Is it possible to escape petite mode as a 158cm female?

Is it possible to escape petite mode as a 158cm female?

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Have your legs broken and longer prosthetic ones attached

Other than that you're fucked

>tee hee as a female
Go away tranny
You’ll never pass

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just eat lmao

But Scarlet is 160cm and isn’t considered petite. Is it about build?

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>escape petite mode

smol girls best girls

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why would you want to

get on anavar

Faggots not welcome

Why would you want to do this?

Become a 63kg-72kg powerlifter

So I could stop looking like a child and look like an actual woman?

then you could do squats and put on a little fat and be perfect. you're already ahead by being little and slim anyway

Lift weights and eat more. That's the formula


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>implying that you won't be treated like a child by looking like an "actual woman"


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Show tits or GTFO

Lol, nope.
Best you could do is get a smol BF to not look as small in comparisson.
-t. 160 cm male (not straight)

Lot of women are 5'1 and are treated like women and with respect.
Your problem comes from the people you hang out with and how you carry yourself. Not your height.

Also, 5'1 and petite riles up my penis something fierce.
Would ruin your pussy like I would ruin the pussy of a taller woman.
Okay I'm lying I'd carry you around my apartment and look for things to bend you over and fuck you on.

That smol girl is an exception because of her tits.

Unironically this!
Petite girls are the fucking best.

As a tall guy I really like petite women, so no, please don't change. Well as long as you aren't fat that is.

I'm 6'4", fit, good looking, successful, and I absolutely fucking love short petite girls. Something about the size difference has always been a huge turn on. Also (and I realize this is purely anecdotal) but damn near every other tall guy I have ever know has expressed the same thing. Your height will be an obstacle in finding a man. If you are having problems with men, I guarantee you they have absolutely nothing to do with your height. It's probably not even looks, even if you think you're ugly, as men will fuck just about anything. Given this low effort, whiny cry for attention post you made, it's likely that your personality is shit. Try just being nice and actng interested in other people, just for a week, and see if you don't notice men acting differently towards you.

Not OP, but wow this post reeks of insecurity

stop wearing fucking vans and converse with ripped jeans

Squats, deadlifts, lunges, hip thrusts, donkey kicks, and side-laying leg raises with resistance bands.

Do these regularly, get some cardio, and keep just enough fat to keep your body from looking too hard, and your body will look like a 10/10 to 90% of men within a few months. I'm not joking or exaggerating whatsoever. Hardly any women ever put in this much effort. Virtually every single straight man on Jow Forums would kill for a woman who would put even this minimal effort into her body.

Stop being female. It will help

How, trips of truth? Enlighten us.

why the fuck would you want to do that you retarded bitch

Putting effort into her body =/= results.
She can just do lunges goblet squats and stripper pole dancing/hot yoga for fun and have a better body then 99% of the wannabe female powerlifters/strongwomen who are "killing it" in the gym.

yeah, she's actually pretty swole

Pic related is 5'1, It's your build.

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she's probably 10x better looking without that 16oz of cosmetics splashed on her

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Can someone translate this incomprehensible gibberish into non-retard please?

Cope harder manlet. We're coming for your women and there is nothing you can do to stop us.

>Putting effort into her body =/= results

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>Putting effort into her body =/= results
You do realize this is Jow Forums and not your femenist tumblr blog, right user?

More effort in the gym =/= a better body.
Half of the stuff you listed hasn't made a single chick who's ever tried it hot.
Squats + deadlifts dont' make bitches hot.
Goblet squats + Lunges and some hip bridges and something like stripper pole dancing or hot yoga does.

You can do that shit if you want to be a female powerlifter or what have you. But if she wants to be hot she has to know what is hot to men and read up on how the hot chicks who also started out with her body type, and aren't obvioiusly relying on drugs and or surgery, do.


Would stronglifts and starting strength be a bad idea for me?

What in gods name makes you think that anything in my post is feminist you stupid larping cunt/obvious gymshill.

God yes.
You'll look like absolute fucking shit.
It's impossible to find a single attractive woman who does something like starting strength or strong lifts exclusively

What should I do for arms? I have very skinny arms

You're fucking idiots if you think using your ass and legs to lift heavy won't make make a girl's ass and legs look good. Just fucking around and half-assing 2-3 of the lifts I mentioned a day, 3 days a week is more than enough to make a huge difference in just a few weeks. You have never lifted with females before have you?

what do you look like now?

post some pics so we can give actual advice.....

Your arms will get toned, yes toned, from doing calisthenics.

