How did Jow Forums positively affect your life? I'll start

How did Jow Forums positively affect your life? I'll start

>Be me
>High IQ, very intelligent, unwilling to work
>Get kicked out of Elite Engineering School (Classe Prépa) because I don't do shit
>Parents send me to study economics in London
>UK nightmare police states pushes me to become Jow Forums edgelord
>not genuinely a nazi, just doing it for the sake of it
>get Jow Forumspilled
>start working out like crazy
>8/10 qt I had a crush on starts noticing me
>"hey user do you like me"
>"let me tell you about that when I'm done with those Excel files"
>she goes away
>run after her
>kiss in the rain like in a bad romcom
>twf Jow Forums turned me into a Chad

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>brows fit
>start smoking weed
> get ripped
>talk to Stacy
>cry and shit
>have a dream in which Martin Luther visits me
>”lift for god”
>christ is king and nofap for massive gains
>newfound mental purity
>study the classics
>gain an appreciation for the male aesthetic
>get a trap gf
>thanks fit

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pick one faggot

tfw someone who hates feminine penis calls you a faggot

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Hey Henry how are you ?

I'm good thanks. Busy sending the negroes and the bougnoules back to their home states.

>r9k robot
>lurked since 05
>fat, WoW everyday
>worked at a fast food place at the time (age 14?)
>the great r9k deletion
>migrate to Jow Forums
>actually decide to lift
>fuck around with meme shit
>finally do SS
>like the feeling
>abusive parents give me the boot at 18 with only luggage
>homeless, sleep in park and use the gym to shower or take refuge if it was cold or raining
>fastforward 10 years
>Masters in Kinesiology, Competitive Powerlifter, great looking body, make nearly 6 figures as a trainer, about to marry a hot tradwife
Thanks Jow Forums

>High IQ, very intelligent

High IQ doesn't mean intelligent. Noone with high intelligence actually says "I'm intelligent".



Fit saved me from becoming a wizard

>Get kicked out of Elite Engineering School (Classe Prépa)

You're a faggot. People in prépa are exclusively weak-willed slaves. You were made to bow.

Maintenant baise ta mère.

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I stumbled on a strange fact that I can’t be happy unless I experience a small amount of pain every day. Not the weak type of school “stress” nor faggy depressive thoughts, but real physical pain and exertion. I have this weird guilt over my existence itself and allowing myself to feel physical pain kind of soothes that a bit. For me lifting is like cutting myself but in a far less emo way. I don’t really care about looks, I don’t plan my meals all that much, I just go to the gym and lift, every day, like it’s brushing my teeth.

That's precisely why I got kicked out, dude. I never wanted to go in the first place. These places suck, full of virgins who, for sure, can solve third degree differential equations in their head, but know nothing about real life.

that's quite interesting to say the least

it's rather a curse than anything else, believe me

I thought you were one of those pretentious ugly little shits. My bad.
You're gonna make it user.

I used to be one lol. But lifting taught me to be more humble. Double benefit.

>it's rather a curse than anything else, believe me


If you're so intelligent that I am too stupid to even comprehend your intellect, yet you fail to be in any position where you're able to make me realize it, what good will "bragging" about it ever do for you?

>what good will "bragging" about it ever do for you
none. That's why I don't do so. I just thought it was an important point to understand my story. If you don't get it, fine, what do I care.

damn. That's a spectacular bounce back.

this is your brain on acceptance delusions

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Congratulations user I'm so happy for you and proud. May you have a wonderful marriage together!

>High IQ, very intelligent
>unwilling to work
you are a dumbass lazy faggot and this
>Get kicked out of Elite Engineering School
proves it.
face it you are not smart, you are just retarded.

I just hated the CPGE. It wasn't what I wanted to do, that's why I acted lazy and unmotivated. At my new uni I'm top of the class in the vast majority of subjects.
Was I stupid to go to a path I didn't like in the first place? Yes. Am I retarded for getting kicked out of the most selective and difficult colleges in the world? No.

>acceptance delusions
big words for an empty brain


Stories like these always make me skeptical. While I'm very happy for your success, Im curious, what did you make happen during those 10 years to get to where you are? That's honestly inspiring.

> selective
FFS, you got kicked out BEFORE the selection (Concours). Only for mommy and daddy to send you to a shite school in London where, like a Middle Eastern, you earn a degree in exchange for their coins.
> lifting for grills
This is just a rotten cherry on top of a cake of feces.

Yea lmao at op blaming the system instead of himself for his failures

Getting Jow Forums was the best thing that happened to me, unironically

OP here. I never blamed the system. I blame myself for
1) choosing a path I didn't like
2) not working at all while in CPGE
WTF are you on about. NOWHERE do I blame the system.

based français de merde

Makes sense

why thank you, good sir

Being an engineer in France is, 95% of the time, trash tier. Most of them will start at 1K6 € per month.

The only thing Jow Forums has done for me is give me a deep-seated insecurity about my height

that's why all of them flee to the US once they finish their studies.

>/fph/ brings me joy
>helped destroying my demons aka weed and alcohol
>nofap and noporn easier than ever (can recommend for general well-being, test of willpower and subtle "super powers")
>learned stuff about nutrition which i didn't care about at all before
>inspired me to start low tier cardio and calisthenics to improve my endurance and core strength
thx Jow Forums, i ngmi but i don't care, i'm happy with my microgainz

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is this still a thing? Is it even legit?

Nah, it's just a test of willpower as the guy said
There's a lot more things to abstain from which are helpful as opposed to this

Works for me, try it

Yeah sorry bro it must suck to be 5'11" lol

No porn is a thing, no fap is just retarded

>start following christianity
>become gay

A neat little story

it depends what you expect from it.
it improved my overall "not being driven by instant gratification"-mindset. noporn has more obvious benefits. the combination is great to reset porn-induced fetishes and put more focus on rl interaction with grills.
shouldn't be taken too seriously but definitely worth a try.

Fuck you naysayer

more like
>listen to a prod and stray from the one true church
>become gay and sinful


Damn. I'm 5'9 and I feel small compared to my friends. It probably sucks to be the size of a girl.

Just memes and exercise knowledge basically

Thanks for reminding me

>Depressed, lonely and fat
>Girls don't want me at all

>Get fit

>Cue endless parade of bimbos trying to get me to fuck them
>I'm religious and won't have sex before marriage
>Girls don't wants me for me, they just want the big sexy muscle guy
>Girls either give up and break contact, or I do if they're persistent enough about wanting sex over a proper relationship
>Depressed, lonely and fit

Thanks fit!

Project moar.

So you're telling me that not a single girl wants to get into a serious relationship with you?
Rather unlucky.