Is Calves Mogged a thing?

Pic related. 7'2" 350 pound (160kg) bodybuilder gets his calves mogged.

What should he have done for calve training? Is he skipping leg day?

Or is it just superior Philippine genetics at play?

Attached: Calvesmogged.jpg (660x1104, 266K)

Manlets are getting desperate, it seems.

Attached: honkpill.jpg (656x583, 60K)

Hijacking your shit thread OP, die nigger

What's the best way to increase the size of my calves? I've been doing extensions at the end of my leg workouts but that's about it, and I still feel as if their size is average (despite improvements in strength). A friend suggested the "back and forth" movement tennis players and such get helps build their calf size, but I wasn't sure if it was true or how to replicate that motion in a workout environment.

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Walking uphill or actually playing tennis blows up your calves like crazy. The kind of movement you do in tennis is pretty bad for your knees though due to the combination of fast accelerations and turning on the spot

Jumping rope for long periods or running (properly) will train one set of fibers (which already get decent action of you aren’t a lazy fuck and walk places)

Extremely heavy and high rep calf raises to work the other set.

I think most people have shit calved because they try to train them like every other muscle on the body, a training style they (clearly) don’t respond to

no woman is looking at his calves

I'll hazard a guess that the flanking manlets are Asian, maybe South East Asian.
Asian calves are real

Also the one is a whole body space closer to the camera

He's just way too tall tbqh looks like a zoo animal

>caring what women look at

Women aren't men, they care more that you care. They can smell the lack of confidence.

Something is off with this guy. Like he's too red.

Fat people can have massive calves.I knew some dude who probably had 20 inch calves or some shit.

be 400lbs+ for 6 years
worked for me

you cant increase the size of your calves,

its actually impossible, you just cant grow calves, having fat calves is also just bad for running and walking

Damn, you were a big guy

For you


Generally speaking big calves are shit for athletics, sure people make fun of you for having 'chicken legs' but it helps you run faster. The explanation I read was that the larger the calves the shorter the Achilles tendon so you get less of a spring effect from them.

For calves you usually want something under your foot so it's not on the flat ground, this simulates going uphill. I like to place some bumper plates under the front half of my foot and let the back hang down while doing very heavy calf raises on the Smith machine. Only exercise where the Smith machine is actually pretty good, I usually go for 25-30 reps, you can still go really heavy despite this though. Really feels the burn

Long, slim calves are more aesthetic though. I automatically associate really bulky calves with middle aged women.

Why the fuck would that guy not feel confident? Hes probably more aesthetic to women than Bjorn

I always had bigger calves than anyone I know, without doing any workouts. I just seem to walk with autistically high speed, and I always walk stairs by two steps at once, also fast.

It doesn't matter. The Dutch Giant legitimately has a south east asian girlfriend who is ugly as fuck.

You'd think "turbo-chad" would get a beautiful nordic woman but what the fuck.

Is she actually SE Asian? She's like 6ft and that's super rare for them.

Some Northern Europeans have a similar look to their eyes, as a cold weather adaptation. Look at Hafthor's eye shape.

And some Europeans actually have brown eyes&hair too.

I find it more likely he just found brown hair European than a 6ft EA girl living in Europe.

I mean, I guess a little. Girls always mired my calves even as a twink bc I'm an autismwalking tiptoer, which gave me pretty big and toned calves. It's good to have big calves too because it makes your bottom half look more stable. That being said anybody can get large calves, so I'm afraid manlets will have to look elsewhere.

d1 player with big calves.

fucking this. as much as i get mired by my hueg calves the reality is that if youre doing anything other than sprinting and jumping they get in the way and slow you down.

It could also just be the Camera angle. Being even a little closer or furthee to the camera makes all the difference

Attached: 0006 May 2017.jpg (750x937, 119K)


can confirm , huge calves and terrible mobility


I haven't been on Jow Forums for more than a year. Can someone give me the etymology of "mogged" or the story behind it?

Lurk for 3 years before posting and learn to use Google.