Fuck Tim Hortons

>280 cal for double double
>250 for potato wedges
>430 from tuna wrap

This is almost a day worth of calories. How the fuck is this massive pile of worthless nutrients even allowed to be served as breakfast?

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> day worth of calories
Shoo shoo the fuck outta here, hungry skeleton

>getting 2 sugar 2 cream in your coffee
ultimate pleb

I am fat trying to lose weight, I should eat only around 2000 cal worth of food.

Better than frappes at least.

the foods you find yourself enjoying are likely born from bad habits and a lack of understanding nutrition.

You're not "dieting", you're changing the habits of what and how you eat.

so dumb squaws can eat them self to death faster.

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To be honest I have been working on my bad habit of eating junk food since March. I have not completely removed my cravings on shitty foods, however I can definitely say I have improved since just this April I managed to cut half of my total expenses on junk foods I spent on March, from ~$220 to ~$100.

There are occasions like today that I chose to eat and stay a while at Tim Horton's because I have been secretly learning a language, which some of my family members absolutely must not know because they have been unsupportive of my lifestyle.

Are you trying to turn into a trap ?

I support your efforts and it's great to hear that improving your eating habits has had physical and financial benefits. What kind of asshole wouldn't support that?

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I hate trannies and I hate fat asses. I'm just trying to improve my life by being fit.

why the FUCK would you order a double double

>What kind of asshole wouldn't support that?
Typical Asian families who belittles their children/grandson because they aren't earning enough money.

Thanks for the support user!

Because it is a bit cheaper with tuna wrap than buying a black coffee and tuna wrap individually. I am also trying to save money.

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Good luck bro you can do it

>Better than frappes at least.

Better than heroin too!

Seriously though, ngmi

Very based

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>Shitty reheated frozen garbage is high in calories

Who the fuck would've guessed

imagine eating at tim hortons. what a disgrace you are.

What's the problem with Tim Hortons

> leafs
> making it

It's a meme that retarded smug maple leafs with a complex like to lord over. It's Canadian Dunkin' Donuts. We don't rep Dunkin' Donuts like it's some kind of institution. It's bottom-of-the-barrel lost-control-of-your-life "food". It's what hobos who beg for a enough spare change drink to keep warm. There really isn't much wrong with Dunkin' Donuts if you just recognize it's place as a desperate comforting if unhealthy object for working joes.
Same deal with Starbucks, but that's for one small notch up above. Still lots of hobos. A place for people with not much to do be idle at on their laptop that isn't home.

Not every country that has Tom Hortons is Canada though

>tim hortons coffee
Fucking gross, go to Mcdonalds, it's literally the old timmies

and tradesmen*

If you are trying to lose weight then stop eating fast food.

How much is a small ice cap? I get one every morning.

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Tim hortons is the shittiest thing ever. Mcdonalds coffee is better, the food is better, they are cleaner, better service, there's NO REASON to go to Tim Shitorton over Mcdonalds.

But you wanna know the worst thing about tim shithorton??? Their fucking "hehe we are so canadian hehe you like hockey right hehe canada lolxd" SHUT THE FUCK UP GOD LORD!!!!!!!! FUUUUUUUUUUCK I HATE RETARDED TIMMY

Canadians ride vehicles fueled by a solution of maple syrup and pure unbridled undeserved ego
having that said I'm still going to Montreal this summer and I'm looking forward to it. Fuck Toronto.

Neat I live in Montreal it' a cool city

Fucking fatass getting anything other than black coffee OR dark roast 1 milk on days I feel like treating myself. Fuck you

How do you get laid in montreal without getting a hooker

Go in bars and talk to french qtpie students

Nah I expect them to be mean to me because I'm an anglo

No no no you don't get it how do I get cute boipusi like the gems that gem poster keeps posting

Move to Toronto

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Not sure they are going to be mean in Montreal, there are a lot of anglos here people are used to it, in Quebec City they would probably be more mean.

Fuck toronto it's full of feminist SJW trash

Toronto sounds like a great place to be accused of rape for existing

Nice meme. There are nearly a million females here, you think all of them are sjw feminists?
You know there are plenty of amazing ones right near you, but you are just too much of a pussy to try.
Just like those virgin losers who travel to thailand or the philippines to get laid with prostitutes

>you think all of them are sjw feminists?
far too many. I'm not taking my chances.

Just be lewd in gay bathhouses like Steamworks then lmao. I'll be there sometime during Pride month.

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Wait a minute are we out to eat at Tim Hortons or eat some fresh Montreal pussies?

Nah bro, I go to Seneca, relatively social, meet a lot of new people, and most girls in the GTA are just like any other girl in the world- insecure, shy, wants to be loved and doesn't give a fuck about those grand matters such as politics and roles.
Trust me, it is EXTREMELY easy to identify the crazy sjw feminists just by looking at them. Normal looking girls are normal (as normal as a female)

>You know there are plenty of amazing ones right near you, but you are just
no there fucking isn't

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>gay bathhouses
not into bears

That's why you go with people you've already matched on grindr/etc. and rent out a separate steam room so you don't get harassed by them

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>secretly learning a language,
What language and why do they hate it?

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Americunts don't pursue foreign languages as a genuine attempt to communicate just have some weird e-peen dick measuring contest and are constantly trying to bucket crab sabotage each other.
This is coming from a weeab that actually learned Japanese well enough to have a great time in Japan and have fulfilling relationships but received absolutely nothing but utter contempt and derision from my countrymen. French is the same (the smug language for smug assholes)

>ask for double double no sugar
>the dumb cunt put sugar in it

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Pretty sure he admitted to being an Asian homo already, so I'm going with Tagalog.

Last I checked, Canada wasn't part of the US, Ken-sama.

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The more you leafs insist you're not like the US the less and less we believe you, especially Torontonians.

not all virgin losers that travel to the philippines go there for sex with prostitutes. some go there to help lord duterte clean up the streets.

Tims is shit. Why the hell are you buying frozen garbage from gross muslims and filipinos?

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a fucking leaf

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Filipinos are ok though

eat breakfast at home, make it yourself.

>Better than heroin too!
no it fucking isn't you cringy fucking virgin fuck off