Will shoulder muscles fix my shoulder to waist ratio?
Will shoulder muscles fix my shoulder to waist ratio?
they can help some yeah. Even adding an inch makes quite a bit of difference to the visual effect. Building a lot of shoulder muscle is hard without roids though
upper back workouts, shoulder workout and low bodyfat will give you the best ratio you can have, if you don't already have a decent ratio im afraid you are fucked
I think it was frank zane who had an average to below average ratio before training and you can see how wide he was during his prime. Train the whole delt and widen the back will give you a wider look in general.
Real ideal ratio is 2:1
How do i measure me shoulder to waist ratio? Do I wrap the tailors ruler around my entire back and chest to get a circumphrence or do I just put the ruler straight across the chest and waist?
- lay on ground
- place object of choice against each shoulder
- get up and measure distance between objects
This is your bideltoid width.
Now do the same thing for the most narrow part of your waist.
straight across. It's rather hard to measure your own shoulder width, but best way is to stand against a wall and tick off with a pencil on the wall one shoulder then the other, while trying not to shift.
looks retarded sorry
golden ratio is based
No it doesn't
Do you really not have a single friend who could measure you?
well its a ratio so it doesnt matter
youre assuming the eccentricity of both cross sections is identical, a laughable assumption
c o p e
Not even remotely
Yikes department
Keeping the waist trim and free from tyre/muffintop, as well as broadening the chest and lats helps with the appearence at least. Apart from straight up delt work that is. You still have to work with what you've got though.
>i workout yeah
>4 days a week upper body
>1 day a week leg
Well there goes your symmetry
It's not really hard it just takes a long fucking time.
it will help, obviously, but not as much as lat development in my opinion. specifically the upper/outer portion near the teres major/minor. Wide grip pullups hit that area really well for me and combined with alot of deltoid development significantly increased my shoulder to waist ratio