Do you reward yourselves with food after a tough workout, Jow Forums?

Do you reward yourselves with food after a tough workout, Jow Forums?

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If it stays within my TDEE sure.

Yes, I do. Nothing better than a post-workout shake with milk and whole three scoops.

Yes i have a nice big plate of chicken and rice when i get home

someone tell me if i eat within my tdee can i eat what ever i want


Honestly that meal doesn't seem that unhealthy.

Small portion. Sausages are mostly fine.

Potatoes are pretty high carb but he's drinking water and coffee. Who knows what's in that sauce but it's probably just salt maybe sugar.

Either way he was active and I think this is ok.

On a side note, please stop posting about boogie. He isn't that interesting.

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Why doesn’t this fat fuck just stop eating?

Boogie's made it, he's earned it. The fact he even woke up one day and decided to take action to reclaim his health, is truly commendable. No one can knock him for this. And, furthermore, he has physically lost so many pounds, showing he has the strength of character as a man to enact his plan and take action. He could have cursed everyone and God who put him in this position, but he doesn't. He accepts responsibility and has the hunger to change. He's a real man.

Shut the fuck up boogie.

he's a chad now, imagine how many women he is trucking

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this picture is even funnier when you know all his teeth are fake

>has to get a surgery to just stop stuffing his fucking face
>it doesn't work anyway
>he stays at the same weight for months at this point
>lies to his viewers about the amount he eats
>bitches that it's hard not to eat, while having the most anorexia inducing hobby possible - gaming
Oh yeah, he CERTAINLY made it, lmao.

Yes, but try to hit your macros. At least protons.

Nothing fake about those teeth dumbass

He's not drinking coffee. He's drinking whatever the fuck 'butter beer' is and I'll bet it's full of sugar.
Hows it feel to be fucking retarded? In fact you should delete your post to save yourself from shame.

God I wish walking 5 miles would open up my appetite

They’re real teeth but just from another person. Different than dentures you fucking retard

What the fuck is butter beer?


"A calorie is a calorie" - CocaCola
So just eat candy and drink soda. As long as it's within your TDEE you'll be fine.

>from another person
What the fuck in the fuck

His brow looks somehow worse now that there's less fat there. Or it's just his eyes, now that we can really see them

I actually do not since I am fasting, my body is gonna have to wait until tonight

Holy fuck
Hes slowly, but surely, turning into Sam Losco

If he’s able to eat much his stomach has certainly stretched back out to its original size. He’s delusional.

Damn muggles


Whats the point in lifting weights if you dont eat enough?

Its not a fucking reward, its part of your training.

As someone who had to lose weight the old-fashioned way:
"Earning" a high-calorie meal is indicative of the mindset that's got him morbidly obese and of the mindset that will ensure he will, surgery or no, remain morbidly obese in the long run.
The association of eating with a reward, itself, is counterproductive, for someone like him (or me).
And the calorie loss from running six miles, let alone walking them, is rather negligible compared to any dietary excess.
Losing weight, and keeping that weight loss, requires visceral honesty with oneself. Anyone who is delusional about it is just going to swing back.

No. I simply allowed myself to eat a larger calorie total once I hit a lean body fat percentage, still working out.
Every so often I need to cut back on said calorie total, but that is not a day to day thing, since that'd lead my tracking method to offshoot wildly thanks to water retention over a sudden change in dietary habits. It is a biweekly thing, instead.

Potatoes are a complex starch, perfectly fine in reasonable amounts in a realistic diet.
Of course, that is for the methods of preparing them you'd expect someone on weight loss to go for. Anything that odds oil or butter to the preparation will very swiftly make it into a high-calorie garnish.

>tiny tummy
Fuck I hate when men talk like fucking children.
Pretty sure you’re right. I just looked up how much a stapled stomach holds. When you get the surgery, your stomach should hold 250ml of chewed food. A regular stomach holds 4 times that. But I don’t know if those numbers are true though because I thought the procedure reduces the stomach by 95%. Either way his stomach is stretched

>Potatoes are pretty high carb
no they aren't, poatoes have low calories and carb per 100g. Sausages on the other hand often has high fat high cal. u idiot

His haircut looks like a Jewish hat..

You get it. Except, given the kind of dish they are eating, it is very likely full of added lipids.

