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Is this dumbass shilling raw bacon now?
Dead eyed quadroon
t. disgusting fatfuck pig
I am not even fat. I'm just saying, he is extremely stupid looking, has some negroid features, and doesn't appear to know science. This is what stupid american capitalism rewards, quadroons conning people into buying literal snake oil. Why do you think it's called the "snake" diet again? Right...
>I am not even fat
Post body
Also this amount of retardation can only come from someone that has never watched his videos
Imagine defending this guy. The guy who promotes
> dopamine fasting
> looks like shit after 10 years of training
> is literally an incel and hates women
> chemotherapy doesn't work
> you can cure every single type of cancer with just fasting
> If you have HIV, you can cure it with cancer.
I did this in 2 years you fat fuck faster. Now post your body
Why do you assume I am fat? Not everyone is like your parents you know, it's no use projecting. I do a normal CICO diet and am not fat, I never fell for his fasting or other meme bullshit because unlike him I actually know science and I've seen the inside of a school before. Also as a general policy I try not to take advice from quadroons
>1kg bacon
So is this dude rich or what
I don't know who's the real one, but I can easily tell that both of you are retarded and don't know what you are talking about
Here's my body anyway
typical fat /fast/er. You losers belong in your own sub section with your meme diet. Have fun losing tons of fat but still looking like a dyel skinny fat fuck.
> doesn't appear to know science
Results speak more than science faggot
> t. vegan cunt
Ok fatass
> conning people into buying literal snake oil
Remind me what's the price of not eating again? Dry fasting is snake oil? Really?
By that logic I should assume his stupid diet will turn me into a quadroon too. No thanks
The price is your time and attention, which convert to youtube ad revenue for Cole. You listen to his silly bullshit, he makes money, you go off and do something stupid to your body and it's not his problem.
> unlike him I actually know science
You don't
>Studies of eating a single meal per day18 found significantly more fat loss, compared to eating three meals per day, despite the same caloric intake.
18. Stote KS et al. A controlled trial of reduced meal frequency without caloric restriction in healthy, normal-weight, middle-aged adults. Am J Clin Nutr. 2007 Apr; 85(4):981–8.
A single 2007 study, neat. Show some reviews in the last couple years.
ur embarassing yourself you fat fucking pig /fast/er. imagine being this brain washed from an incel who makes youtube videos
But his "silly bullshit" did work for me, meaning that it cured skin issues that physicians couldn't do anything about, and I didn't have to pay anything for it besides watching a video or two (didn't even have ads since I use adblock), I think you're either a troll or a cunt talking shit about people you don't know anything about
you have an autoimmune disorder, you didn't fucking cure it because of Cole. You didn't each (which took what ever was causing the inflammation away). You could of done the same thing on an elimination diet. yet here you are with pig skin defending him
Hey bud, I've seen you getting tilted at fasting before. Is this all you do on Jow Forums? Also post a front shot with neutral lighting.
And tbf the snake diet guy is unaesthetic, but his FFMI is actually pretty high. No accounting for bad genetics.
> is literally an incel and hates women
Fuck, I can't believe I wasted my time with fat leftist pigs, it's now obvious to anyone that saw his recent videos that you're either a land whale or a numale that got triggered by cole saying that fat women are gross
issues such as?
You are dumb dumb if you don't think fasting is good for you.
I understand the appeal to nature fallacy by calling fasting natural, however there are so many proponents of it at this point.
Almost all the same juice and prolonged fast people are from Jow Forums. They need something to belong to to feel complete, such as the title “neet” or “incel”. Fasting is a workaround to feel like they’re doing something healthy without actually practicing the discipline of lifting and being meticulous with diet. It also is a cope and means of justifying binge eating because they spent 3 days water depleting. These are not intelligent people and most don’t even realize that 90% of this board cares more about bettering themselves through lifestyle changes as well as actually building a good physique.
That is not to say that fasting is without any benefits, but it is INSANELY blown out of proportion of usefulness by these people. If you want to keep your skinnyfat body but fit into a smaller sized shirt, then fasting is for you! If you’re starting at over 30% bf and your health is at risk, you may want to consider it short term to get to 20%. If yo I want to test will power even(although there are better ways).But if you care about learning and following proper nutritional habits, gaining strength, muscle and aesthetics then ignore these people because they don’t understand that fasting is only good if you want to have a small body best suited for long distance endurance or looking like plain old dogshit.
