Training for grappling

How should one train if the goal is to get better at grappling sports?

3x5 barbell rows and RDLs are the base of my routine... what else should be included?

Attached: grappling-martial-art.jpg (740x400, 266K)

Other urls found in this thread:

squats, bench press, military press, clean&jerk and snatches for strength and power.
pullups, chin ups with gi or towel grip.
strongman circuits for strength and endurance
high reps with lightweights and calisthenics for endurance.
running with interval sprints for 3 miles 5 times per week and sprint 100, 200, 400 meters for 3 miles 2 times per week. all of these on top of your daily practice

Weighted Neck exercises mostly curls but extensions and rotations too

Would actually do bw neck world daily for 20 reps to keep it healthy and come to actual training sessions weighted for reps if 15

Heavy hip thrusts for bridging
Weighted decline crunches & leg lifts
Weighted chins
And believe it or not cardio. Cardio is actually mandatory. Not talking about getting steps in either I mean hitting some low impact work to increase your gas tank. Can do this after grappling sessions which is what I would recommend or first thing in the morning. Cycling or swimming are best for the joints. Running is easiest as you just out shoes in and run.

From here depends on your sport.
I'd recommend grip training using captains of crush grippers focusing on max strength l
Can also do weighted rope climbs if you have access or put a towel or your GI over a pull up bar. Rope would be best desu.

Next it's just keeping joints healthy so a bit of bicep curls and tricep extensions.

From here it d

>Neck exercises mostly curls
Nice, I've been doing neck curls with 30kg sandbags for 3x15 eod, is that enough?

>Weighted chins
I do plenty chin-ups, but rarely loaded bc it isn't much practical (my bar won't really stand the wieght of myself plus some more)
The idea of training with towels seems great though, thanks

Would the following routine be good?

Bench press 3x5
Barbell rows 3x5
RDL 3x10
Curls + Rope triceps push down 3x15
Abs + Neck curls 3x20

Squat 3x5
OHP 3x5
Power clean 3x10
Curls + Rope triceps push down 3x15
Abs + Neck curls 3x20

Towel chin-ups 3x15
Dips 3x15


I changed my entire workout pattern to 5x5 OHP, front squats, push press, and deadlifts only and I feel my grappling has improved due to the gym

That's not a bad routine desu, but you're missing upper some upper back strength.
Weighted pullups should do the trick.

I had a feeling I was missing something. Thanks bro

just do the phrak gslp, its similar

Attached: Phraks greyskull.png (547x465, 81K)

Farmers carries and other grip strength training is good