Who here 30+?

Has aging affected your training at all? Have you had to change diet? Are you still getting lucky, big guy?

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>hi my names Crayon Margarita and today I’m gonna beat a homeless man senseless with a belt

>hi my names Jam Margarine and we’re gonna slaughter the next door neighbors and tell the cops it was Phil and April

w-what will he do next?

>hi I’m Wam Tartara and today we’re throwing sulfuric acid on the refugee Steve-os been harboring these last 10 months

i lost weight and got wrinkles all over my face

i look 10 years older now ffs

also my hair is thinning

thanks fit

I'm 35. 3 kids, married happily. Home gym. Best shape of my life. I still total 1300 lbs (SBD) at 185, and run 3 times per week. No injuries. My lawn is fucking on point.

> implying 30 is old

cant even imagine a world where you peaked before 30

Healing slower
Can't slam the weight room like that one phat ass MILF and the totes lesbian gym teacher that would give me rides home after football practice
Shadows of workouts and accidents past are starting to show up and remind me of the follies of youth.
Keep forgetting my age and sometimes hit on college girls. Yeah I bed a few but I feel bad because they are all old enough to be my daughter...or dissappointing but I still love her lesbian daughter.

I finally injured myself last year, which slowed things down for a few months but now I'm back at my pre-injury lifts, shit still hurts though.
Never had to change diet because I'm a better living through chemistry sort.
Absolutely not, though not for a lack of opportunity.

>hi my name is Jan Marinara and this is the schoolbus ram

Got into a accident

Goddamn bam

you're here so thats a lie

Just turned 30, started lifting about 8 months ago. Can already tell a huge difference in how girls talk to me. I look at least 5 years younger. I've lost 30 lbs and increased to 255lb 1rpm on bench. Of course I was an alcoholic for 10 years so it's more than just getting fit. But I've never felt better and i'm finally gonna make it in my career and find a gf when I get a little bigger. 30 has been the best year of my life sense I was 19!
Thirty is the new 20 for me at least.
Inb4 cope.

You never leave Jow Forums, fag.

Didn't start training until I was 33.
Attempted lifting prior in my life but just couldn't seem to build anything more than minor gains.
Now it seems to be far faster and easier to get gains than in my 20's.
As much as the boomer meme pains me - Unironically in better shape than I have even been.


That's where you're wrong, kiddo.

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32 last month and look better than I ever have

i hit the wall at 24 and havent recovered since

31 but forever will look 22-25. been lifting for 3 years, stopped giving a shit about gains about a year ago, have looked pretty lean since just eating mainly meat and potatoes with a mix of veggies, healthy oils, moderate fruit, dairy, wheat.

i started lifting after a breakup and since then i've had inconsistent amounts of sex, including with ex, some crazy blonde who was 10/10 in bed. she was insane so i was single for a while, made out with a few women before dating 3 asians for a short period.

one didn't give head, one was/is a virgin who im fwb now, and have been dating one for a few months who's gf material. i'll gf her and either break it off with fwb or continue that if it's allowed (it might be).


I'm 30 living with my parents and crying real tears over my ex-gf. Back is injured, lifts are non existent, unemployed but I have faith I can turn my life around still make it, somehow.



I dont understand

>one was/is a virgin who im fwb now

29 but the thing about your metabolism slowing down wasn't a meme. I now have to be a lot more conscious about my eating than I was in my late teens early twenties. My lifts went down slightly but not much and my recovery is still the same for now.

He's clearly larping

I have faith in you as well, based solely on your ability to identify you problems. It can be a rough spot that you're in, but take it from an older user... even though you're "omg 30 is so different, we boomers now lol" it's still just a the same flash in the pan that the 20's were. In my opinion lots of men in their lower 30's are "still kids."

35+ though... I mean, you really should have your shit together. lol

Pussy. Fucking man up already.

Thank you bro, I feel a deep wellspring of motivation building within, I'm going to shift this life hard.

