avoid me. Everyone naturally avoided me because I was pretty loudabout wanting my ass fucked by my bully.
I'm not gay but I was tired of his shit and I just straight up challenged his rule.
Go ahead hunter. Fuck my ass since your such a god damned man. Try it. Try it you god damned closeted gay.
I've always practised sports but now I've been in the best shape of my life for like a year and a half. Right now I'm at my best moment in terms of looks at the age of 28 so I guess overall wellness and appearance is what keeps me going.
Do it for Him.
I just try to get fit cause I always hated my skelly me, and how I was bullied my entire life for being so hungry, now I get more respect but it's still not enough to nullify all the mental problems I had growing up with no confidence at all, and it's fun to see girls talking with you out of nowhere. I hope one day I can look at the mirror and be happy with who I am.
Hope you all get your motivation in check
Tired of getting Mogged by fucking brainlet NoCoiner Niggers.
By the time BTC hits 100k i'm going to be fucking jacked and rich. Smug faggot ass college boys who don't even own LINK baka
I forgot. I just go to the gym then go home. Every morning I wake up angry because I woke up.
Wow racism, homophobia, AND anti-intellectualism?
I know, based af
epic and gamerpilled
Brad fucking saved you idiot, it doesn't matter what women say they can always change their mind and everyone will believe them, at least if they're sober you have somewhat of a case but if they're drunk you're screwed, respect to brad
idk my motivation is just being the best I can be. Do I need other motivation?
Plenty are; they just haven't revealed their power levels yet.
stop being a degenerate
Trying to unfuck my life. Have something I succeeded at, to build myself up to become a better man. Hopefully, even, become a man that is needed to make the difference in my country.
I lift to be a better man than those around me. Everyone I see is just so cripplingly mediocre it’s depressing. Hopefully I can inspire those around me to pick up lifting as well.
Remember lads, we’re all gonna make it. You just gotta try to.
I just wanna like what I see in the mirror, I'm so sick of my body being this way
this is my motivation
I know it s fake motivation and unhealthy, but it s dirt cheap and does its job
Fuck hunter that little faggot pussy ass bitch
Doesnt dextrose last like 10 minutes and then leave you with an insulin come down? That would fuck your workouts up
Fuck hunter that weak piss bitch
I needed some motivation. Thanks guys. Keep posting pls
Lust, envy and misery keep me going. I see this girl everyday in my house share is amazing but she would never be attracted to me how I am right now. That's all the motivation I need to train and diet everyday
user u okay?
>Look in the mirror
>Still have that lower belly fat
>Think about my life
>Lift hard
Maybe one day lifting will finally make me not hate myself
Based Nightcrawler poster
the only thing that motivates me is focusing my hatred, I'm a happy person with friends, loving family and gf but for some reason negative emotions are the ones that keep me going
Fuck Hunter. If might makes right, he should have become mighty. Good for you user
i lift for the day they come for our guns, or the upcoming race war; whichever happens first
Do you remember that song, I aint got no - I got life? Its been overused for all kinds of commercials but it rings true.
Your body is your most vital beloning. Lose eveything and you'll still have it. You need it for everything you do. You'll become miserable if you don't take good care of it. It is the vessel of your mind and soul. Take good care of it.
>What keeps you going, Jow Forums?
Literally nothing