Do you clean up after yourself in the gym (rerack weights and wipe the benches)?

Do you clean up after yourself in the gym (rerack weights and wipe the benches)?

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yes, I am not a nigger.

I wipe it before I use it

The betas in my gym clean up after me like slaves

Those seats look comfy

Americans LITERALLY can’t go 120 minutes without eating


That mess isn't even that bad

this picture is pathetic. That loser hangs his head in defeat from some trash. That is why he will never make it and will work min wage the rest of his fucking life.

no i take a shit after, of course i fucking rerack all the fucking weights and wipe what i used

They cant go without eating for 12 seconds. 120 minutes is literal ancient chinese torture.

Be an alpha and buy your own equipment. Why spend money on a gym membership for used equipment covered with layers nigger sweat and germs. Gyms are one of most unsanitary places on earth.

For you

>pic related With that broom he has and a trash bag, it would take LITERALLY maybe 30 seconds to clean that up.

>taking the time to do a "I'm crying" pose
>taking the time to snap a pic
>taking the time to edit the pic and add text
>taking the time to post it on reddit

All of that took much longer than the actual task (that they are being paid to do under voluntary agreement).

I wonder how many upvotes this got.

>3 hours
>120 minutes

This must be why you metric users are still trying to put a flag on the moon

120 minutes is 3 hours. Wtf you brainlet.


yeah, this.

What the actual fuck are end game shows? This is some facebook normie/npc shit isn't it?

>TIL there are 40 minutes in an hour

It’s where they show the end of video games.


Maybe if there were 10 minutes in an hour you'd be able to understand kek

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It's the new Avengers: End Game movie you fucking walnut under a rock

Why would I need to wipe if I use a towell?
The whole sweat goes to the towell.

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what makes you think that he was talking about 3 hours and not 2 hours? 2 hours is the average length of a movie, and so 120 minutes is correct


i should work at a movie theatre. Working at a restaurant as a bus boy, I have seen things in the women's bathroom I wish I didn't have to clean up. My fucking god

Always, i even pick up shit people leave lying in my vicinity while resting.
>active resting
>got education/discipline from parents
>I have a large dick, do i don't need to compensate by being a piece of trash

In the gym? I put things back. I dont wipe anything down that's not my job.
At the theater? That place is my dumping ground. I bought a ticket and I'll leave my shit in my seat when I leave. You dont like it? Get a new job

sounds like you live a pretty bad life where people abuse you at work constantly. Sorry you live like this, people should treat you better and there are people that feel your pain

Like what motherfucker? Green text time

I rerack but don't wipe unless I visibly left sweat behind. Staff wipes all machines daily anyway.

Nah I'm pretty comfy and a firm believer that the money I spend goes to the employees there, so they can work. I was an actual janitor as a teenager and the only time I'd bitch was when someone shit or puked on the floor. Everything else about that job was a damn cakewalk

At least they didn't take the time to proofread.

Still, I am sorry everyone had to constantly give you a hard time. You don't have to keep constantly thinking everyone around you is a jerk. There are people out there that felt your same pain but the majority of people are like you. Inconsiderate, treat others like shit because they get treated the same, we all have done it in times where you don't live comfortably. Its okay user

Based and nicepilled.

Who am I treating like shit? I'm not a prick to these kids. I'm not throwing my shit all over the place, but I'm not going to do their job for them when I paid for their service. Do you bus your own table too?

I rerack and wipe as a principle, because the gym I frequent taught me a lot and improved my life, so I respect it.
Also, people are nicer and more likely to give advice/spot you when they see you clean up after yourself.

I have told my stories a couple of times. Not sure if it was here but here is one
>working a busy night with one other busboy
>im constantly going in and out of the dish pit dropping off and collecting dirty dishes
>boss runs up to me and whispers to me that there is a huge emergency in the women's bathroom
>tells me to go take care of it
>im thinking to myself one of the toilets is clogged, which happens a lot in the women's bathroom. Barely ever happens in the men's
>go in there
>there are three toilet stalls
>the walls for the center stall has fallen over to the right and left toilet stalls
>the toilet is clogged, tons of toilet paper in there, still see poop floating around, and the water is near the top
>it basically looks like some fat lady went into the middle stall, held onto the walls for dear life, while laying down the biggest shit ever, and in the process of this shit the lady pushed the walls over
>walk back out and tell my manager i am not cleaning that shit up
>manager is angry at me and quickly walks into the bathroom
>walks back out and agrees I don't have to clean anything up in that bathroom

>Do you bus your own table too
Only at the ones that don't have bussers such as firehouse subs or any of the other sit down restaurants where you go up to grab your food.
If not, I am kind enough to try to gather all the plates in the center of the table since I know what its like to have people coming in thinking they can trash the place and just leave. I cant catch all the trash people hid until the end of the night.

