Today was my first day at the gym it felt really nice i didn't know what to do so i did a bunch of chest exercices and...

today was my first day at the gym it felt really nice i didn't know what to do so i did a bunch of chest exercices and 1 hour of cardio but i felt happy afterwards

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Good for you. Even if you never make it, at least you’re happy.

Read the sticky and choose one of the beginner programs it lists.

Welcome to one of the best days of your life.

there's no end to the best days so no take back what you said immediately

the journey of a 1000 miles begins with a single step

nice work, now if you pick a program you'll turn into one of the sexy people in movies someday.

Attached: Effective Lifting Program Compilation.jpg (2544x1850, 1.79M)

good job user keep it up!

another variation

Attached: Lifting Program Compilation.png (2143x1912, 768K)

good job, you're on the way to improving yourself! don't listen to the defeatists on here, do your research, and never give up! :)

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Hello sir. Which beginner routine focusses most on typical normie aesthetics? I suppose i need some strength but i don't want just big legs and no chest.

lol keep chasing happiness loser. Dopaminefags always quit the second things start to go wrong. They're the same people who burn out at 25.

strength comes with size, size comes with strength.
if you're scared of T-Rex mode from running a strength routine then only squat 2x a week, first and third, and deadlift on second day.

Good for you, user. Now repeat forever and you'll make it.

not him, but wrong
good days end. bad days come. then those will also end. it's just how life is. when the bad days come, you learn to appreciate the good days and to feel better knowing that there's always good days right around the corner.
fight during those bad days and also during the good ones, so you can fight the bad ones better. we're all gonna make it

This is literal boomer-tier mentality. We all know how well that turned out.

Boomers did the opposite. They threw out all morality and social convention to chase happiness and ruined society in the process.

>Clenching jaw
>Flexing forehead
How else am I supposed to make face gainz?

The most important thing is to go to the gym consistently. Do whatever fuck all workout you want, just go consistently.

Lose body fat. That's it. So eat less and do cardio.

am I supposed to move through the programs progressively? starting with starting strength then to CAMB's?

no, pick a beginner routine.
when that stops working you should be ready for an intermediate routine.
GSLP is a popular one because it's seen as more "aesthetic" than SS.
reading the Starting Strength book is actually good source of information for brand newbs.

can one still be aesthetic on SS?

there's no real bicep work in the standard routine, should probably add curls at a minimum.