Ding ding ding, fuck fasters
hmmm sorry but this sounds really stupid
Wait is this a diet where you eat two pounds of raw bacon and four pounds of cucumbers?
Nail on the head. /fast/ers are lazy as fuck, looking for short cuts, think they are doing something 'out of the norm'. None of them post bodies, and that is because 95% are obese.
Wow . It's almost as if you could use fasting as a tool to help treat autoimmune disease.
Also, what is IGF-1, bdnf, gut biome and insulin sensitivity? Even 16:8 is okay, however I do alternate day.
He's canadian you dumbass, unless you meant that in an non-usa way.
> Fasting is a workaround to feel like they’re doing something healthy without actually practicing the discipline of lifting and being meticulous with diet
Stopped reading there, you fast just to lose the fat (and you also have to exercise while fasting), when you're lean you eat a good diet, OMAD, lift hard, fast for 48 hours (one day a week)
Why are you so eager to talk shit on fasting? Do you work with big pharma?
That's what every faggot peddling healing crystals, homeopathy, and other kinds of meme shit says
oh wow, it's almost like people with auto immune disorders should stick to an elimination diet, and not running to the nearest forum screaming, "Cole cleared my skin issues! because I'm a fat obese faster!". It's really tacky, bud.
you also try not being fat to cure your pig skin? haha
I do not know a single skinny person who fasts or does OMAD or any of this shit. They all munch on carbs all day, and just don't eat hippo portions. Surely they must be part of the pharma conspiracy
Fasting is good for a cut too man
Do you seriously have so big of an ego that you need to convince yourself that everyone is wrong?
>you also try not being fat to cure your pig skin?
I audibly kek'd
Psoriasis mostly, it solved my candida too
Stop shilling your shitty channel retard
Just end your life please
> psoriasis
are you mixed, by any chance?
It's not a diet per se, it's more about the eating frequency, the bacon thing was more of an experiment
I was underweight tough, so I don't understand your point
I don't understand how that invalidates anything I said
I eat meat I'm just not a retard that only eats one thing or shoves raw meat down my face.
> underweight/overweight
> fasting
like clock work boys.
Different channel, try harder
I don't know what's your racist definition for that, so I can't answer this
When did I mention skin?
Are you afraid to talk about things like insulin sensitivity, chronically elevated levels of insulin, immune system research and BDNF?
You just admitted this can immiedietely stop autoimmune systems with little side effects. Would you not recommend a drug that does the same in combination with an elimination diet?
Why couldn't fasting be used as a tool in congruence with the elimination diet?
Why do you have a personal agenda against something that is helping me lose weight and feel good?
Also, pic related. I've lost around 25lb using fasting and close to 100 total in combination with regular dieting/ketogenic.
I do 48 hour and alternate day OMAD.
it self invalidates because you are a nutter eating a weird meme diet and believing doing anything normal is some weird pharma conspiracy rather than accepting the obvious, i.e., your genes suck and you are a moron and no matter what you do that will never change
Your point being? Im currently doing an alternate day fasting routine and working out, Im seeing good results in lean mass and strength thus far
I have yet to see any body shots of the dude in here going so agro on fasting.
Nice, do you have an after pic?
Can you prove his genes suck? Can you prove any of the personal attacks that aren't related to your original point at all?
Or are you just wasting this beautiful resource that is the internet similar to you wasting your first world problem ridden life?
Will I lift better if I dont fast? Currently about 15 lbs overweight. I'm ok with it. Lifts going up
> 125 lbs overweight
> complains about skin issues and an auto immune disorder
yikes. I wonder why?
why would I bother? I mostly just come on 4chins to call people retarded. I'm not sure why you expect civility in this free for all
Im ignoring all the ad hominem if you don't mind
> doing anything normal is some weird pharma conspiracy
Sounds like a strawman to me, but supposing eating frequency has health benefits and could cost billions of dollars to pharmaceutical companies, I don't think it's unreasonable to point it out
Posting in a troll thread, but I do OMAD. 181 lbs, over 3/4/5, did a 200 lbs OHP and a 430 lbs squat (fucking around with the safety squat bar at my new gym, gonna do a strength cycle and chase five hundo) just last night for reference. I don't do keto, but I stay around 100g carbs a day. Works well enough.
