Did you ever have those days where you didnt want to wake up? Everything is fucked. Everybody sucks...

Did you ever have those days where you didnt want to wake up? Everything is fucked. Everybody sucks. You don't know why but you justify eating 10,000 calories.

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I don't even have 10k calories in my fridge

Beat me

Everyone had them. Ups and downs and stuff. Bad days pass like everything else.
Don't be a retard eating 10000 calories. It won't make you feel better.

I feel like shit
My suggestion, is to keep your distance
Cause right now I'm dangerous

Every fucking day. I keep forcing myself to do cardio lift, and eat clean, and keep making progress. I even look pretty aesthetic these days. But this part never gets any better.

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Sure you are bud.

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That'll leave your ass raw

No, because over 2,000 calories is unfathomable and inhuman to me and I'm not an utterly repulsive, disgusting, fat worthless stain on the planet.

It's all about the He said she said bullshit here on Jow Forums isn't it?

Fuck, I feel old

I think you better quit, let that shit slip, or you'll be leaving with a fat lip.

>Did you ever have those days where you didnt want to wake up? Everything is fucked. Everybody sucks. You don't know why but you justify eating 10,000 calories.

No, because I grew up and I'm not some weak ass faggot who mopes around feeling sorry for himself. Everyday opportunities come to you, both big and small. It's up to you to take them and make the best out of life at any given time.

lmao weak ass faggot detected


I'll skin your ass raw
And if my day keeps going this way, I just might break something tonight

That does not look like 10k calories.

Wow, what a burn. It is so clever and original. You might as well have posted "I know you are, but what am I". Jow Forums really needs to find a way to filter out the underage kids and live at home manchildren.


Not if your a grown ass man it isn't. My TDEE at 210lbs 10%bf is over 4,000 calories. If I only ate 2,000 calories a day I would waste away at a rate of over 4lbs/week. Stupid vegan twinks.

Yes I used to drink caffiene, eat junk food, and never exercise. Then I quit the caffiene, started eating clean and working out, and now I wake up naturally feeling well rested after 6 hours of sleep instead of feeling like shit even after 8-10 hours.

>I'll skin your ass raw
>And if my day keeps going this way, I just might break something tonight

I'm so afraid now.

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I want zoomers to die.


>I want zoomers to die.


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>I'll fuck your ass raw
That escalated quickly

Good bait. Got some bites hehe

>everyone who isn't a cringe faggot like me is a zoomer
what did he mean by this?

Post video link to picture, please.