Tfw the gains goblin gets you

>tfw the gains goblin gets you

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>tfw dating ex hutterite girl
>tfw she was raised to do nothing but cook and clean
>tfw she cooks enormous helpings of food everyday
>tfw she expects me to eat 4-5 whole sausage links + perogies + vegetables every day for supper
>tfw ready to pop

Honestly thors life those five years sounds comfy as fuck
>live in a nice little fishing town by the ocean
>play vidya in a cozy small house with bros drinking unlimited beer fetched by your valkyrie(nigger slave) and eat pizza all day
Yep, there's certainly better outcomes but thats a pretty great one.

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I get everyone eventually

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Why is he fat? Did he just not give a shit about getting in shape for another boring capeshit movie?

>nigger slave
He makes her queen at the end.

>Visiting mother for my birthday in a week
>She says we'll go for sushi and shaved ice
He's coming for me

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If he hadn't cnn would run a segment about how racism is still alive and influencing the masses in Disney movies

It's a fat suit. His character got to OP so they nerfed him and put in a load of fat-jokes, which triggered a bunch of feminists because "muh fatphobia".

Hemsworth is still pretty fit as seen in his new MiB movie.