Some body tell me to start with starting strength is it the way to go?

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It's fine. Or just find something that works for you personally.

In general though, don't listen to anybody, nobody knows anything.

just flick your balls first and lift everything

Run it to learn the lifts and get a basic level of body awareness and strength. Then once you're done, leave it and do something more tailored to your goals.
Don't get obese for the sake of a 3pl8 squat.

Just remember that it is called STARTING strength for a reason. You're supposed to run it for about 6-9 months (and even 9 months may be stretching it). To it properly: eat, sleep, and lift correctly, and you will increase your lifts a lot.


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Even six months is pushing it for someone who isn’t particularly athletic. Many will level off after a couple of months.

The best thing to follow it up with is BBM’s templates like The Bridge.


Starting strength is fine, just don't do GOMAD unless you're currently auschwitz mode

What full body workouts can i look into after SS?

Texas Method

Iv been on SS + Gomad (2 to 4 litre)for about 6 months now. I have doubled all my lifts except bench. Weight went from 85kg to 100kg. My thigh has grown 9cm. atm squatting 5x120, dl 5x140, op 5x60, bp 5x100. Its the way to go m8.


I have trouble consistently getting to the gym 3x a week due to work though.

How the fuck are you going to get fit going less than three times a week? Maybe you'd be better off getting whatever equipment you can fit at home and start doing calisthenics. Get a pull up bar, some weights and some dumbbells. If you can get something to do dips on it'd help.

Linear progression as a beginner is the way. The difference in results between different beginner routines is completely unnoticeable if you're consistent with your diet and training.

>It's the way to go m8
Your stats don't support that statement.

your body reflects your lifestyle.

the only way to have the body of someone who trains regularly is to fucking train regularly.

Do you want it bad enough? You can find time for three hours of exercise in your busy week mister CEO.

I'm doing GSLP

It works better for my boomer body

Yeah for 3 months.

The Bridge is awful for a complete newbie because it uses RPE. How is someone who's barely been to the gym supposed to properly judge how many reps they have in the tank?

The book describes how to do the lifts pretty well, the plan is multi-step and grows with you, it easily moves into the Texas Method once you're an intermediate...
It's good, for the reasons above I consider it the best for beginners.
The other commonly suggested beginner routines are almost as good, but need slightly more coaching for best results (because SS is a plan, really, not just a routine - read the whole fucking book).

Then do some 4 days variation of the TM over 2 weeks, going 2 days per week.
But seriously, unless you're some kind of super-paid doctor always on call (then you could just homegym and work out whenever), you should be able to go to the gym 3/week, come on.

This is the best advice. SS is fucking godly for learning the lifts and the basic principle behind effectively working out. Rippetoe's nutrition advice, however, will make you look like shit long term. Look at his student, Chase. The dude is fat as fuck, all because Rip tells him that gaining a pound of fat with every pound of muscle is fine. It's not fine. Eat at a caloric surplus, and accept some body fat, but don't let your physique be dominated by fat.

No, skip straight to roids. You will eventually.