Can i get noticeably bigger arms within a three month span just by doing lots of push-ups?

can i get noticeably bigger arms within a three month span just by doing lots of push-ups?

Attached: s.jpg (544x544, 432K)

You could, but since you have this mindset you won't. You see as the push ups as a way to avoid hard work rather than the hard work they are, and when you realize how fucking lame push ups are you'll quit.

i would go to the gym but i'm really fucking poor. i was going to use the gym at my friend's apartment complex but he moved.

Even then poor is just an excuse. Just look at dinotendies

what is that? i don't post here.

Superset with some curls at least.

you don't shit where you sleep. no fucking way is dinotendies poor.

get a door frame pull up bar for like $20. even less if you can find one on craigslist. if you just want to work arms then focus on chin ups. push ups will help, but won't do much alone. if you add squats, ab work and some cardio you can even get reasonably fit (normie fit/otter mode, like brad pit in fight club) doing nothing but these. if you want to get serious with calisthenics there are tons of fullbody routines out there. you won't get very big but you can build a decent looking body and escape from being a skeleton at least.

he's part man, part legend, possibly (likely) also part serial killer

yeah, i was thinking about grabbing a pull-up bar too, and i might get some dumb-bells from my uncle.

is he like a tripfag or what

Don't think about, make it your #1 priority, especially is you want bigger arms. If I could only have one peice of equipment it would be a pull up bar. Everything else can be worked to some extent without any equipment at all, but there is no escaping the need for a pull up bar.

alright i'll pick one up this weekend

Buy some resistance bands
You can get a pretty decent set for like $50
All you need to do is hook em onto a door or post of some kind and you're good to go
You can train pretty much any body part with em, but the downside is that you're probably gonna remain a weakling
If 'the look' is your only goal though they'll get the job done

A thread died for this

>tfw live in an old house where every doorway is way too short to use pullup bars.

Every once in a while the madman starts a thread and does some really insane shit involving cooking in a really fucked up trailer where he has mostly likely also raped, murdered and eaten people. (Not necessarily in that order.)

Someone says this in practically every thread in every board.

alright, i'll see if i can scrape some cash together
does he x-post on /ck/

>does he x-post on /ck/
No clue but apparently he's gained enough infamy that you can google "dinotendies" and find some of his exploits now.

he's "like a tripfag" in the same sense jesus is "like a man"