>Make it >Get girlfriend >Always calls me over to her place >Tell her last night, I'm not happy >Got offended because i told her shes not trying hard enough for me >Told her when i finish work and I'm heading to her place, she should get ready for me, wear nice clothes, put on make up, and get ready for sex so be clean and shower >Basically want her to be ready for when i get home
Sounds like you're an inept retard who's about to get cheated on
Aiden Williams
are you a moron? some girls doesn't open up that fast and no autistic moron goes and telling her she should be ready for sex with a serious note either she wants your dick or not, but i bet she barely get wet of you lmao, and even after that? Goodluck with even getting good sex
Carter Nguyen
You want her to get dressed up and stuff just for you to come over? Sounds like you want something to fuck, not a human companion
Ryan Murphy
well you are expecting her to be a housewife 50s style. In theory youre right but its 2019 so you cant expect this
That looks like a very impractical setup. How is he going to type like that?
Joseph Phillips
No, a woman should work hard to please her man!
Jason Morgan
You can and should expect this. Maybe not from her but you woman you want to marry. I always told girls before I got married that women do the cooking cleaning laundry etc. If they dont want to do that then they are free to leave. I am not going to waste anybodies time on delusions. Some girls told me they would cook and clean but their rooms/apartments were terrible looking. So I would break up with them after a time. You should be honest with women you want to be serious with. Otherwise you will just end up being unhappy and resentful. Also not every man wants a woman who cooks and cleans, that is up to them.
imagine you are having a serious debate on fit and you are just about to destroy somebody who doesn't believe in CICO and then she braaps haha
Isaiah Bennett
If she is unemployed then yes she should be ashamed. You are totally in the right. >Dinner must be on the table >Sex must be readily available and she should make blowjobs or anal available when she is bleeding
Nathan Brown
You may want to invest on a sex doll
Bentley Garcia
Are you a brainlet? Read what the fuck he is saying, he literally wants the girl to shower, makeup on, and be butt naked when he walks in the door and she needs to be ready for sex right away Its not about cooking and cleaning, its about expecting sex right away, your job is getting the girl to like you and make her feel like she needs your dick, that way she will shower dress nicely etc for you, but if you like OP who is a braindead mong that just want sex, lel, dont get a GF
Nicholas Ramirez
Yes, what the hell. She doesn't have an obligation to do all that.
Luke Brown
well see if she does it
Adrian Brown
And OP doesn't have an obligation to stay with her. Your point being?