I'm 57, can't lift like I used to but still do 4 day split 5/3/1 program. Feel fucking great! No injuries. Weights lifted have gone down over the years but hey, my 23 y.o. girlfriend never complains when I'm fucking her into next week. She complains about not being able to walk straight for a week after our meetings. So fuck you pussy boys. Man up!

"Deep wellspring of motivation building up" you're a fucking poet m8!

Based grandpa poster

Turning 31 in a few weeks. Life is brettygud. Getting back into datder gym life. Only thing I am struggling with is that I moved in with my gf about a month ago and so I've lost some of my personal space and freedom. She is cool she is just always around. And she has a super bad sugar habit so now I am afraid she is going to hit the wall and blow up. Anyway I really miss banging random sluts but I am trying to be a better man.

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Turning 30 on sunday. Compared to 18-24ish i have less energy. But I'm also depressed which comes and goes. If my depression was sorted put I'd probably feel young again.

cardio is better than it was in my 20s, diet is on point, i grew glorious long hair, and i can afford to be armed to the teeth.

i turned 30 last saturday.. it's over, m8.

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Turning 30 in three months. In the absolute best shape of my life: lean af, moderately strong, solid cardio that is still progressing, lovely gf, and just starting a new career. Only thing I’ve noticed is worse hangovers .. I feel like shit if I stay out late partying.

Maybe if we took test we'd feel better lol

31, only started seriously lifting once I hit 30. Feel and look better than ever, I was a depressed alcohol most of my 20s.

my test levels are 718 as of a couple months ago. i've done steroids, but it's more the crippling depression and apathy that's getting me.

any advice for a 24 year old boomer?

I feel like life is going by so fast and I'm not reaching social milestones that I'm supposed to have reached by now (when it comes to girls)

Pretty much my story as well. I went to a pl meet last weekend to see a guy I know who is in his 50s still lifting heavy. He’s benching 360 pounds, so I figure I still have a lot of lifting to do yet.


start doing a martial art like BJJ or MuayThai. I WISH I started when I was your age. Also the classes have a good amount of chicks you can meet. Good way to stay in shape and meet people. I just learned this and wish I knew before desu.

I've cut way back on drinking. Even two beers will leave me groggy and shitty feeling the next day. Havent fucked in months and am losing interest fairly quickly. I still beat off, but sex itself has lost its appeal almost entirely. All I care about is work, lifting, and my cats.

I'm a dyel skelly right now who is only just starting to go to the gym

Doesn't matter bro. You don't have to be in shape or anything like that, I definitely am not yet, but it gives you motivation and a reason and means to get in shape. Just the class alone would do a lot, but it's a motivator too. Seriously, look into it. A lot of places give the first class to feel it out for free or to go watch.

I'm 31.

I don't think it has. It's hard to control for a lot of shit- I think I recover just fine but then again I'm lucky to be able to sleep in, stress free. So who knows.

This, but add 10+ bowls/dabs a day and also a mild opiate habit for a few years. I'm turning 33 in a month. Feels better now man. I was a bit chubbed in my 20s, got skinny at 30, then started doing a consistent PPL routine in November.


*depressed alcohol + dabs + opiates throughout 20s

congrats man and remember that alcoholism will come back to bite you if you let it slip at all
>t. was clean for 1 year but had some drinks on dates and now back into the shithole

It feels like people are pushing the age they consider "old" lower and lower, despite advances in technology and medicine which should be increasing it.

30 is pretty much universally accepted as middle age since you're no longer connected to college experiences and most people that age already are married and have kids

31 here, all my friends are a similar age. All those who are married (except 1*) are fat and miserable. A lot of the guys above have told stories along the lines of "got in shape recently and now I feel great."

On the treadmill today, the two late 30 to 40 year olds next to me talked about their early teen kids for 20+ minutes. I forgot my headphones and hearing all of this made me want to bang my head against the wall. All so mundane. Absolutely nothing to say about themselves or their lives, ambitions... it was all about what their kids were doing, what they wanted.

*This guy hates his job and is gaining weight, but he did marry his considerably hot high school sweetheart. She kept her shape after the first kid in her late twenties. But she's 31 now and is preggers with twins and her mother is quite large. So...

