Girl takes her shoes off at the gym

>girl takes her shoes off at the gym

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>obvious user snorts and touches his big chest

Attached: 1552917866508.jpg (750x707, 54K)

Imagine the smell

>user my feet hurt can you give me a massage? hehe

oh fug what do

Attached: ftt1.jpg (529x618, 68K)

Yeah, let me put some -uugh- some fucking lotion on them. Come on baby we come

I will never understand the appeal of feet I dont hate feet but I am not sexually aroused be them either.

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I am sorry, friend, that you cannot take pleasure in this incredibly patrician fetish.

>that file name
post more

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How is licking feet for example patrician? It's maybe something a slave would do.

foot fetish is subhuman tier

Your comment is subnig

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Sorry user, it's a thinking man's fetish

Yeha, a man thinking about how NASTY he is!

more like how BASED he is

Foot fetish is best fetish
True patrician tier

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why are girls so smug where they expose their feet?

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must be great being a foot fag, you must love it in summer time.

What even is her channel? It’s porn right? She knows she’s not actually reviewing tights, right?

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>girl take off her shoes
>entire gym if filled with scent of her sweaty pheremone feet

Attached: sweat.webm (576x720, 2.87M)

she should be punished for letting that go to waste

>have crush on cute small skinny girl at gym
>one day see her and her fem friend skipping thrkugh gym barefoot in tight booty shorts in their gymnast bodies


Weird because it's globally the second most popular fetish, right behind femdom in number one.

pick one

Fuck I wish you would cut it before it showed her face I was about to bust a nut

It’s all about the pheromones. It’s an Andrenaline rush.

Smellfags are disgusting and they give the rest of us foot fetishists a bad name

Attached: blondetoes.webm (1280x720, 2.82M)