So what finally made you turn your life around and stop being fat? What was your wake up call?
So what finally made you turn your life around and stop being fat? What was your wake up call?
Being in a very ghetto high school
when my dick shrunk down to 9 inches
Not wanting to buy a new set of pants. Also my dad wouldn't shut up about me getting fatter. Now its about seeing how strong i can get
I thoufht im not getting laid because Im fat, 9 years later, still not getting laid.
I'm not sure. Most people around me think it's because of my break up but I started lifting 2 months before then, it's only just recently become apparent. I actually just saw her today, she brought up how good I look and how much my appearance had improved multiple times. Feels good brah.
Did she get fatter?
People telling me I got fat didn't do it. Having to buy new clothes didn't do it. Sweating taking a flight ofnstairs didn't do it. 18 months dry spell didn't do it.
I saw myself turning into a man I did not want to become.
My child was miscarried and my girlfriend left me.
After that it was just spite at existence.
Nowdays that I've gotten the philosophical aspect out of the way I do it because it feels good.
Broke up with a girl, thought it was either lose weight or be an incel.
Lost weight. Long story short, it worked better than expected.
Mid 30's and watching people around my age start to fall the fuck apart.
I know that pain, brother. The loss of an unborn child is one of the most terrible feelings there is. My wife lost our second child when she fell into a coma, which haunts my dreams to this day.
I hope you find some peace in life and that you manage to come to terms with how things ended up. It wasn't your fault, user. Don't forget that!
i don't wanna die having never seen what my abs look like
the need to fuck a thot
Not fat but a lanklet, fell in love with a rich weeb and her family thought I was her malnourished drug dealer and shit on me plus she revealed she was an extremely talented swimmer while I am barely able to float.
I've completely lost all chance and contact with her, the cringe from last time we met pushes me harder than any playlist ever could. I will get fit and will get my shit together so if I ever win the fucking people lottery again, I actually have something to offer by then.
She looked like pic related and enjoyed the most autistic hobbies i've never shared with anyone else.
I wish to die, but since that's not possible I choose to lift.
if it's any consolation, I am in a similar situation and only now starting to turn things around (the ship has sailed with the girl though, no getting to her anymore)
so thanks for the inspiration, take solace in the fact that you inspired someone out there tonight to get his shit together
We're all gonna make it
Unironically LSD. Had an out of body experience(or there was a mirror in the room, I'm not sure) and saw how awful and sad I looked.
Then took a shower at the very peak of the trip and was able to visualize how great I could look.
Now I look much better than I initially saw and I'm still not satisfied.
unironically this
Godspeed user
Venlafaxine + bupropion. I have feelings, I don't stress eat anymore, and I've been on some kind of self love high since starting the combo. I haven't cared about myself at all for over a decade, and I haven't cared about my looks ever before. It's weird as fuck but I like it.
realized I wont look any better than I will when I'm young so I wanted to look as good as I can while I'm still in my 20s
I was running home from my friends house and my stomach was jiggling, I did not at all like that feeling.
The fear of that horrible feeling kickstarted it and the realization that girls found me attractive kept me going until i started finding lifting straight up fun.
gf of 5 years broke up with me for another guy so i was just looking for reasons to keep busy. no longer give a fuck about her 8 months later but i picked up a great hobby and look awesome.
Being the fattest person at my job and working in an office that always has the thermostat way the fuck up because women can't cope with any temperature lower than 23 degrees seriously fuck off just fuck off ITS NOT EVEN WINTER YET YOU FUCKING CUNT
Based dad
Now, continue to work fatty. You didn't win yet.
Been invited to a party once for whatever reason, made a fool out of myself for being fat, getting drunk and dancing off like a retard in front of my crush. I thought at the time I was being the "fat happy funny guy" while I was just cringe incarnate.
The look of disgust on her face while sweat was dripping off my forehead will forever haunt my dreams. The afterwards, like a couple weeks after, I went in vacation with my bro, his gf and her sister, and me of course, the "funny fat guy". I won't go into detail but the cringe was legendary. Yeah, I was pretty cringy because I had nothing going on and I was thinking that getting drunk and being an idiot was funny.
That was almost a year ago. I've since stopped drinking, cleaned diet and fully embraced fasting as a way of life, started lifting and got fucking strong. Nothing stimulates the discipline better that all those cringy memories.
Most of my "friends" give me shit nowadays because I don't drink and I'm not acting like a retard anymore, but honestly I don't give a crap. I've never felt more liberated and free from constraints. Before I was feeling like I had to do shit in order to fit in, but now I've need the light and I don't want to go back to that pit.
Crabs in a bucket is real, I'm having daily arguments about alcohol and sugar now and honestly I can't be arsed anymore.
I've also gotten way more aggressive. Maybe it's the nofap?
National Socialism
Your friends are beginning to respect you, and see you as another male to compete with for reproduction rights.
They are happy for you as well, if they are real friends, no doubt.
