What is the fastest possible way to lose fat, let's say out of sheer curiosity...

What is the fastest possible way to lose fat, let's say out of sheer curiosity? I've been thinking about it for a while and the best I've come up with is doing a long fast with some form of cardio everyday.
I'm thinking you get your electrolyte source and start fasting. Everyday you do as many hours of long cardio as you can. Maybe throw some caffeine in the mix. Weight should fly off, right?

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cardio wont be sustainable im thinking


Maybe not. I guess theoretically it should work so long as the fast doesn't gas you out too quick. I was thinking very low grade stuff though, like sit on an exercise bike in the gym and pedal away while shitposting er I mean studying for three hours or so

Right, that's on me for not specifying further in the OP. I mean non-invasive stuff, also can't cost a ton of dollarydoos.

I'm currently doing OMED + keto + lifting with a bit of cardio. I'm also doing 1-2 48h water fasts a week and maybe a dry fast here and there. I've done a lot of research in this and I believe this is the perfect combination for fast weight loss while also maintaining most of your muscle mass. Been doing it for 2 weeks and I honestly can't believe how good this works. I'm planning to get a six-pack or at least a four pack until july.

Disclaimer: The absolute fastest would be doing long fasts and breaking them up with keto, but I don't want to lose all my muscles.

What's your starting height and weight and how much have you lost in two weeks? OMAD + Carnivore on the days that I lift, fast the days that I don't is my intended plan for maintenance.

>What is the fastest possible way to lose fat
you ask the question to that which you already know young faggothopper

How the fuck do you guys fast? Im literally starving by noon and can't stop thinking about food every minute

What I mean is the specific combination of extra shit or methods you do while fasting. I'm also pretty sure that basic common sense will tell you that not eating is the fastest way to drop fat.

Willpower of iron, not everyone has it

Drink water and push through it. I've only gotten to three days before. As I remember day 1 is pretty rough but bearable, day 2 is easy peasy and you mostly want to eat out of boredom, and day 3 is fucking hellish. Never seen the promised land of supposed smooth sailing after day 4 or 5 or so.

I'm 1.83 cm (6ft), unfortunately I didn't weight myself before starting, but the difference in the mirror is huge for 2 weeks. I'm currently 80 kilos. Short the omad/fasting subReddits by all time top to see other people's progress if you want to know what to pretty much expect.

OMAD or fasting.

Is it normal to feel like you're gonna pass out?

the first day is the worst, especially if you eat food with little prolonged satiety. id suggest doing a fairly protein and fiber heavy (moreso than normal) day the day before you fast. lots of nuts and stuff, avoid carbs and sugars if you can.

day 1 is willpower, the rest of it is easy since your ghrelin production is essentially reset after 24-36 hours and you end up deciding when you want to eat again. just drink lots of water and honestly i do black coffee. its enough substance to feel ALMOST like a meal and helps quell the hunger pangs over day 1.

I've heard coffee breaks the fast

Well nice bro, keep going. I'm 215 at 6'3. I'd like to get down to 170 just to do it.


well it depends who you ask i guess. i can tell you for absolute certainty that after having done about 4 48+ hour water fasts this year it still works. im doing them to lose weight and each 2 day fast yields about 3-5 pounds lost with usually 1 pound regained as water weight after being fully rehydrated. so if that is not a "real fast" then i dont really give a fuck it works for me

Good luck bro, be persistent and you'll see results sooner than you'll expect.

Thanks man.

Just keep pushing it progressively longer. I used to struggle with 16:8 IF. Now that's just a normal day.

You don't have to go from 0 to 10 day fast right away. Work your way up. Let your body adapt.

Alternative route is just to jump into a 48 hour fast which I honestly recommend.


>the body stores toxins in fat.
>if you lose fat quick, your body will get overwhelmed with the toxins.
>you will feels like a used napkin and inevitably binge eat the weight back and then some

quick fat loss is unsustainable. go slow but steady

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Honestly I'm willing to feel like major garbage for a bit as opposed to kinda garbage for a while.

How many calories do you consume for OMED? Do you do calorie deficits?

You can't handle feeling like major garbage fatty

Fastest for me was a week of 500mg DNP ED on top of test/tren/mast and some t4, dropped around 6-7kg of pure fat while still gaining some strength.

Damn. Impressive, I might be doing that in a few years but for right now its natty methods.