Jow Forums Survey

I’m interested in more then just your routine. Take a moment to fill out the survey, please.

>do you have a gym bro or lift solo?

>do you get fully nude in the locker room?

>Do you eat before you work out or after or both?

>in your heart of hearts what is the true reason you lift?

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Solo, no friends at all.



To get a body that will give me more confidence and increase my attractiveness to women

I have a gym bro who lifts with me 3x week.


Dextrose + protein powder before. Proper meal afterwards.

I'm 6'5" so I lift to fill out my frame and not look like a lanklet.

I work out alone

No, and I shower at home

I generally work out an hour or so after breakfast, then I eat a banana and some nuts after working out.

I enjoy the satisfying feeling of having exercised, and I believe it's important in terms of dicipline. I of course want to look better as well, but that's secondary.



1h30m before and straight after

I just want to apply myself at something in this life and reap whatever reward may come

> gymbro
2 gymbros, but they don't hit legs and don't give a fuck about anything but bench really
> nude?
Nah I put my boxers back on in the showers
> eat?
I don't eat 1.5 hours before a workout, digesting requires energy and blood, so your pump is shit
> the real reason you lift
Confidence. I got into this because I needed to feel stronger and really achieve something with hard work, teach myself discipline. It also negates depression. Mires from girls are a nice bonus aswell.

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Yes, I have no reason to be ashamed of my body
To look sexy and get better strength and endurance for my hobbies

Homegym so alone
Full nude training
Just a MonsterTM before
I can't remember anymore

Best friend since school. He and I started lifting seperately but recently started together

>Shower at home
My new gym i go to is right by my house so i see no point, but i used to change in the locker room at my old gym

I get a workout at 6am, then after go home wash and eat breakfast (oats, protein shake, banana)

>Mog my friends and be more attracrive
I love to flex on other guys but not ever draw attention to it. Also even though i have a gf, I like female attention

do you have a gym bro or lift solo?
>Solo, home gym master race

do you get fully nude in the locker room?
>Home gym bro. I lift nude.

Do you eat before you work out or after or both?
>I eat after and take pre-workout after.

in your heart of hearts what is the true reason you lift?
>qtpuh2t femboi g(b)f

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I do only body weight exercises at home or in the open, no gym
I eat when I'm hungry, I cook all my meals by myself
I lift to live an healthy, happy and long life. I don't think it will help with the girls

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Gym Bro


I eat all the time

I have a rate in my heart so intense, we’re I not lifting, I would be a rapist and a murderer


I occasionally go with friends but when I do I still lift solo, do my own thing, ask them for a spot if I need it.

There's no locker room at my gym, only private cubicle changing rooms for the swimming pool.

A couple hours before, an hour after probably on average.

To be big and muscular, gain the respect of my peers, and to attract wamen, and most importantly to escape lanklet status (6'3")

and also because lifting heavy weight feels great and gives me an adrenaline rush, plus post-workout endorphines

Sometimes gym bro, sometimes solo because we have different work patterns.

No but I do walk around in my boxers a lot.


General strength and health.

gym bro or no
>solo (occasionally I go to the gym with my brother but that is to chat on the way there, we do separate routines)
locker room nudity
>no, I shower at home
eating before or after
>definitely not before, usually not immediately after
reason for lifting
>twofold - want to improve self, also want gf

I lift Solo

People actually get fully nude in the locker room?

I eat a huge amounts of hours three hours before I hit the weights

I made a promise to a girl, we broke up and she isn't who she used to be anymore. Still lift for the girl I fell in love with.

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*Huge amounts of oats

>First it was for girls. Now its because gym makes me happy. Still kinda for girls though idc

To get a hotter gf than currently

That's fucked up man, if that's what you're doing then break up with your girl. You clearly don't want her.

before and after
idk i have nothing better to do

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based and honestpilled

>when the woman you love doesn't exist anymore
>when she isn't who she used to be

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Why would I have a locker room at home. Homegym master race here.

Eat and hour before and after.

Health reasons.

cope faggot

C'mon man, cope used to mean something. It's not just a blanket response. It's action like that which weaken Jow Forums traditions and customs. If you won't dignify the post you're responding to with a sensible or at least funny answer why even respond.

>do you have a gym bro or lift solo?
Solo most of the time, but I have an apprentice who comes along and goblins me sometimes because he doesn't like staying for very long or doing any sort of progression.

>do you get fully nude in the locker room?
Only if I shower there, which I rarely do because I go after work and then go home.

>Do you eat before you work out or after or both?

>in your heart of hearts what is the true reason you lift?
A combination of love of self-improvement, a desire to get any edge with women that I can, a want of admiration from others, and a need to have something that others consider difficult to obtain.

>do you have a gym bro or lift solo?
Solo, I change gym locations in this gym chain depending on what I wanna do that day.

>do you get fully nude in the locker room?
Yes, finally comfortable enough in my own skin to do this.

>Do you eat before you work out or after or both?
It depends, if I carb loaded during dinner I'll hit the gym 30 minutes later, otherwise just a protein shake before I head out the door.