Well, if you fast you'll use all the energy you have in your body in the form of bodyfat quicker, but if you want strength in the gym you need to fill your muscle glycogen, that would be either via eating protein or some carbs, I don't see why you couldn't fast
You're a really sad person, I hope you grow eniugh as a person to see the mistakes in your past ways
Im not him tough
Is this a new strategy where discord trannies speak out again r9k in hopes of not being found out? It certainly doesn't seem to be working
Damn dude, this is some goal body shit
>none of them post bodies because 95% are obese
I think many are obese typical fatties Who deep down want to change but are taking the meme and cope routes, but that most are actually just typical skinnyfats. I’ve bisited their discord (save yourself the trouble and don’t) and looked through the progress pics. It was 90% skinnyfats, a couple fat fucks who went from big to less big or even small but still had that weird big love handle skinnyfat shape, and there were already skeleton level dyels. I saw 1(one, uno) person who had actual muscle definition and looked like he lifted a bit. He looked like a 6 month training consistently but with some extra fat. His before and after looked like water depletion. They’re a joke man, the ones who do it thinking it’s gonna change their life or help them get crazy results. All because they can do it from the comfort of their home and never have to step foot in a gym or track macros or do any of the shit people with real work ethic do.
>stopped reading right there
Likewise. Why would you expect me to read whatever garbage you posted if you didn’t read what I said? Try eating, brain fog must be getting to you.
Hey dude I said it has its benefits, you missed the point I was making. The bigger picture of what I was saying went over your head like the other responders.
Based schitzo poster
Dude I’m not sure if your point was to prove fasting is legit or not, but no one in here is doubting IF, only the prolonged 2 week long type of fasting.
shave that gorilla hair, thats disgusting
Just providing a counterexample to this post, which refers to OMAD, a variant of IF That's trimmed down already. Post boipuccy, twink.
Lol you did nothing. You just proved fasting is a crock of crap, and that the only thing that matters is CICO at the end of the day. It doesn't matter if you get them in 1 meal or 6.
Please elaborate how liver glycogen (and bodyfat usage therefore) will be depleted if you eat all day long
People sure hate guys who don't eat for a few extra hours a day.
Not people, americans
When do you eat? Do you eat before or after lifting?
>conning people into buying
dumbass doesn't even know what snake juice is.
...p-post more
Yeah okay I didn’t realize man. OMAD and IF are legit. Even without the scientific research evidence supporting it, one would assume it’s common sense that it would work and even be better for us considering what our ancestors went through
Even cole says long ass fasts are shit for building muscle
The leaner and more muscar you get the more lften you have to eat
I don’t not believe you, but ever faster I’ve come across here only links his videos where he guides through fasting and it’s benefits. Can you link that exact video or page where he says that? I just wanna here what he says out of my own curiosity, that’s a new one for me
He has mastered the art known as 'trolling', today known as baiting.
You see all those pseudo vegans and breatharianism advocates who secretly eat? He is one of those but he does not do it to gain a huge following. No he does it because he has ascended and can see how stupid people are. He is doing it for a good old laugh and it's working.
And some triggered scrub on a far eastern oyster farming forum thinks he is a dumbass.
Or I took your bait.
fasting has put me in the best shape of my life
i been drinking snake juse for 53 days now and i have a refeed every week consisting of fruits and nuts followed by a half-purge
thank you /fast/ and snake juse man for giving me the body that ive always dreams
roflcoptering his lyfe, just a sad fucking person.
Just lift faggot. Stop social media and shilling.
I mean look his face: IQ < 70
I have no reason to believe severely obese people shouldn't fast. If you are obese then stop fucking eating, fuck you.
However I am particularly impressed with how this guy managed to create a fucking cult who worships him, defends him online, and follows any fucking trend he invents, despite talking and treating them like shit.
People really do wanna be owned
Fuck you. Who wants to spend YEARS slowly losing weight at a rate of 1-2lbs per week eating stupid shit like apples and oatmeal at a 250 calorie deficit.
When instead they could fast, save a shitload of money and time, lose a ton of weight quickly, spare most muscle, get those beautiful autophagy benefits and completely rewire their brain when it comes to dietary habits.