Butter beer is beer, sugar, eggs, nutmeg, cloves and butter.

Yeah, I have this casein pudding thing
2 scoops, 30g peanut butter, water.
300kcal, 55g P, 15g C, and 16g F.

fuck that diet soda is the way to go

I fucking hate this fat retard, you faggots need to stop making threads about him.

Sure he’s fat but why is he retarded?

>he’s fat
>why is he retarded?

Because he let himself get this fat and he doesn't have the discipline that a 40 year old man or whatever's his age is should have to do it, instead he just keeps failing like a child.

For me, it's the McDouble. The best fast food sandwich.

you dont do a post-workout meal? twink or fatty? be honest

Just because someone is fat doesn’t mean they’re retarded. Genetics can play a huge role in weight loss/gain whether Jow Forums wants to believe it or not.

This fatass has no discipline/self control. You're not implying "muh genetics" is what made/keeps him fat, are you?

cope harder fatass

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But he literally posts the shit he eats you fat fucking retard

Fatty detected

Usually no. I go to KFC maybe once every month or two, even then, it doesn't appeal me that much since they don't have salsa sauce now.

The more I crave for junk and the more my family and friend try to tempt me, the least likely I will indulge, because that's how you become addicted and get shitty habits.
I don't want to be the slave of some shitty hunger hormones.
Eating is literally the most important thing you do in your everyday life, you can't build a better self with burgers and fried shit.

that's just two sausages, wut?

What’s what she said

What’s wrong with being Jewish?

I finish every workout with a pint of whole milk.

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Only a retard wouldn't immediately recognize his teeth are fake. And he's smart for dropping the money on fake teeth. So many people like that Cosmo Wright abortion will spend thousands trying to turn themselves into another gender rather than use that money for one of the best looksmaxx upgrades.

>this much

What, two whole sausages and some greens? He barely touched his mash.

my reward is buttermilk and berries or meat and veggies or just quark, it depends on the calories I had on the training day and my TDEE

His stomach was originally the size of an egg though

Fat people look gross when they lose weight cause of the loose skin everywhere. Including the face. Its a shame

no wonder he's still fat

I mean it was fine until the "butter beer"
Why do people think its okay to drink their calories?? If you just never drink your calories its hard to get very fat.

Like what types of things go through your head when you swallow ounces and ounces of fat and sugar in seconds?

He is going to be fat as shit again within 12 months.

He never stopped being fat

He’s lost like 300 lbs.

HE DOESN'T NEED TO FUCKING EAT. I can't wait until he dies of a heart attack
Pic related

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It’s usually him or his marketing team that does it. They do it on /v/ and Jow Forums too.

>not doing 5 scoops

Never gonna make it.

>still fat

My workouts are my rewards for eating

>walked 5 miles
shit nigga, I walk 5 miles without even considering it exercise

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This picture is why I have braces now. I didn't want to be so far gone as him.

He lost 150lb. Which took him a lot longer than it would have taken anybody

a drink from harry potter. I had some at Universal Studios, it's basically cream soda with butterscotch whipped cream.

this reward shit is retarded as fuck! thats why people are miserable, they think everything they do should be rewared or worth more than it actually is, there is a dude that i know that drinks a beer everyday after work and posts on his instagram some "motivational" frase with #reward after it, i cringe so hard, once i saw him on the street and said "yo dude why you always rewarding yourself for doing what literally everyone else does?" and he didn't knew how to answer

Take your CICO sorcery out of here, witch

These people are dogs, always need to reward themselves for doing stupid shit.

I have no need to lose weight, so sometimes yes.

he's having a laugh, no dentist does that


>Do you reward yourselves with food after a tough workout, Jow Forums?

Sort of. I just ate 3/4 of a Little Caesars deep dish pizza after I jogged for 3 miles but it was my breakfast. I like to eat a shitload of carbs before weight training because I feel like I perform better when I do. The pizza helped my goal (even if there's better options) and I'm fine eating super light for the rest of the day post workout. Just some protein shakes and veggies and I hit my macros post pizza

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sorry dude people dont use logic anymore

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Translation: I walked 5 miles so I decided to reward myself by ingesting a large amount of fat and carbs because I have no self control and I have no desire to actually lose weight because I’m a fat piece of shit.