I worked at a movie theater when I was 16 and I would clean up messes 20x worse than that, including used condoms, dirty diapers and underwear, etc. Once found a pile of empty cans of Vienna sausages (20+)

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I don’t like sitting still and doing nothing between sets so I reorganise the weights on the rack to be in order with the heaviest at the bottom, if there is an odd number of plates I’ll put the spare back where it belongs.

There’s nothing to wipe the benches down with in my gym, the staff just do it.

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Yeah and also I organize the weights in between sets since no one else does.
>tfw gym merry poppins

True facts. Women are fucking absolutely disgusting when not around men

wow, you're a fucking autist. but i suppose i benefit from beta weirdos like you, so whatever.

You’re a retard who’s never worked in food service. Being courteous to your neighbors is part of being a good citizen. Stacking plates and glasses before you leave takes 5 seconds. If you think you’re being alpha by being a lazy shitlord then you’re actually just a degenerate faggot who will never feel real love and will spend the rest of their life wondering why they can’t.

The average length of a movie is 1 hour 40 you retarded faggot.
(In metric that's 100 minutes)

Unironically yes. I'll be a faggot when I have a home gym worth using.

I also rerack but don't wipe the bench. People into wiping will wipe it first anyway.

Holy shit look at this triggered cunt. If it takes 5 seconds then it shouldnt be a problem for the person I just HELPED PAY to do it.
Food service employees are the fucking worst. All they do is bitch no matter how well the day goes. They cant fathom performing their full duty as an employee and take it as some great insult when a customer doesnt help them out. Seriously the most unbearable people I've ever met and worked with. The entitlement they have is so unwarranted

>they are getting paid to do a job
>so its alright for me to abuse the shit out of all the workers
>just go get another job if you don't like it
typical walmart shopper right there

Again, where am I "abusing" them? By not doing their job for them? Here hang on produce man, I'll stock those vegetables for you!

>im not abusing the workers if I just walk into their establishment and purposefully make their jobs harder
>they are getting paid, I am supposed to come in and trash the place

there is a difference between expecting great service and entitlement

>heaviest at the bottom
Heavy weights up top is objectively better

Holy shit man, I'm a diehard Stirnerist and even I'm not such a cunt.

I usually rerack unless I'm in a hurry.

Beta movie staff cant do their job

>I paid for it
>the place is my dumping ground
imagine if everyone had the same attitude as you. We would never have nice things. Everyone would constantly give each other shit. And we would basically run everywhere into the ground. Its like thinking you can just litter everywhere at a park because you paid entrance fee

Always, what am I a monkey?

it depends. For some reason, I never rerack weights after benching. Maybe because I literally never found them unracked, and have to rerack and rack my weights every time. So maybe I assumed it was bench etiquette or something. I always rerack after deadlifts and dumbbell presses or whatever. Maybe my gym is full of niggers (not literal ones, tho) and I hadn't noticed.

I always did but my gym stopped supplying towels to ‘go green’. I’m paying $40 a month, what the fuck. I’ll wipe before I use it if I see sweat. Not after, because the gym is now not encouraging it.
As for your pic wtf, they just get a garbage can and toss it all in. Would literally take under 20 seconds.

Because Endgame is LITERALLY 3 hours long


>As for your pic wtf
Its obvious the kid was just fishing for likes on facebook or reddit or whatever. The kid is sitting on the ground implying that the place is fucking clean as fuck other than the trash laying around. Although a bit inconsiderate from the customers, its really not a big deal to clean this shit up.

Re-rack 90% of the time, unless i come to a bench or rack that has 1pl8 on each side then when im done ill take it back down to those.

Wipe down - nah

Where did I make their job harder? Their entire job is going into a theater after a showing and throwing away trash. I leave mine at my chair, adding a whopping 10 seconds of picking stuff up. Whoa I'm real sorry you had to put up with that bro. What a tradegy.
Nigger I had to work with these people while going through college. Fuck them. My managers liked me because i never came in hungover or in a pissy ass mood like 99.9% of servers and CSR's. Even now there are retards in my field that show up like this and they get nowhere because grown ups shun that behavior, but in a food industry setting its somehow OKAY to get away with. Nah fuck you. Do your job and I'll happily tip you 20% and be grateful for your work. Expect me to help out and you lost a customer

Everyone who litters unironically deserves sterilisation, regardless of whether or not was in an area where someone is paid to pick up trash.

