>Get fucked up in Judo last night >96kg, had a roll with a blue belt (i am white) and went at him full force and tried a harai goshi only to be smashed into the mat with his weight smashing into me as well >Woke up, ride side of back in PAIN, couldn't move >Few hours later, feeling slightly better but pain still there >At the gym right now, finished first set of 1x5 100kg squats >When i tense my upper back and squish it together, feel sore / tightness right inside the muscle on my right
What is it Jow Forums, just a muscle spasm or a slight sprain? I cant help but lift, i hate missing a workout/
Same thing happened to me, any chance it could be a bruised rib? Try benching.
Gavin Perry
I'll bench in about 15 min, i got a few more sets of squats, and I'll pyramid down to 60kg and rep out about 30 since i'm scared to do my usual 140kg weight.
Picture related is where it's all sore. The whole area.
>white belt, went full force ayyy lmao has anyone taught you not to do this my coach always said to the newbies focus 100% on technique, strength and speed come with time and he had a few national champions so he should know
Jacob Myers
My harai goshi technique is actually very good, it was also Randori. Good luck going soft all the time, you'll never make it past your first competition.
Thomas Wilson
Allright, I was almost a green as a 10 year old kid already Lmfao.
Austin Harris
>Allright, I was almost a green as a 10 year old kid already Lmfao.
So basically, you were the equivalent of a skilled adult male that's about about 50kg, and had a few months as a white belt (Except, the adult would have more knowledge of advanced throws compared to a 10 year old)... .
Colton Martin
If jiu jitsu was easy it would be called Judo.
Evan Ross
Alright, ribs are fine, but where i circled in the pic fucking hurts when i bench and squish my back together.
Jackson Morgan
this is my comment this is not menone is telling you to go soft, you will see after some time doing judo, there are people who do throws with technique, some do it with pure strenght, and 99% are in between, i am just telling you put all your focus on technique I can do randori with a guy thats 8 kg heavier than me, x2 times stronger for about 10 min without breaking a sweat and my stamina is nothing special
Try to make it look more like this youtu.be/eNInnePp-C8 and not like 2 enraged bulls fighting thats all im saying
Ayden Morales
Have you ever competed? Because competition is two bulls going at it.
Charles Rivera
>autistic white belt spazzes out and hurts himself Am I supposed to be surprised?
Sebastian Sanchez
>user stop being a cuck >just train like this 10th Dan
I'm 7 feet tall and 200 kilos also I have a multiple foot long dick and I make 400k as a chef at Wendy's. I have mastered aikido in countless life or death situations on the battlefield. Don't take me lightly ever again kid.
Elijah Clark
>a roll It's a randori but it's ok you are just a kohai t. brown belt
Isaiah Perry
>tfw i'll never be like you senpai
Still trying to remember all that's needed for yellow belt grading. I know Orange and above throws, since my sensei is very tournament orientated.
It obviously wasn’t a very good harai gosh if you got countered that hard. My guess is you tried to pull rather than snap and he just walked around you and swept ur legs. Also its most likely just bruising OP, should go away in a day or two
Thomas Peterson
No one says that except BJJ guys who are scared of falling, go back to humping eachother on the mat.
No it isn’t, it’s basically lots of pressure right till you start a combination that leads to snappy throw, then you win. Or lose. Anyone who just pushes forward like a bull is stupid easy to take down, just use a sasae ezpz. Also yeah I’ve been in a few competition pic related.
I think that'd make your dick the most practical target in a melee, for most people. kek
William Reed
Judo is a young man's game. The older you get the more Judo will injure you and you need to take into account recovery. Even at age 21~ you'll feel the effects of Judo quite easily on your body.. Hot showers, stretch, foam roll..