Desire to suck dick got super bad

>desire to suck dick got super bad
>installed grindr and found a dude that seemed like a good fit
>drove over
>chickened out and figured I don't really want it
>now want it even more
Worst part is I'm straight
What do Jow Forums?

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>What do Jow Forums?
post body and dick

Suck dick faggot

why are you asking Jow Forums?

you think i'm gay or something? why does everyone think I'm gay? YOU'RE GAY

>Worst part is I'm straight
I'm gay btw if that matters

dont think that you're exactly straight user but good luck to you


>Worst part is I'm straight
no, your not

>Worst part is I'm straight

Yeahhh.... about that...

>Worst part is I'm straight
are you naggers ever going to fucking realize that bisexuality is a thing that exists. chances are you're neither straight nor gay, you're bi. and who gives a fuck, why are you asking Jow Forums. fuck outta here with this shit.

Bisexuality is not real. You pick a side in the end, either you are a fag or you are not a fag.

>You pick a side in the end
this isn't a sports game you fucking retard

>Worst part is I’m straight

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dunno which side op is on but he's playing catcher for sure

mods please remove this immediately right now

And guess what it only made it worse.
Why does a dick have to be attached to a male body that's so fucking lame desu
And to all you retards saying I'm not straight...lmao
being gay is being attracted to men. I'm not attracted to male body or men in general, I only want to suck a dick. Being gay is being attracted to men and wanting to kiss them and all that gay shit. And I'm not bi either because that still implies attraction to men. I don't remember ever looking at a male's body in a sexual way while all those softcore porn pics with tits and ass on this basketweaving forum always draw my attention

user, just do it. Repressing isn't healthy and if you don't do it, you'll wind up regretting it.

Straight men don't arrange to suck dick on grindr.

>I'm not attracted to male body
your attraction to dicks, which you just sperged on about in this very same post, completely contradicts that statement.

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Do not ever suck dick.

Why not?

You'll go to hell and Satan will torture you for an eternity.

Don't put down porn for a week
It takes a while for the brain to heal

why do you keep saying that as if it has any sort of significance beyond you and your cult

>your cult

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damn i havent seen that image in years

Stop it or enter me. Your choice

I've been on this site since 2007, I'm currently 34 years old and still here.

0 to 6 my dude

I don't think a loving and benevolent God would sent me to hell to get tortured forever for sucking a dick. It's just not something a compassionate and understand divine being would do.
I stopped for an extended period of time my guy and it has done nothing for me.

Kind of in the same boat OP. Miracles happen and I hooked up with a sexy shemale from the gym. I thought >she was a girl for the longest time. Straight up 10/10

mmmm... you sound quite gay user

Fukk user that's literally my dream

>a loving and benevolent God
Who said he was a loving and benevolent God? The definitive primary source describes him as vengeful and wrathful on more than one occasion. Have you seen what he does to his enemies? And those who have sinned and refuse to repent? There's a pretty clear and demonstrated pattern of consequences as it relates to blasphemous little shits who disobey his commandments.

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>Paid a tranny $700 to let me blow her
>Figured it would give me some peace of mind
>Can't stop thinking about blowing her again


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Imagine wanting a big juicy cock in your mouth so much that only way you can keep from doing it is to convince yourself that you'll be tortured for eternity.

How did it feel and why tf did it cost so much?

Pic related
It was pretty much straight out of a porno. I'm a real shy, soft-spoken guy. I'd been seeing her at the gym almost a year, just checking her out. Then we exchanged a few words, she sorta shit tested me.. I didn't know what to think of it. A couple months later she saw my junk on full display and told me to meet her at her house
>inb4 >her

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