Just admit it - your ass is chapped when you see fatties taking shortcuts like fasting because you think they don't deserve an easy way out
*fasts himself to premature balding in your path*
>fuck you
A bit off topic but if you buy me a steak first sure, so long as you can handle watching me eat it on your fast
>who wants to spend YEARS slowly losing weight at a rate of 1-2lbs per week eating stupid shit like apples and oatmeal at a 250 calorie deficit.
I agree with you, I went from 288lbs down to 165ish in under a year. But I did it with a large over 1000 cal deficit and intense cardio sometimes twice a day. I also didn’t end up skinnyfat or with any loose skin like 90% of fasters. Inb4 muh autofaggotry.
Guess what? You STILL missed the point I was making. 90% of people here are in the 15%-20% bf range with gains that they’ve worked hard for. They’re wanting to cut the correct way because it is part of the lifestyle and helps them keep those gains. This is now the 3rd time I’ve said this and I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s the 3rd time that you choose to ignore it simply because it’s not pleasing your stupid antifood shortcut. If you don’t care about muscle or haven’t built any yet and are over 20% bf then fucking go ahead and fast! What do I care? I’m a huge fan of quit fat loss as you can see from my experience with it in the past and not dicking around for years just to reach that goal. Had I gone 1lb a week it would have taken over 2 years. I’d love to see all fat fucks get their shit together, I just believe that they are better off in the long run by adopting healthier eating habits and doing exercise. That doesn’t mean they can’t lose the fat quickly, just that I think fasting is a cope to avoid physically exercising and practicing will power as all you have to do is make it three days and then you stop being hungry. I have 100% faith that you are capable of understanding what I just said, but I wouldn’t be surprised if you come back with others another braindead response trying to desperately defend fasting as some kind of holy thing.
Snake oil and snake juice go hand in hand.
Lol. The only thing you're doing is showing how much you don't know fucking shit. He is stronger than you, gets more girls than you ever will, and he makes fat people skinny. He knows exactly what he is talking about.
Fasting keeps your gains you dumbfuck.
Is it better to eat before or after a workout? OMAD/intermittent faster here as well.
So why does every IFBB bodybuilder not fast then? Are they missing something we're not? Ah yea, you fasters have it all figured out.
Fucking morons, you /fast/ers deserve death
Definitely after. Working out fasted is NBD once you're accustomed to it, I've set many a PR on an empty stomach. If I'm feeling a bit weak on the day sometimes I'll have a spoonful of raw honey pre-workout, but that's been the extent of my pre-workout nutrition.
>fasting keeps you gains you dumbfuck.
>m-muh hgh
Fasting prevents the necessary muscle loss for someone of DYEL size. Anyone who’s gained significant muscle is going to experience loss. You’d know this if you could lift more than 1pl8 on any lift you bum ass retard.
>b-but muh evolution
>b-but ancient humans went weeks without food at times
Yeah and they also had lean fucking endurance physiques and rare got to above 18% bf you absolute diaper wearing mong. Look at the builds of uncontacted tribes. Do they look like they lift? Fuck no. They have muscle, but a normal dyel amount I.e. the amount fasting allows you to keep.
Start lifting, get good lifts and pack on actual size beyond newbie gains and see how prolonged treats you.
No you deserve death, go fucking shoot yourself you fucking idiot. You're already braindead. They work TWICE as hard to keep their gains and lose weight. Obviously they haven't taken the redpill, because you can fast for 48h and eat big, then fast again for 48 and keep going. It's like saying CICO doesn't work, it does, but you are wasting your time.
Nope. Fasting increases HGH. Therefore your muscle is kept. This is basic shit you fucking moron. You have to lift while you're fasting as well, because that tells your body it is using the muscles and it needs to keep them.
LMAO. You are one of those fucking retards who never make ANY strength gains in the gym. You are fucking weak. Get the fuck out man, you aren't giving me advice you don't know shit.
>Fasting prevents the necessary muscle loss for someone of DYEL size.
So you're saying that fasting is a good choice for 99% of Jow Forums. Got it, thanks!
> talks about taking the red pill
ask me how I know you're a pathetic loser, that's fasting in mommy's basement. You'll make it one day you obese hamplanet
He just looks Scottish to me d'su
You can't go 2 replies without resorting to ad hominem because you know you don't know what you're talking about. You'll never make it, so you might as well kill yourself.