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I re rack my weights but I don't wipe down equipment cause I'm not a fag. If the person who uses it after me wants it clean that badly they can wipe it down themselves

This. Anyone who's ever played sports has gotten a bunch of random dudes' sweat all over them anyway.

It's completely different. Park entrance fees support conservation and affect a larger cause. Me leaving some popcorn on the floor for a teenager trying to make extra money to pick up isnt even comparable. Try again though

t. nigger

Maybe next time don't say
>the place is my dumping ground
to act like an alpha when all you are doing is leaving behind a soda and popcorn container. Your original statement implies you are one of the customers that purposefully trash the place to have fun. Such as customers who just throw popcorn everywhere when about to leave or the ones spit out fucking sunflower seeds everywhere on the floor or the ones that for some odd reason spits out soda everywhere, etc.

I work in apartment maintenance and I will make you wait a week to fix your AC if I suspect that you're too much of a nigger to put trash in the dumpster. Sorry that not dumping plastic into our watershed is such an incredible hassle to you. I understand, it's really hard work putting empty wrappers in your back pocket for three minutes.

>complaining about workers complaining about customers
although not a one sided street, customers are usually never right

>i paid for the service
>the place is my dumping ground
You want to stop acting like you are an alpha if you are going to turn into a beta bitch? Stay consistent with your prick attitude

where I come from staff has only a limited time to clean up, and this time is estimated as if all guests throw away their trash themselves. Especially after the last viewing it's literally unpaid overtime for employees.

I was at a restaurant and waiter asked me to pass him my menu. Uh WHAT? Isn't that your fucking job? So I threw the menu on the floor and spit in his face to show him who's boss. He was acting all pissed but it's literally his job description, so fuck him. I did nothing wrong and I fucking hate waiters.

I am being genuine here but it sort of sounds like you have some sort of autism, literally. You seem to lack both sympathy and empathy for workers and coworkers. Its like you never want to face conflict and just take whatever work comes your way even if the customer is wrong and giving you an extremely hard time.
Its just the way you are answering the other anons that makes me think this. I am not sure what your entire argument is off this one post.

Not throwing out your garbage is different from purposefully making their job harder. In fact, if everyone cleaned up after themselves, a lot of those cinema workers would lose their jobs.

pretty cute attempt

>thinks leaving behind a soda and some popcorn is giving workers a hard time

did you fuck him in the ass afterwards to make completely sure he understood who's boss?

>if i wasn't lazy, there would be less employment
So. You don't respect them. Which is why you need to ensure that they have a job? Surely demonstrating to the theatre that adults are capable of cleaning up after themselves would cause more harm to these people you hate? In reality it's just a cope. You invent these reasons to justify your actions after the fact. In reality you're just lazy and irresponsible, but it's more fun and less pathetic-feeling to spin it as UGH TAKE THAT SOCIETY

have sex

Enagage in fornication

I re-rack weights, only time I wipe benches is if I literally sweated shitloads on it, thankfully i'm not one of those pigs that sweat from every orifice so I rarely need to wipe benches.

Do you just leave everything lying around at home?

Hahahaha jesus Christ

It's probably because he actually has to work.

Home gym here. I take a shit on my diddly mat and make my mom clean it up

Bend over bitch

Those are some big seats

No I usually piss myself before leaving the bench.


Reracker here. I consider it part of my workout and it's respectful. I also am in a high end fitness club and I like setting a good example for any snoody people or the staff that works out there

sort of. My gym is in this condo in Panama (shit city. Nothing but hotels and casinos. I hate it) buidling and there's a guy who comes and cleans it up every day, including replacing weights. Also, me and my gf are like the only people using it, so we don't really give a shit.

Not that user but...
>be me age 24
>work register at large liquor store
>interact with worst people in our community everyday
>smelly fat tweeker Mexican lady comes in moaning
>”me stomach hurt so bad, whay yo baffroom at.?”
>point to bathroom
>she goes into bathroom for over an hour
>she exits the bathroom and walks out the door avoiding eye contact with me and coworker
>coworker goes into women’s bathroom
>”user get the fuck in here!”
>go in and look into toilet
>the fetus is stuck on the side of the toilet out of the water
>poke it and it’s arm moves
>coworker runs to get the boss
>boss comes into bathroom and looks into toilet
>”sh-should we call the cops or something boss?”
>based black boss man looks at us and then flushes the toilet
>”it’s a liquor store not a fucking daycare. get back to work.”

Nothing of value was lost.


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