What routines to reach ninja mode

What routines to reach ninja mode.
>Maximum speed
>Maximum agility
>Maximum endurance
I run a slower than a minute slower than average km and I want to be able to run fast for long periods of time.

Attached: s-l300 (2).jpg (300x200, 13K)

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God I’m embarrassed for you. But to answer you specificity of training is a thing. If you want to have more speed and agility, train your speed and agility
If you want to train more endurance, train for endurance

Literally just look up speed or agility drills

If you see stuff from a professional coach teaching professional athletes, it’s probably a good idea to give it a try

you could to parcour to reach ninja mode

to be fast you need to powerful so just do ss + gomad and then some cardio and you'll be ninja mode in no time

post specs first

After running a km in 6 minutes I came to the conclusion I need to get my shit together

okay bud, good to know your post isn't total bait but also
>max speed, max agility, max endurance
is already an odd way of thinking about progress

discussing one thing at a time, if you're worried about your pace (speed) then keep your distance to 1km and take a watch for your run. Depending on your physique it can take a month to around 2 weeks to take shorten that 6 min kilometer by one minute

ngl bro trying to be a ninja is pretty cringe
its great that you want to improve yourself but maybe choose a more realistic goal like working towards running 5km or something

it's stupidly simple but reasonably difficult if you're not mentally conditioned. It's a matter of driving your run-time down by seconds each day that you try.