Weed is bad for your heal-

Weed is bad for your heal-

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cbd is snake oil unless you have full blown retardation, in which case it makes you high iq mensa member.

High iq post

>weed (a combo of small cbd amounts with large thc %)
>just cbd
Pic related

Pic related

Melatonin and some zinc after 15 minutes of sprints and you’ll have the greatest sleep of your life

Fuck I forgot pic related

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CBD oil doesn't contain any THC, the active ingredient in dude weed lmao. It's just essential oil bullshit

First it was fish oil, then a new champion arises to profit from another useless industrial byproduct

I don't use CBD/Weed because I'm allergic, but I've never had a good experience with melatonin. Like, yeah, it knocks me out in under 20 minutes, but it doesn't keep me asleep. Instead I just get restless after an hour or two and can't fall back asleep

I’ve had this happen, only the chewable kind seem to work for me

MUH WEED, HUH IDIOTS? fuck you degenerates. Come in here talking about your substance abuse, thinking you're all so fucking cool compared to me, you fucking libcuck swine? Think just because you smoke weed you have to go on every board and every thread to talk about your lack of spine? You don't belong in MY ethnostate. DUDE WEEED! Weed shows just how fucking pathetic and deranged you losers are, why don't you pull yourself up by the boot straps and go do something productive instead of harrassing virtuous people like me online, making us out to sound like bores just because we don't abuse ourselves with drugs like a child dependent on his father's tit milk? You are showing yourself up for having no moral or physical backbone, for being lazy parasites who make a mockery of my people's white culture and you're fucking revelling in it like a happy hormone-stuffed confused stinking pig. Take your fucking degeneracy elsewhere, your mental illness isn't welcome. This board is for virtue!