Sleep aponea that has mostly cleared up. Lost around 50 pounds in a relatively short time but still going.
What's this guys lifts Jow Forums?
Being the fattest person in the room most of the time. Once that realisation hit i started to change things hard.
she left me
then found a balding manlet
i guess its not about lifting, but i cant let go of the gains now
I saw an older picture of myself in high school. I was much skinner and pretty fit. I use to get some admires and be asked out by some girls randomly through the years. Then all that faded away once I got fat and had to start buying much bigger clothing sizes over time. I just kinda got used to seeing myself fat and then once I saw the much younger picture I was shocked and finally woke up from where I was going.
Sick of being out of breath constantly and snoring and not walking upright like homo sapiens
Im married, so the dating shit and 'I do it for grills' is over anyway, I just wanna be normal weight for once in my life
A shroom trip. I realized how I fucking hated myself, and how much I wanted to see my full potential.
I was making fun of fat people on the internet and realised some of the people being made fun of were the same size as me and the way I saw them was how society saw me.
Mom bullied me for being skinny fat and eating like shit.
Thanks mom.
Thots, obviously.
>glorifying the Fraud Reich
i do not like myself
For me, I decided to not be a fucking skellyfag. I also don't get rejected as much by girls now so there's that
ideal women
My ego compelled my to be above my peers
>Jews destroyed the statues lmao
>German soldiers were superior! It had nothing to do with German engineering, numerical and logistical superiority, or that Poland was still using cavalry at that point in time!
Riding the metro bus every day and realizing how many fat people their was. I just don’t want to be like that.
Well, I was never really fat. But I was kind of scrawny and I didn't like it.
>She looked like pic related and enjoyed the most autistic hobbies i've never shared with anyone else.
Which hobbies were they ?
>Most of my "friends" give me shit nowadays because I don't drink and I'm not acting like a retard anymore
That might not even be crabs in a bucket. Who did they make friends with? A fat guy who loved to drink and be retarded. If you act differently then theres no guarantee they'll still be friends with you, they're the kind of people to make friends with drunk retards.
that is one strong quote user
Nazi's and german's were a lot of impressing things but their soldier were far from being in incredible health. Just go read Blitzed by Norman Ohler. Theres a lot of evidence that their soldiers were largely drug fueled and that is what made them stay awake longer, march further distances, fight more fearlessely, etc. Nazi's were pushing for physical fitness in their society but not thaty much in their army during war time.
i was never fat, but i didnt like looking like a skinny pussy + i read berserk and it kinda made me wanna be able to wield a big fucking sword so here i am
Picture is literally me, haven’t been on here since college. Does it get posted a lot? It’s kinda bizarre seeing it.
I’m a little stronger now but back then.
(220/325/385/didn’t really deadlift then but before I stopped had 5 plate)
I was friends with a super hot girl seriously she was a 9.5/10 anyway I was the fat fun guy to be around and she ended a relationship with her girlfriend at the time. She was gay. Anyway we ended up getting matching tats and fucking. Then she ghosted from my life. I'm getting in amazing shape now I'm almost under 200 now. She mires my progress pics on FB and snapchat now. Idk what to do anymore. I'VE BECOME ADDICTED TO PROGRESS.
Do people really post progress pictures on normiebook?
Are you kidding? People post that shit where ever they can.
This but unironically.
yup yuppies i knew i didn't have to type much.
Been lifting for a month now, plan to continue. What pushed me was constantly being behind in everything. Throughout my school life, my friends always used to get slightly better grades than me. Got into fashion slightly before me. Got into fitness before me. I was a late bloomer. Now I'm determined. I'm strengthening my body, and plan to get into MMA, after I've acquired a basic level of fitness.
Oh look another fatlet who unnecessarily resorted to gear
Love.And now I can finally say love is for naive children,it's propaganda.Women can't love like men.
i saw a very pretty girl when i was travelling and just felt like shit
now im thin but im still lonely
My fatass father dying of diabetes at 51.
shame on you user. respect your chad father
The fact that you're using your sorrows into something productive and rewarding makes you better than most people in my book
Keep at it bud. You're gonna make it
Not op but I have been giving the sight to see answers to such questions. Her hobbies were masturbating to anime and playing dwarf fortress.
Didn't like being the fat guy in a group and getting mogged by practically anybody. Being obese lowers your status significantly. I'm actually treated like a human now kek
I just want to fuck hot twinks from
I was nowhere near as fat as him and I'm covered in stretch marks. Literally how.
Story time, user.
Low lighting. You can probably still see them up close, I have the same issue.
I always hated fat people and thats why I hated myself aswell. The anger was my fuel... and hot chicks
>two years ago
>be wandering druggie
>fat as fuck
>not using my college degree
>start selling drugs
>eventually get busted
>go to jail for six months and come out on probation
>need to change my life
>move out of state, transfer my probation to a new county, move in with some family
>start working at an indoor cycling gym
>get classes for free, start losing weight
>one day they ask me to substitute for an instructor even though I wasn't certified yet
>I loved it
>Pay the money to take classes and get officially certified
>Get a job at an upscale indoor cycling gym a few cities away
>Make enough money to move out
>Lost 120lbs in the process
TL;DR: I was a fat druggie with no hope. I left my whole life behind and started over. I'm happier than I've ever been now.
