Who here 30+?
Has aging affected your training at all? Have you had to change diet? Are you still getting lucky, big guy?
Who here 30+?
Has aging affected your training at all? Have you had to change diet? Are you still getting lucky, big guy?
>hi my names Crayon Margarita and today I’m gonna beat a homeless man senseless with a belt
>hi my names Jam Margarine and we’re gonna slaughter the next door neighbors and tell the cops it was Phil and April
w-what will he do next?
>hi I’m Wam Tartara and today we’re throwing sulfuric acid on the refugee Steve-os been harboring these last 10 months
i lost weight and got wrinkles all over my face
i look 10 years older now ffs
also my hair is thinning
thanks fit
I'm 35. 3 kids, married happily. Home gym. Best shape of my life. I still total 1300 lbs (SBD) at 185, and run 3 times per week. No injuries. My lawn is fucking on point.
> implying 30 is old
cant even imagine a world where you peaked before 30
Healing slower
Can't slam the weight room like that one phat ass MILF and the totes lesbian gym teacher that would give me rides home after football practice
Shadows of workouts and accidents past are starting to show up and remind me of the follies of youth.
Keep forgetting my age and sometimes hit on college girls. Yeah I bed a few but I feel bad because they are all old enough to be my daughter...or dissappointing but I still love her lesbian daughter.
I finally injured myself last year, which slowed things down for a few months but now I'm back at my pre-injury lifts, shit still hurts though.
Never had to change diet because I'm a better living through chemistry sort.
Absolutely not, though not for a lack of opportunity.