Wake up at 04:30

Wake up at 04:30.

Attached: thejockowillinkway_11.jpg (582x900, 46K)

But I go to bed at 4am.

Fuck that, 530 at the earliest. Assuming normal 8-4 job


>already wake up at 04:00 for work
heh nuthin personnel


>working out and watching the sun come up at the same time
>going to work hurting but refreshed

Feels amazing

>start waking up at 4:30 everyday for 2 weeks
>urge to die for the zog intensifies
wow it really works

Night shift master race. I don't get home until 8am

>wake up at 430
>be like me
>die for israel

“Go to bed at 4AM?


Wake up at 0430, more time to train, more time to focus on the enemy”.