>in your heart of hearts what is the true reason you lift?
Started lifting out of fear for losing my job, now I lift as a way to challenge myself on a daily basis.

>do you have a gym bro or lift solo?
Started with a gym bro. Now I mostly go on my own, but every now and then we go together.
>do you get fully nude in the locker room?
No. I just shower at home.
>Do you eat before you work out or after or both?
Eat about 2-3 hours before. Usually eat almost right afterwards. Also I often eat/drink snacks in the gym because my workout usually takes 2-3 hours.
>in your heart of hearts what is the true reason you lift?
I genuinely enjoy it. I often get weird looks from buddies when they find out how much I actually enjoy the "high".
Looking good is a nice bonus too. Actually I first started working out because I wanted to get a six pack so girls would like me, but in the last 10 years or so I've come to realize that no one really cares that much so I just do things that I enjoy and don't care about the opinions of others.

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>do you have a gym bro or lift solo?
solo. i prefer it when the gym is empty too.
>do you get fully nude in the locker room?
no need for that

>Do you eat before you work out or after or both?
I eat 2x a day, once in the morning, the other time in the afternoon
>in your heart of hearts what is the true reason you lift?
Because I've been suffering crippling depression since I was 14 (30 now) and I have episodes of meltdowns that I keep under control by consuming all of the energy. I have no social aspirations.

I often lift with a classmate, but sometimes solo

Yes, I live in europe. I think most people do here.


Self confidence, strength/health, girls, size. In that order, all important though

> >do you have a gym bro or lift solo?

> >do you get fully nude in the locker room?

> >Do you eat before you work out or after or both?
Neither. I eat during my 3 meal times independently of my training
> >in your heart of hearts what is the true reason you lift?
Insulin sensitivity necessary for a desk job



It depends on what time it is and how hungry I am usasly after.

To mog every human I can and to get girls to ask me out then reget them.

>do you have a gym bro or lift solo?
solo, although I might get my brother involved

>do you get fully nude in the locker room?

>Do you eat before you work out or after or both?
Creatine before the workout, eating usually after

>in your heart of hearts what is the true reason you lift?

>do you have a gym bro or lift solo?
All my friends moved to other cities, so I'm alone in the gym by default. I like it, no distractions.
>do you get fully nude in the locker room?
Of course. I was embarrassed my entire life of being skinnyfat and changed in the bathroom and showered at home, but now I finally have a decent body, so I take great pride in being nude (even if I don't autistically just hang out being nude, I do what I must at normal pace but don't mind my nudity anymore)
>Do you eat before you work out or after or both?
Both. Smaller meal before, larger after along with muh protein shake (2.5 scoops come ooon)
>in your heart of hearts what is the true reason you lift?
My ancestors, my [ethnic] faith, my gf and our future kids

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>take pre-workout after.

>do you have a gym bro or lift solo?
ye, but i usually lift solo. every now and then it's nice to lift with some other ppl tho

>do you get fully nude in the locker room?

>Do you eat before you work out or after or both?
usually before & after, but i try to not go to the gym directly after i eat

>in your heart of hearts what is the true reason you lift?

mostly solo, depends if my gymbro is at the gym while Im there

no, I put a towel around my waist while changing underwear

2hours before gym and then some carbs an hour before drinking preworkout

Makes me feel good, productive, keeps me in shape also mires from women and men

>do you have a gym bro or lift solo?
Solo most of the time

>do you get fully nude in the locker room?
Used to but its actually kind of inconvinient for me

>Do you eat before you work out or after or both?

>in your heart of hearts what is the true reason you lift?
Stared doing it out of some vague idea of selfimprovement but now I really just enjoy lifting heavy things.

>I lift solo weekdays before work, then with friends on weekend when people are free

>I don't use the locker room, the gym is very close to my home

>Depends on practicality, I always after, but ideally I eat before aswell. Last night my pre-workout was a mushroom risotto

>I tell everybody it's because I have a daughter and want to be a rolemodel. While this reason is growing on me, in actuality i'm certain my longterm relationship with my babymomma, teen sweetheart first love, is going to end this year so i'm getting prepped to get back on the market. I look forward to not having to stop at the number stage of flirting


>Nope, shower at home

>Ideally have a snack before and a meal afterwards. Sometimes only one or the other

>Health. I don't want to be chubby or feel terrible doing basic tasks.

>Do you have a gym bro or lift solo?
My girl.

>Do you get fully nude in the locker room?
Not now but I do.

>Do you eat before you work out or after or both?
Pills before, eggs after.

>In your heart of hearts what is the true reason you lift?
To be hot enough to have a threesome and to defend my harem from Moslem Invaders.

>do you have a gym bro or lift solo?
I barely lift. Most of my exercising is cardio, Martial Arts, or basic strength training
>do you get fully nude in the locker room?
No. Even when I'm comfortable in my body, I still don't like being naked in front of people though I can't give less of a fuck if others do.
>Do you eat before you work out or after or both?
I eat whenever I feel like it, sometimes not for days. Max gains aren't a priority.
>in your heart of hearts what is the true reason you lift?
I get Jow Forums so I can possibly have one less reason to want to die, but also because I want to see what I can accomplish with my body.