Show me a pic of a woman who did SS or SL or does only squats or deadlifts only that looks hot.
I'll wait.

mphphmph pmhphp mphp

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No it would not be a bad idea at all
Please don't take these insecure faggots seriously. There is nothing wrong with a woman lifting weights. Don't take my word for it either, try it yourself. Just stick with it for a few weeks, and see if YOU like it. You aren't going to turn into some muscular freak overnight. If you want to avoid a masculine physique, then just don't go up on weight anymore on rows or OHP once you like the shape of your shoulders and arms, and they won't get any bigger. Don't take anyone's else's word for it. Try it and see for yourself. SL is fun for a beginner, there is nothing wrong with trying it to get into lifting. Pic related is one example of what lifting can do for a girl given enough time.

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I look exactly like the pic on op. Only posted it coz of how weirdly it resembled me

Lmfao underrated post

>SS or SL or does only squats or deadlifts
I never recommended any of those, learn how to fucking read. I recommended a variety of ass + leg lifts + cardio, and you are telling me that won't do anything positive for a woman's physique. You might actually be retarded, user.

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Scarlet is only 5'3"? I had a 5'2" gf in college and she used to walk up to me and bite my nips without having to change her head height at all. Feels weird that Scarlet would basically be able to do the same thing. I always imagined her like regular girl height, like 5'7" or something.

Chick in that picture is on low doses of gear
Secondly, said chick didn't do the workout that dogfucker is suggesting.

You're full of shit and you're a major reason why women don't workout and why many women who were tricked into working out go full anti exercise and lifting later.

>regular girl height, like 5'7" or something
the average female height is only that tall in a handful of countries user

>lmao manlets gonna have manlet babies eternal manlets lol!
>hnnnnnnng I want me a smol petite gf/waifu that I can pick up like dufflebag and impregnate!
Gee I wonder where all the manlets come from? Have some standards and self-respect. There's a reason women always choose taller men, they're looking to IMPROVE their family's genepool.

And honestly she looks fat with catfish tier angle

petite refers to height. women's clothing comes in petite, regular, and tall.

Well, Scarlet is American, so it would have made more sense.

Unironically I would recomend starting with SL just because it is simple and fun. I even got my chubby out of shape girlfriend into fitness starting with SL. Again, because it is SIMPLE and FUN. It makes it more approachable for a complete noob. It's fun to watch your numbers go up. The fun police and bucket crabs on here are just an extremely vocal minority.

If you want more clear, specifc advice:
Once you feel like your arms and shoulders are as big as you want them, just maintain the same weight on overhead press and rows. When you feel comfortable adding more exercises, add in some lunges and calf raises on your squat day, and hip thrusts and donkey kicks on your DL day. 2-3 sets of 8-12 reps is plenty for those. Get at least 30 minutes of cardio on your rest days, at least 3 days a week. This is really all it takes. You won't become some freak body builder or power lifter, but you will get stronger and more curvy with nicer legs and a nicer ass than you've ever had in your life within a few months, assuming your nutrition is decent.

he's right, but not in the way he thinks he's right. women's good looks is mostly genetics (combined with not being fat). no amount of gym will change her hip/waist ratio.

it goes for men too, but the brutal blackpill would send most low IQ copecels into paranoid psychosis so they cope with gymceling.

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5'0 bitches make my dick go wild

>Once you feel like your arms and shoulders are as big as you want them, just maintain the same weight on overhead press and rows.
That...that's how you build muscle over the long term user.
Lots of reps with a certain relatively heavy weight over a very long timeframe.
You're telling her to get swole.

She'll turn into a swole woman and that's an object of ridicule by normie women and some slight scorn from normie men.

see here's a question. If I want a tall son, should I look for a partner with a tall father? Or do both the father and daughter need to be tall

Every argument you have made has been a strawman.
Ok. I never claimed anyone was or was not on gear. Regardless, that is definitely not a physique that requires gear, and you're absolutely delusional if you think that it is.
I never specified an exact routine. I suggested doing a variety of ass and leg lifts every couple of days. I don't know what the hell you're over here having an aneurosm for. Stop being such a negative, whiny little bitch, and get back in your fucking bucket where you belong.

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Make your fucking mind.
>and honestly she doesn't even look anyway lol she fat
If you're going to whine and cry like a faggot all day at least make up your mind over what it is you're so pissy about.

>I don't understand progressive overload, the post
You don't get bigger by doing the same weight and reps forever user.

god i wish that were me

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Both, obviously. Do you not understand/remember the basic rules of 8th grade-level genetic inheritance?

My parents are short, mom is 5'2" and dad is 5'8"-9", his dad was short and average-tall mom, my mom's mom was short and tall dad, I'm 6'1"

>You don't get bigger by doing the same weight and reps forever user.
Wow, you don't know what the fuck you are talking about and you proclaim to know enough to tell that poor ignorant woman what to do.

I stand by my post.
You're a major reason why women don't workout or if they were convinced to workout go full on HATE WORKING OUT TIME TO EAT ICECREAM AND CAKE mode.

You’re not arguing with op