Definitely a diary post. I'm just trying to build a case that at the lower 30's... life is still very much ahead of us and in my experience, not having a wife and kids at this point is not necessarily a negative thing. Christ... I know several people who have had divorces already!

Even pic related that made the news for suing his parents for kicking him out of the house (at 30) was only living there because he had a damn divorce and had a son!

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What do you 30 year olds wished you did when you were 24? I've done nothing with my life, and times flying by, I feel like I'm missing something

mma, start a business, and a period of time completely dedicated to fitness. Like one of those gay "6 month transformation" videos

also slay pussy

living at home
skinny fat
not gonna make it
time goes by fast 20s bros, hope you can make the most of it.

>cats continuously evolving
>produce a brain parasite that transforms human owner into ideal cat-keeper
>owner loses urges to do anything except earn a living, strength train (to defend cat from predators), and take care of said cats

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>And then everyone clapped
Neat dream user

This guy said MMA too ya fucking goof, same shit I was talking about. He's right about slaying pussy too, you don't get those whore years back. Kill it while it's easy. Past late 20s every whore has a kid.

Also he's right, would be worth it to take time to get fit if you don't have other stuff going on. Quality of life would improve a lot no matter where you go from there.

38 here, yeah I started slowing down really badly at 35...
didnt help I have 2 fucked up shoulders, a herniated disc, and a torn mcl but god damn do I just straight up hurt for no good reason some days.

> 3 kids

How the fuck do you handle this shit? And afford it for that matter?

I have one kid and it's a lot of work and a lot of money.

I don't think there is any way in hell I could have a second.

>muh toxoplasmosis
Doesnt most of the world have this parasite now? There also some brain eating algae a ton of people have as well. It's pretty meaningless

>38 yr old here
>hard to lose
>c..can I still make it?

Nothing. I was a late bloomer, but from age of 22 I’ve pushed myself hard to be better.

I don't think Calories In Calories Out stops working at any point.

>41 year old here.
>Wife, 3 kids, picket fence.
>Suburban ride mower boomer and bald
>Still hit the gym at least twice a week and maintain 1/2/3/4 for reps
>No delusions about gaining more strength at this age, no just trying to maintain against the dying of the light.
>Sex is still great, although we both aren't 18 anymore that's for sure. >Wife is still fit thank god
>Life is good.
>Sure being old is boring to you 18yo but there is a great mental high in being successful in your career and family life, and financially secure.
>We're all gonna make it brehs.

That's because young people are getting both sicker and far more disposable for employers.

>software engineer
>work from home
>finally Jow Forums

God-tier life right now

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I'm 32 and in the best shape off my life. Aging has only affected my alcohol tolerance, so I prefer not to drink anymore.

When I hit 34 I could finally do 100 push-ups

Honestly pops, I'm hitting a juul pod right now making sickening gains got a side chick on tinder. You're mad at my slender fit body, I can drink like a fish to

Stay mad old man

Turned 31 last week. No difference man, they say your peak for testosterone is late 20’s for the average male. I don’t plan on being an average male. Besides, I can out drink, out fight, and out fuck my younger self

All good man, I’m 31 and live with mom. I moved back in to help with the house because she has bad arthritis. Makes it easier to save for a house. She will sell soon and I’ll be back to my regular thing

Im 29 and ive been lifting 10 years.

I only noticed my appetite change so far. I’m just never hungry anymore and zigzag between 210-240 pounds month to month which is kind of crazy i guess.

Im still progressing but i found what method works for my body and it just takes a lot of patience basically. When you just start off you dont know your limits that well so dont factor fatigue for weakness.

I know when i was younger i would just push my limits at every opportunity and i know i can do that dumb shit now but i rather just play the waiting game.

>30 year old 4channing software engineer isnt autistic enough
>works from home on top of that

big shocker, like you ever even talk to a woman or any other person period you complete autist

Stronger than ever. Train smarter. Have gone vegan and still improving.