>the Germans having inferior technology
>winning battles just by being more physically fit
>having a fucking six-pack really helps when flying a bomber or manning artillery
this is some god-tier bait
Wanted to do a backflip, and get a gf
Only Calisthenics
Are you working out to become 2d
My dad used to be fairly in shape in his twenties because of a life of physical labor, then when he started having kids and got a white collar job, he got fat as fuck and later died of a heart attack.
The one moment that sticks out most in my mind was when he was being transported by the EMT's, and how much effort they had to put in just to lift his enormous fat ass up to put him into a stretcher. It took them twice, probably three times as long as it would have if he wasn't so fucking huge. He died en route to the hospital.
It was then that I had an epiphany, and realized how much of a fucking drain fat people are on society, and how disgraceful and despicable it is to sit by and let yourself become a prisoner of your own disgusting body, because you were too weak and lazy to challenge yourself.
For every fat slob, there is a truly majestic paragon of beauty and strength that is hundreds of thousands of years old, screaming to be heard. All it takes is that willpower and that drive to set it free from its prison.
Widish hips the side angles always looked better
You dont see how a good soldier is always in a perfect symbiosis with his body and mind. Something most of the modern world lost the connection to it
Keep shilling jew
All my friends are bigger than me
Ill try to be brief, recalling this makes everything worse and theres new cringe every time
>meet goth weeb qt on the internet
>bond over philosophy, vidya and mostly weed
>invites me to the beach one day, bout 10 hour drive
>family turns out to be rich as shit, dad is sorta engaging me but mom is visibly uncomfortable looking at me
>brother is ok if not a nerd that needs to be the biggest person in the room at all times
>long hair, beard, sunken eyes lanklet
>go to beach and goth girl smokes like every hour and acts rebellious the whole time
>family ignores me and goth girl keeps calling me to smoke and its 420 so I accept
>get stoned like retards and haul down to the beach, brother tags along sober
>greet her dad and autistically explain mario party strats to him while goth runs in circles around him
>go into the sea and goth girl is a fucking dolphin riding the currents
>brother knows im bad at swimming and pranks me to assert supreority
>disoriented, remember the time I drowned at sea and panic
> haul ass to shore and see goth extremely far away from me and so dissapointed
>sit in the sand for two solid hours contemplating my horrible life and choices
>fail at being the cool beach stoner dude she wanted
>fail at being a decent human being and not bring further degeneracy to their daughter
>completely ignored for the rest of the trip
thats just the tip of the iceberg of that whole weekend but her dissapointment and her fucking pro diver of a father watching the whole thing killed me.
pic related by us two was pretty much what the dad and all his rich friends saw back then
Germans having better tech at the start of the war is largely a meme. At the very least in regards to tanks France would kick the fuck out of them in a straight fight, it's just France and Britain thought it was still world war 1.
You met this girl online and your first ever encounter was with her whole family? That is weird as fuck I would have scrammed.
did you get a feeling of rage at some point in the day? Just random shit bubbling up?
All venlafaxin does for me is take the edge off the suicidal thoughts and make it impossible to cum.
we had met a couple times before and knew she had a big house but I was not prepared for the huge fucking penthouse apartment and private beach we went to, it was however my first meeting with her parents.
In that same vein she's your average goth sticc, I never expected her to be such a great, lean muscled swimmer. I would have bailed if I had known, rich people are a whole different species man.
>be in highschool
>in love with a girl
>spend months building up the courage to ask her out because I'm an overweight virgin with no confidence
>plan on asking her on a date one day
>two days before I planned on asking her out she gets back with her fit Chad ex boyfriend
>I come home, holding back tears
>Strip naked in front of mirror, let it all hang out
>Take a long, hard look at my body
>See love handles, squishy arms, flabby legs
>Disgusted with myself
>Decide to get in good enough shape to surpass Chad so that I can swoop in when their relationship gets shaky
>Get a cheap gym membership at a YMCA with student discount pricing
>Start working out at gym, no idea what I'm doing but making good noob gains by fucking around on machines
>Start riding bike to school, lose 20lbs effortlessly
>One year later, looking fit as fuck
>Oneitis breaks up with her boyfriend
>I no longer want her, but I keep working out because I learned to love fitness
TL;DR: Started working out to win over my oneitis, ended up falling in love with fitness instead.
When I realized being a cook at Wendy’s making 100k a year with a 9inch cock would never net me the woman of my dreams.
Something just clicked. IDK, changes never happen for me after something big, I just wake up one day and decide I'll stick to it.
I dread the day I wake up with that mindset and kill myself. It's coming and I'm terrified