What routines to reach ninja mode

What routines to reach ninja mode.
>Maximum speed
>Maximum agility
>Maximum endurance
I run a slower than a minute slower than average km and I want to be able to run fast for long periods of time.

Attached: s-l300 (2).jpg (300x200, 13K)

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God I’m embarrassed for you. But to answer you specificity of training is a thing. If you want to have more speed and agility, train your speed and agility
If you want to train more endurance, train for endurance

Literally just look up speed or agility drills

If you see stuff from a professional coach teaching professional athletes, it’s probably a good idea to give it a try

you could to parcour to reach ninja mode

to be fast you need to powerful so just do ss + gomad and then some cardio and you'll be ninja mode in no time

post specs first

After running a km in 6 minutes I came to the conclusion I need to get my shit together

okay bud, good to know your post isn't total bait but also
>max speed, max agility, max endurance
is already an odd way of thinking about progress

discussing one thing at a time, if you're worried about your pace (speed) then keep your distance to 1km and take a watch for your run. Depending on your physique it can take a month to around 2 weeks to take shorten that 6 min kilometer by one minute

ngl bro trying to be a ninja is pretty cringe
its great that you want to improve yourself but maybe choose a more realistic goal like working towards running 5km or something

it's stupidly simple but reasonably difficult if you're not mentally conditioned. It's a matter of driving your run-time down by seconds each day that you try.

What this guy said, was gonna rationalize with you on this later OP
As a matter of endurance instead of keeping a constant distance and checking time, you set up longer variable distances and try to maintain a constant pace till you finish the length.

finally, you cannot be max at anything without giving away the rest.
If we're talking about running,
A sprinter's muscles are trained differently than a long-distance runner's, you can't specialize in both without damaging your body (and no, it won't progress better over time if you try - this is where crossfit programs actually fail.)
If you're looking to maximize multiple sections of your physical ability then consider taking up a physical discipline in the form of a sport. It will not give you "maximum" per se but it will give you OPTIMUM.

also, there are no ninjas like pic related around for you or anybody to aspire after. But there ARE soccer players, mix martial arts competitors, boxers, body-builders, military personnel who are in pretty good shape. Instead of taking after ninjas on Jow Forums try looking up routines affiliated with those people instead.

You need to be older than 18 to visit this website kid

Speanking of ninjas, how the fuck do I stop scaring people with how silent of a walker I am?

>At work
>Need to get something that's near somebody
>They notice me as I'm grabbing what I need
>Freak out and say something like "when did you get there??"

I'm not a creepy person btw, I know that much.

>just some humble brag about how silent of a walker I am
cringed and bluepilled
Even if you "know" you're not a creepy person it sounds to me you probably don't fit very well

You have to master chakra training first, you fool. The more chakra you have the more you’re capable of. You think you can just be some taijutsu god?

Walk more on your heels. I walk on the balls of my feet (I've had people ask if I'm a dancer because of my walking pattern) and it significantly reduces the amount of sound I make because it is overall less clumsy. Walking on the heels more will reduce the balancing leverage on your feet and force you to compensate, thus making your steps louder

underrated, kek

Yeah, seriously.. these guys have great endurance because it's free running.


I would just settle for sports at this point. Used to play football and miss it a lot.

Tfw have friends

I usually meditate for 1 to 2 hours before doing 2 miles of HIIT sprints to the gym, and then lifting for at least an hour, then doing a jog back home.

My routine is like this
>Meditate for at least 1 hour, usually an hour and a half, occasionally 2
>Grab my 30LB vest
>60 second sprint then 10 pushups then 60 seconds of jogging, repeat about 12 times
>Get to the gym,deadlifts, squats, rows, kettlebells etc no machines
>Sauna for 30 minutes
>light jog home
>ice cold shower

I lift 3 times a week, yoga one time a week and 2 HEMA classes during the week.

Attached: ninja-training-illustrated-fb.jpg (800x419, 68K)