Downsides injuries are taking longer to heal. Not from weights only a moron gets injured from weights. But from bjj.

Mein bruder!

This is me except 2 kids.

We’re minamilists so we don’t have much shit. All our money goes on travel, experiences and saving for early retirement.

Have squat rack etc at home me and the wife work out together. She’s up to 60kg squat 5x5 and 90 kg dead and 40 kg bench 3x3 very proud of her.

Girls do gymnastics.

I miss getting blind drunk and doing shit loads of drugs a bit but my body just cannot take it any more.

Very happy all in all. Feels good man.

It's been a ride

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> Jow Forums default saved file name

why are you larping as that guy? His story was that he became a software developer and stopped working out.

I'm now 32.
168lb, 5'8"

Compared to 20s, I've actually found that my starting strength is higher. When I first went back to gym late last year, I was able to quickly get back to the strength I had in 20s, like my body remembered.
Maybe I just know how to lift (heavy), eat (alot/frequently/clean), and sleep (minimum 8hr)...but been making super gainz.
Recovery speed is slower. Usually can only gym 5x a week instead of the sometimes 2x a day 5x a week myself in 20s could do.

I lift smarter now.

Now that I've hit my strength plateau (about +30lbs on all lifts than my 20s), my cardio is good, shins/legs have been reinforced through repeat HIIT on treadmill (including 2min sprints at 12mph)...its time to burn some fat.

Im in cutting phase for next 2-3 months. Currently losing about 1.5lb a week, eating clean, and maintaining strength.

I'm gonna make it.

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I am the source.
Here's a cosplay mogging

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looking good man

keep up the good work. you were ottermode in your cosplay pic, but now you need to strive for godmode

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Are you gonna make me leave boomer? I just turned 20.

ah, my bad then

Turning 34 got a house with my fiance at the end of last year. Been too busy working a few acres of land to use my home gym but I still get looks from women. Still not feeling like age has held me back but aches seem to last longer

I remember you posting that other pic not long ago. Keep on it brother you got this. Also you got some good ass eyebrows
>no homo

I'm thirty and going for my third consecutive win at a jiu jitsu tornament. thats literally my whole life.
>half finished trade, no degree, live with parent, job not career, chronic drug addict.

i'm gonna quit soon bros and sort my shit out, honest injun this time.

you never left dyel mode. if you're trying to be big your routine or diet is completely fucked. seeing how you said you workout "only" 5 times a week id guess your routine sucks. Post it here and I'll gladly help you. unless you have different goals then no disrespect.

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>3 kids, married
Same here but almost 40
Not even once, I've never been so unhappy since I was married

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>MSM lies again
Man that is totally different then what it was sold as. People were sperging endlessly about him being a neet when that wasn't true at all.

Don't think I'll ever get married, or have kids... My sister red pilled me early about how fucking sick in the head western women are. Experience and reproductive red pill knowledge kind of reinforce that. While I don't hate women for what they are, they are not even remotely the equals of men in physical or intellectual prowess.

Gained a lot of mass in the past year, the only thing I've not properly worked in is cardio. Luckily found the row machine which is pretty fun compared to the treadmill which I am not found of.

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>30 year old adult human male who hasn't got over the 17 year old muh depression phase

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32 yrs old. 1 month ago I was the heaviest i've ever been because of alcoholism and dominos pizza. Now i'm losing just as fast or faster than I did when I dieted in my twenties. My skin looks dry and has imperfections that it didn't use to have and my hips seem wider than before. Age is mostly an insecurity for me rather than a big deal for anyone else but around college age girls at University I get mistaken for staff. Hard to talk to younger women because over 10 years is a big gap in experience, interests and overall perspective

>Man that is totally different then what it was sold as. People were sperging endlessly about him being a neet when that wasn't true at all.
What was the real story then?
This shit even hit us in France saying that this good for nothing sue his parents for being kicked out of home

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I'm 54, 6'4", 195 pounds, huge thighs, and I race bikes, ask me anything.

That made me seriously consider suicide