Hey. Is this a normal amount of body fat for a teenage guy?

Hey. Is this a normal amount of body fat for a teenage guy?

Attached: fat or average.jpg (1458x1615, 245K)

No fatass put the fucking fork down


Hey, i remember you

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In the mountains..

Attached: thorim.jpg (300x277, 31K)

go on a fucking starvation diet fattie

This guy seriously needs steroids. This is like medically abnormal.

How is this not bait?

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You again. Does your diet consist of only soi and beer? Start doing cardio and eat some meat

This lardass posts here just so he can get off on everyone calling him a tub of shit. I hope you get banned.

Attached: 7E14A093-570D-4B46-BBBB-F15CE76284C3.png (460x558, 181K)

Average Jow Forums body


>Is this normal for a teenage guy?


>belly hanging over the waist-line

user, I...

Attached: læsmig.png (202x283, 92K)

Dude he knows. He gets off to posting his fat ass and having other call him out for being a fat shit.
It goes in all fields.

Could be a bunch of muscle under all that fat

He's a big guy


So how many hot dogs do you eat a day ?

Nice bitch tits. Go back to Jow Forums

Somedays I could eat a couple and somedays I could eat none

Stop replying to this fat fetishist lmao he gets off on people putting him down its some weird shaming kink shit

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nice fake image, the retard spent the time faking the toblerone packages but skipped on the box, pathetic

i have the same body type please help

Stop replying to this thread. Mods need to shut it down.

Jesus that quest chain...
user dont invoke these memories

Why are anglo saxons such idiots? It's not about "putting down the fork". God made you to eat till your full, just like every animal out there none are fat and none toil like faggots like you about "putting down their fork". It's about eating a non western diet. No fast food, only real food and if you do you won't be fat.

Unless you aim for keto you should avoid cheese and too much meat and oils.

Do that for long enough and you won't have bitch tits and a flabby stomach.

>God made you to eat till your full
God doesn't real you retarded nigger

Hail Odin.

*dips fedora in ranch*

That onions diet really took it's toll on hbomberguy

virgin agrarian
Chad pastoralist
Hail Wötan eat meat

by western diet, I assume you mean standard american or standard bong. as long as you get exercise and keep off the sugar, a decent amount of meat and cheese won't hurt you. of course, if you want your body to look good you need to get plenty of protein and eat at a deficit or surplus depending on your goals.

Honestly you should bulk Mr skellington

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it's not the same guy