Ok bros

ok bros
I've had it
girl: lol user your hands are so skinny why are they like that
me: dunno lol (thinking what the fuck, they really are)

how do you make your fingies less skelly and more alive looking?
t. 75% to 1/2/3/4/

Attached: 2019_05_03_00_02_06.jpg (960x1280, 729K)

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Just tell her you play guitar or piano. Immediately changes the perception. Problem solved.

Ignore her, she’s just probing you for insecurities, those kinds of girls are fucking cancer and I shut them down before they can even ask me a question, your hands are fine user a long as you have a strong grip and decent forearms, that’s all that matters

Literally this. I play guitar and when I say that, it's an instant change of attitude. Just lie and then say you're too nervous to play if someone calls you out, boom baby

>didn't smack her ass with his fingers

lol Chad is not you

Real answer? Get one of these
You might want to start with the lighter version though if you don't lift/have much grip strength. This particular model can go VERY heavy, like comparable to a captain of crush no.1 or 2 IIRC. Also, you can throw some larger grips on your dumbells/barbell. Farmer walks are good too. It can take a long time to make noticeable size gains in your fingers though.
>Problem solved.
I believe 'avoided' is the word you were looking for, user. What do you do when you and her walk by a piano and she gets excited for you to play for her and there is no avoiding it? Lies catch up to you eventually.

If you play guitar you should have muscular hands

>tfw I'm learning piano just so I can have an excuse for my poor genes

jolly life sure is fun

Attached: 1463682738549.jpg (601x508, 43K)

Go rock climbing

thanks bros
next time I see her you'll hear a loud SMACK and I'll tell her I mastered the guitar, piano, cello, the pussy and my rock-hard dick while she was out partying and having fun

Do man shit like working on cars instead of being a weak lazy computer nerd whos scared to get dirty.

my dad never got me into repairing cars. or repairing anything really. I'm teaching myself to repair computers right now but I don't feel it's for me. what options are there other than cars?
can't afford one, no license yet

are you that ayy lmao who posted his lower tentacles here ?

nice digit ratio queer


if you want stubby sausage fingers you need to do some manual labor, and don't wear gloves.
if you want longer fingers, well, sucks to be a pindicked faggot.

>can't afford one, no license yet
you sound like a queer

I swear I'll get down and suck your dick bitch
fucking fag

To me your fingers don't look exceptionally skinny, the only thing strange is how you have them spread apart so unevenly in that picture. I've met plenty of people with skinnier/more stick-like fingers.

I would also recommend actually learning guitar or piano as well. literally just some basic open chords so you don't get rekt if someone wants you to play.

Not true, played guitar and bass for years and have alien fingers

This it's good mental gains and gives you a new skill you didn't before.

It literally doesn't matter, you can play guitar no matter what. Unless you have some insane deformity your finger shape/size will not keep you from playing the guitar.

Punch walls for 5+ years.
I saw a thread where a guy who did this posted his hand and it looked like a neanderthal hand. Didn't save the picture though.