Lifting isn't everything on Jow Forums.

>defend my harem from Moslem Invaders

based and Jow Forumspilled

>>do you have a gym bro or lift solo?
i don't have friends
>>do you get fully nude in the locker room?
i don't go to the locker roon
>>Do you eat before you work out or after or both?
>>in your heart of hearts what is the true reason you lift?
self-hatred and narcisism


yes, i shower after every workout


i want to feel attractive, i want to be attractive and i want an attractive bf

Are you gay or are you a femanon?




Something to do with my free time and I enjoy life better now that I'm stronger and better looking than before.




I'm scared of being weak

Lift solo

No, I go already in my gym clothes

Before and after

I lift to look better to improve my confidence (despite being married and having a baby)

>do you have a gym bro or lift solo?
>do you get fully nude in the locker room?
>Do you eat before you work out or after or both?
>in your heart of hearts what is the true reason you lift?
For all the reasons

Home gym.

Just shorts.


I have no other redeeming qualities aside from being very polite.

Gym bro, we work out every day.


I always eat breakfast right after my workout. If the workout will be hard I eat something before.


Because I’m ashamed of how I look.




I want to be the best version of myself. So I can get women. But I only want women so I can feed my narcissism and vanity at the end of the day, so we came full circle

Solo at home but I used to train with a buddy for 2 years. I like it better solo.

I sometimes train fully nude as to not have clothes to wash. When I used to go to a gym I would tie my towel around my waist, nobody wants to see your ugly ass dick.

I always train fasted and eat afterwards, when I feel like it, it can be 1h later or 4h later.

To combat my depression and anxiety and of course for the women.

With my dad

Hell no

Both, though I don't think about it, i just eat whenever I get slightly hungry( 2 hrs)
I lift to improve myself, I lift because I enjoy the act of lifting,I lift so I don't become a fucking ham planet, I lift so to lead others (friends,family) around me to lift as well.

Dont even go into the locker room just keep my keys on me
Before and after
Plenty of reasons main one is i was underweight and didnt want to become skinny fat. Second is im going into the military so i dont want to die even though im way past basic pt test strength.

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>homegym but I lift with a friend
>my bathroom? Yes
>get stronger

go with my gf twice a week. all other times are solo


eat after the workout. never before.

I lift because I love to. it feels amazing to have strength and muscle definition. the ability to do things you couldn't do a year ago is indescribable. the human body is so incredible, it baffles me that so many people just let it rot away on the couch. when I first started i could do 3 pull ups. now I can do 20. and that is motivating to me.

>do you have a gym bro or lift solo?
9/10 times it's with my gym bro
>do you get fully nude in the locker room?
Yes, I shower and use the sauna at the gym.
>Do you eat before you work out or after or both?
2-3 hours before workout and within 1-1.5h after
>in your heart of hearts what is the true reason you lift?
Used to be to better myself and in order to stay healthy at older age. Now it's just to not make my depression worse.

On another note, why is there so many of you not getting nude at the locker room if you're going to shower? No one cares about your dick you faggot. Are everyone like this in America?

Amerimutts hate showing their penis. Probably because they all have tiny ones or something. Here in proud Europe nobody gives a fuck. Everyone gets naked at my gym. The Chads, the virgins, the oldfags, nobody gives a crap.

>do you have a gym bro or lift solo?
Gym bro

>do you get fully nude in the locker room?
I shower at home

>Do you eat before you work out or after or both?
Sometimes before, always a meal and protein powder after

>in your heart of hearts what is the true reason you lift?
To look good, get girls, health, confidence

>homegym, better than forking out a monthly subscription
>I get nude when I lift, best feeling in the world
>eat oats before, fruit during the break, and meat after (not always but most common)
>nothing else to do

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I want to push my limit. Also I used to be a chonky boi in highschool so I must never go back to that.

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solo at home
after, because hard on my stomach before
insecurity issues and break up the boredom of life.

I have a couple friends in my gym whom I've only working out with a handful of times. Otherwise It's completely solo.

No, I bathe at home since I live 3 minutes from my gym.

After. I get nauseous if I work out with food in my stomach.

I've only started recently, because I finally got a well paying job, so I figured I have no reason not to go to the gym. Also, I'm tired of being a skelly I guess.


>lift solo for years
>find gym bro inadvertently
>he moves
>start to struggle with motivation and depression
Hilariously, the whole experience tanked my life with equivalence to my worst breakup.

>nude lockerroom
I live 100m from my gym, so I just meander home doing stretches enroute and hit the shower at home, or I hit the pool for cardio cool down and shower before entry and exit. I nude up in that changing room.

I just eat when hungry tbqh. I often skip meals and just monster a single huge meal. I need to implement a proper regimen now that my CNS is more or less up to scratch.

Stave off major depression, mog shoulderlets.

Solo. Always alone :(



It gives me something to focus on besides missing her and wanting to blow my brains out.

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>95% solo
>95 minutes before doing my first working weight set
>to be the best and to win
