Let's settle this once and for all

Let's settle this once and for all
>low rep, high weight
>high rep, low weight
what's best for mass gain

Attached: waifu3.jpg (900x1438, 1.23M)

Other urls found in this thread:


High rep, high weight

What, its alwaus been settled. Low rep high weight.

Approximately the same

Does this one speak the truth?

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High frequency, high volume, bodyweight

70% of muscle gain is diet anyway

About 75-80% of your max for higher than average reps. I.e. Instead of doing a 5x5 do like 5 sets of 8 or 10 reps. Rest in between up to a minute.

as always, first post best post

>caring about mass over strength

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The truth no one accepts

both are essential. you do low rep high weight to gain strength and high rep low weight for hypertrophy.

If strength is so great how come he looks angry in all the pics?

You should have seen how angry he was before he started lifting

Overload, stupid.

Lift heavy get heavy
If you can do more than 5 add more weight
If you can do more than 12 you might as well be doing cardio

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three sets of eight

Low weight, low rep master race

>pic related

fuck your gook women

Time under tension.



Pyramid scheme.

Both, concurrently

High weight, high reps

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Stop posting Finnish women

What purpose does strength serve in the modern world?

>not being prepared for the upcoming racewar (that will never actually happen)

mass gain has always been a product of high volume

Pumping her high rep.

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I do both

Mongoloid whores crave the BFC.


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There's nothing to settle. High weekly volume in the 8-12 rep range(for most lifts) has been firmly established as most effective for hypertrophy for decades. Anyone who says otherwise is trolling or simply doesn't know what they are talking about.

I would like to know more. Give me some resources, boys.

suck my, DICK

Good lord she is perfect.

These. I also would like to add quality of contraction. If you think the only way to progressive overlord is to add weight you are a newfag and you have no idea what you are doing and what hypertrophy training actually is.

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Yes, assuming each set ends at near failure.

>high weight
>high reps
>high maintenence diet
>massive ammount of rest
your only entertaiment should be looking at brappers to increase test

Why is this chingchong appropriating my culture?

Here's a resource, faggot.
*grabs dick*

High frequency


+ roids



>thinking he's a good strength coach
>literally zero titles and none of his clients ever won anything or placed anywhere
Also linear peogrssion for a beginner in powerlifting is stupid

Dis nigga

Mostly people ask you for more favors.
A fair portion of women I've encountered like it, as long as you're not fat as hell. Lifting a chick over your head can get you laid like you wouldn't believe.

Go on...

Do you bring a forklift everywhere you go?


>everyone telling to suck their dick
>nobody actually post them
I hate this board

Welp studies show you at least don't have to go max weight to promote max muscle growth. If you go high volume you just train muscle failure.
>Anything above 3x10 is cardio tho.

It doesn’t matter. What matters is total volume.

based lol

neither. intermediate reps/intermediate weight (6-12 reps).
but that doesn't really mean anything without considering volume, frequency, and time under tension. you should aim to increase the total volume of weight lifted over time, regardless of whether your focus is strength training or hypertrophy. Frequency (how often you train the same muscle) should be as high as recovery will allow. twice per week is ideal, if you're too sore to manage that then you're overtraining (contrary to belief, soreness =/= gains). Time under tension should be considered as a percentage of your lifts as compared to rest periods, rather than cumulative time under tension (which people focus on for some dumbass reason... go do a 10x2 bench with 5 minute rests.... you'll end up with about 1 cumulative minute of lifting and 45 minutes of rest. That's NOT how you grow). By my calculations the ideal percentage of TUT is between 20 and 50 percent (obviously lifting higher percentages of 1RM will require longer rests and thus lower your TUT%).
With these factors in mind, I would suggested varying rep ranges between 12 and 6 reps. For example:
week 1, 3x12x5lbs.
60 second rest between sets
week 2, 4x10x10lbs.
75 second rest between sets
week 3, 5x8x15lbs.
90 second rest between sets
week 4, 6x6x20lbs.
105 seconds between sets

repeat this formula and add 5 lbs. every 4 weeks to your 3x12 (to maintain increase in total volume).
Feel free to use my formula, just know that if you take credit it for it I have all the documentation I need to prove I came up with it and sue your ass.
additional hypertrophy considerations:
maximize the stretch of your eccentrics and the contraction of concentrics, utilizing full range of motion. control the rate of eccentrics and don't allow the weight to drop. stretching 15-30 seconds between sets has been shown to diminish strength during a session but increase hypertrophy. and MOST importantly: EAT TONS OF FOOD OR YOU WILL NEVER GROW. EVER. EAT YOU SKINNY BITCH!

No, look at the bodies of african mine workers. Without stimulus the body won’t grow muscles, and the protein requirements to build muscles are way lower than you think.
(More than 0.7g of protein per pound of bodyweight is useless)
The key is just regularity and frequency, so that your body adapts to a stress, it’s common sense

Total volume in a reasonable rep range (3 to 8).


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