Are HGH supplements a meme or not?
(i.e things that increase your bodies natural production of HGH instead of taking more artificially).
Are HGH supplements a meme or not?
I read a couple of articles about it and the verdict was mostly "it's a meme"
Taking nothing increases hgh aka fasting.
Just like test 'boosters', they are a meme and don't provide any meaningful benefit
Natural hgh boosters:
Intermittent fasting
Long, deep sleep
Physical activity
Are there foods that are known to benefit hgh production?
Take Mk677, some peptides like Cjc or however is that called and fast.
Doesn't eating hinder it no matter what if fasting increases it? Just eat healthy.
Some anecdotal experience with fasting, I had an old injury come back, I did omad and recovered much faster.
I don't know. Perhaps Ibutamoren might work better?
Do you have any research on those available?
Just done some research, Mk-677 seems to be pretty promising, and gaba has been shown to increase hgh levels significantly
is intermittent fasting doing anything else other than make you lose weight? what is this magical practice. I only heard about it on Joe Rogan show and some Youtube athletes who sell snake oil
I'm no expert but I heard that as long as the body is busy digesting food it lowers the hgh production
Just remember you have to take it for a long period of time. At least 3 month. But even that might be a little time.
Deceptive. Same study your gay snake diet guy shills comments that it’s not anabolic and doesn’t help with muscle gain or preservation.
I'm considering giving it to my kids since my wife is only 5 ft
Great idea.
Fasting is GOAT for muscle preservation
There was a study where they let participants do ADF for 60 days and there was no change in lean body mass
how tall are you?
yeah if u have boys they will be around 5'8. I would say dont give them cjc or at least not with DAC, but Mk677 seems fine
Is this /b/?
Well my understanding is that if its with DAC it causes hgh "bleeding", so instead of hgh being produced at different levels throughout the day it is produced in a continuous stream which is apparently bad for you, and idk how that would effect still developing kids.
Oh thanks. I looked it up bcos I didn't knew it and it seemed to be some pretty potent /fraud/-tier shit
Only one way to find out, lad.
Is wishing the best for your kids a bait?
>giving your kids chemicals to change something that has absolutely no effect on their lives
I guess I just bit
Well they are your kids and you are free to experiment on them as you want. At the very least, he is not going to force feed them a fucking estrogen.
>they are your kids and you are free to experiment on them as you want
Based and nietzschepilled
Is Mk-677 taken orally? Just searched it up and found Mk-677 powders.
Btw, where do I get Mk-677 and GABA. Is it legal in EU?
No it's not
Don't buy that shit, it's not worth it
If you're found out they'll fuck you up the ass
I want to get fucked in my ass though.
Nevermind then